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No. 175, S.]

[Published March 9, 1901.


AN ACT to appropriate to the governor's contingent fund a sum of money named therein.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

$2,000 annually for two years. SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated to the governor's contingent fund, out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two thousand dollars per annum for the years 1901 and 1902.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 8, 1901.

No. 30, S.]

[Published March 9, 1901.


AN ACT to provide compensation for the officiating chaplains of the senate and assembly for the session of 1901.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

Compensation per week. SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated to each and every clergyman who has or may hereafter officiate as chaplain of the senate and assembly the sum of fifteen dollars for each week of such service during the session of the legislature for the year 1901. The payments shall be made upon the certificates of the chief clerks of the senate and assembly showing the amount to which each such chaplain is entitled.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved March 8, 1901.

No. 59, A.]

[Published March 9, 1901.


AN ACT to amend chapter 181 of the Wisconsin statutes of

1898, relating to offenses against the lives and persons of individuals, and providing for the punishment of attempts to commit felonies.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

Crime made a state prison offense. SECTION 1. Chapter 181, Wisconsin statutes of 1898, is hereby amended by inserting after section 4385 in said chapter, a new section to be known as section 4385a, which shall be and read as follows: Section 4385a. Any person who shall advise the commission of or attempt to commit any felony as defined in section 4637 of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898, that shall fail in being committed, the punishment for which such advice or attempt is not otherwise prescribed in these statutes, shall be imprisoned in the state prison not more than three years nor less than one year, or by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, nor less than one hundred dollars.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 8, 1901.

No. 40, A.]

[Published March 9, 1901.


AN ACT to amend section 2533b of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898, relating to drawing of juries in courts of record.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

What names to be put on list; number and limit of; entry upon record; Milwaukee county. SECTION 1. Section 2533b, of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898, relating to drawing juries in courts

of record, is hereby amended by adding after the word "court," in line seventeen in said section, the following: "but the circuit judge may, by order filed with such clerk, limit the number of such names to be so drawn to any number less than thirty-six, which number shall thereafter be so drawn until the further order of such judge," so that said section when so amended shall read as follows: Section 2533b. Such commissioners shall provide from time to time, as may be necessary, one list of names to be drawn from the body of the county to serve as jurors in each of the courts specified in the preceding section; and in making such lists shall put thereon only the names of such persons as they believe to be possessed of the qualifications prescribed in sections 2524 and 2530. The number of names to be placed on such lists shall be determined by the judges of said several courts from time to time by order filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court. Such lists shall be furnished by said commissioners to the clerks of the respective courts, who shall write the names thereon on separate slips of paper, each in the same manner as near as may be, and fold each slip so that the name shall not be visible, and deposit said slips in a box containing but one compartment, in the presence of said commissioners, from which they shall be drawn in the following nanner, viz.: At least fifteen and not more than thirty days before the sitting of either such court at which a jury is required to attend, the clerk thereof shall, in the presence of said commissioners, proceed to draw the names of thirty-six jurors from said box to serve as petit jurors in said court; but the circuit judge may, by order filed with such clerk, limit the number of such names to be so drawn, to any number less than thirty-six, which number shall thereafter be so drawn until the further order of such judge; such names as they are drawn shall be entered upon a suitable record book to be kept by said clerk, and a list of the names so provided shall be kept by him, and a separate list thereof by at least one of the commissioners. No advertisement of the time and place of drawing need be given, but the clerk shall fix the date of drawing and give five days notice thereof to each commissioner. These provisions shall be applicable to any court of exclusive civil jurisdiction in a county containing a population of over one hundred and fifty thousand, which requires a jury, except that if such court shall be held by two judges, they may, by an order made and filed by them with the clerk of such court, require that the names of more than thirty-six persons be so drawn to serve as petit jurors therein. The names of any persons on said lists who have become disqualified to act as jurors may be supplied in the same manner.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 8, 1901.

No. 129, A.]

ch. 172,05

Published March 9, 1901.


AN ACT to amend section 925-14 of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898, in relation to the election of aldermen, supervisors, and ward officers in newly created wards in cities of the first class.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

Change of ward lines; inspectors and ballot clerks; special election. SECTION 1. Section 925-14 of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898 is hereby amended by adding to said section the following, viz.: Whenever the number of wards in any such city of the first class shall be changed in the maner aforesaid, and a new ward or wards created, such ward or wards shall have the same number of aldermen, supervisors, and ward officers as other wards in such city, and shall be in all respects subject to the provisions of the charter of such city. Any alderman or ward officer holding office and who resided in any such territory at the time it shall be declared a ward, shall continue in such office for the term for which he was elected and until his successor is elected and qualified, and shall be an officer of the ward so created. The inspectors of election and ballot clerks appointed for any such district shall continue to act in their several capacities when such district is constituted a ward, until removed or their successors are appointed. In all other cases where a new ward is so created or old wards consolidated, and the creation or consolidation shall cause vacancies in the offices to which any ward, by reason of the formation, is entitled the common council shall forthwith order in the manner provided by the charter of such city, a special election to fill all such vacancies as are by the charter of such city elective, provided that if any such ward is created within thirty days before any general or municipal election, such vacancies shall be filled thereat. All other vacancies shall be filled in the manner provided by the charter of such city.

The common council shall in ordering such election, fix the term for which the officers shall be elected.

Conflicting laws repealed. SECTION 2. All acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 9, 1901.

No. 140, S.]

[Published March 11, 1901.


AN ACT to provide for the appointment of a clerk by the district attorney in counties having a population of over two hundred and fifty thousand.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

Salary of clerk. SECTION 1. The district attorney of every county having a population, as shown by the last census, of two hundred and fifty thousand or more, may appoint in addition to the assistants and stenographer, provided for by section 751a of the statutes of 1898, a clerk to assist him in the performance of the duties of his office; the salary of said clerk shall be six hundred dollars per annum, and shall be paid from the treasury of such county at the same time the salaries of other county officers are paid. The district attorney making such appointment shall notify the county board thereof, and thereafter such clerk shall enter upon his duties.

Section 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 8, 1901.

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