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No. 58, A.]

Published March 26, 1901.


AN ACT to amend section 1458a, of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898, as amended by chapter 48 laws of Wisconsin for 1899 relating to duties of the Wisconsin state board of agriculture.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

Jurisdiction and duties of board. SECTION 1. Section 145Sa, of the Wisconsin statutes, as amended by chapter 48 of the laws of 1899, is further amended as follows: In the last paragraph of such section strike out the words "even-numbered,' such section when so amended shall read as follows: Section 1458a. Said board may occupy such rooms in the capitol as may be assigned for that purpose by the governor. They shall have sole control of the affairs of the department of agriculture and of all state fairs and state fair grounds, and may make such by-laws, rules and regulations in relation to the management of the business of such department and said fairs and the offering of premiums thereat, as they shall from time to time determine. The board shall make a report of their action to the governor on or before the first day of December in each year.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 23, 1901.

No. 19, A.]


[Published March 26, 1901. 1

AN ACT amending section 1024b of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898 relating to fees for return of notice of births.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

Fee for filing notices of births. SECTION 1. Section 1024b of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898, is hereby amended as follows:


First by inserting the word "mid-wife" after the word "physician," where it occurs in the first line of said section, and second, by inserting the words "or notice" after the word "certificate,' at the beginning of line three of said section, so that the said section when so amended shall be and read as follows: Section 1024b. Every physician, midwife and coroner or justice of the peace who shall comply with the foregoing provisions shall receive for each certificate or notice returned to the register of deeds and certified to as provided for, twenty-five cents, and every health officer or clerk who collects and transmits to the register of deeds of any county any birth or death as herein provided, shall receive for each certificate so returned and certified, fifteen cents; the said fees to be audited and paid out of the county treasury on an itemized account in accordance with the provisions of section 1026; but no duplicates shall be counted in computing such fees.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and publication. Approved March 23, 1901.

No. 318, A.]

[Published March 27, 1901.


AN ACT prohibiting the shooting of any gun, pistol or other fire arms, into railroad or street railway cars or trains and prescribing the punishment therefor.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

Crime deemed assault with intent to do great bodily harm. SECTION 1. Any person who shall wilfully and maliciously discharge any gun, pistol or other fire arms, or throw any dangerous missile into any railroad or street railway car or train, upon which either passengers or employes are being carried, shall be deemed guilty of assault with intent to do great bodily harm under section 4377, Wisconsin statutes of 1898, and shall be punished in accordance with the terms of that section, upon complaint duly made by any passenger or employe present upon such car or train at the time of the assault.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 23, 1901.

No. 283, A.]

[Published March 27, 1901.


AN ACT to amend section 4078 of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898, relating to evidence.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

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Exposure to prosecution not to excuse; no prosecution except for perjury. SECTION 1. Section 4078 of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898 is hereby amended by striking out the last sentence of said section in the words following, to-wit: "But no testimony so given shall be in any manner used against the person so testifying in any other action or proceeding, civil or criminal, except a prosecution for perjury committed in giving such testimony," and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "But no person shall be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter or thing concerning which he may testify or produce evidence, documentary or otherwise, in such action, proceeding or examination, except a prosecution for perjury committed in giving such testimony." So that said section, when so amended, shall read as follows: Section 4078. No witness or party in an action brought upon the bond of a public officer, or in an action by the state or any municipality to recover public money received by or deposited with the defendant, or. in any action, proceeding or examination, instituted by or in behalf of the state or any municipality, involving the official conduct of any officer thereof, shall be excused from testifying on the ground that his testimony may expose him to prosecution for any crime, misdemeanor or forfeiture. But no person shall be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter or thing concerning which he may testify, or produce evidence, documentary or otherwise, in such action, proceeding

or examination, except a prosecution for perjury committed in giving such testimony.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 23, 1901.

No. 131, A.]

[Published March 27, 1901.


AN ACT relating to felony and amendatory of section 4409 of chapter 182 of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:


Section 4409

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Penalty extended to twenty years. SECTION 1. of chapter 182 of the Wiscosnin statutes of 1898, is hereby amended by striking out the word "five" where it occurs in the sixth line thereof and substituting therefor the words "twenty, so that when amended said section shall read as follows: Section 4409. Any person who shall break and enter in the nighttime any office, shop or warehouse or any other building, not adjoining or occupied with any dwelling house, or any ship, steamboat, vessel, railroad freight car or passenger car, with the intent to commit the crime of murder, rape, robbery, larceny or other felony shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison not more than twenty years nor less than one year, provided that nothing herein shall be held to remit any penalty for offenses heretofore committed.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 23, 1901.

Published March 27, 1801.

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1 C 324 '01

No. 30, A.]


AN ACT to provide for the collection of the necessary expenses of interment of any deceased patient in a county asylum, whose support is chargeable to the state or to any county.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

Superintendent to give remains decent burial. SECTION 1. Whenever a patient in any county asylum for the chronic insane, whose maintenance is chargeable to the state or to any other county, shall die and if his relatives or friends will not make provision for his burial it shall be the duty of the superintendent of such asylum to give his remains decent and proper burial. It shall be the duty of the superintendent, immediately upon such death, to notify one or more of the relatives or friends of the deceased, of his death provided he knows where to find him or them.

Expense of same, how collected. SECTION 2. The reasonable and proper expenses of such burial shall be certified by the superintendent to the state board of control with the account for the maintenance of such deceased inmate, and the same shall then be collected in the same manner as the cost of such maintenance is now collected of such county.

In case of controversy. SECTION 3. Should any controversy arise between the two counties as to the reasonableness of the charges for such burial, the same shall be adjusted by the state board of control on due notice on the part of the county contesting, to the superintendent of such insane asylum.

SECTION 4. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 23, 1901.

*Repealed, chapter 324.

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