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No. 408, A.]

[Published March 21, 1901.


AN ACT to repeal chapter 352 of the laws of 1897, entitled, "An act to create a municipal court for the county of Kewaunee."

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

Disposition of pending business. SECTION 1. Chapter 352 of the laws of 1897, entitled, "An act to create a municipal court for the county of Kewaunee," is hereby repealed. All proceedings pending in said municipal court at the time of the taking effect of this act, shall be continued and completed in the circuit court of Kewaunee county, and all judgments, orders and decrees of the said municipal court shall be enforced by the process of the said circuit court in the same manner as if said judgment had been originally the judgment of said circuit court.

Records to be delivered to circuit court. SECTION 2. Immediately after this act takes effect, the municipal judge of said county shall deliver to the clerk of the circuit court of Kewaunee county, Wisconsin, all the books, records, papers and files in his possession belonging to the municipal court of said Kewaunee county.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after the first day of May 1901.

Approved March 21, 1901.

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AN ACT to provide for the election of constables in cities of the second, third and fourth classes amending section 925, sub-sections 23 and 25 of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

Officers of cities; power of council to dispense with certain. SECTION 1. Section 925, sub-section 23, of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898 is hereby amended by inserting after the words "justices of the peace" where those words occur in the third line of said sub-section, the words "one or more constables," said sub-section when amended shall read as follows: Officers of other cities. Section 925-23. The officers of cities of the second, third and fourth classes shall be a mayor, treasurer, clerk, comptroller, attorney, assessor or one or more assessors, two or more justices of the peace, one or more constables as the common council may determine by ordinance, a physician, street commissioner, chief of the fire department, a board of public works, a board of school commissioners, one or more policemen, two aldermen and one supervisor from each ward, and such other officers or boards as the common council may deem necessary; provided, that the council, by a two-thirds vote, may dispense with the offices of street commissioner, engineer, comptroller and board of public works, and provided that the duties thereof be performed by other officers or boards, by the council or a committee thereof.


Officers, how chosen; in fourth class cities. SECTION 2. tion 2. Section 925, sub-section 25 is hereby amended by inserting after the words "justices of the peace" where those words occur in the second line of said sub-section, the words "one or more constables," so that said sub-section when amended shall read as follows: Officers how chosen. Section 925-25. The mayor, treasurer, comptroller, assessor or assessors, aldermen, justices of the peace, one or more constables and supervisors shall be elected by the people. The other officers may be appointed by the mayor or elected by the council, as shall be determined by ordinance: provided that in case any such officer, except policeman, shall be appointed by the mayor, such appointment shall be subject to confirmation by the council. In

cities of the fourth class the clerk and any and all other officers, in addition to those herein before specified, may be elected by the electors at the same time and in the same manner as other officers are elected, upon a petition asking therefor being filed in the office of the city clerk fifteen days prior to any regular municipal election, signed by a majority of the electors of such city who voted at the last general election then next preceding, as appears from the poll list. And it shall be the duty of the council and the proper officers of any city of the fourth class, to give notice of, call for and order the election at the next election and thereafter at each succeeding election, the officer or officers whose title of office is specified in such petition. Such petition may include one or more or all the officers of such city, and the notice of and the order for the election shall follow and include the officer or officers named in the petition, and upon like petition, signed by a majority of the electors asking therefor, any common council, by ordinance duly passed, may provide for the appointment by the mayor, with the concurrence of the council, of any officers of such city excepting the offices of mayor, alderman, assessor, treasurer, supervisor or justice of the peace. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 21, 1901.

No. 360, A.]

[Published March 22, 1901.


AN ACT to amena chapter 41 of the statutes of 1898, by adding two new sections to be numbered 930a and 930b, relating to polling places in cities of the fourth class.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:


Voting booths at city hall for all wards; notice of. 1. Chapter 41 of the Wisconsin statutes of 1898 is hereby amended by inserting in said chapter immediately after section 930, two new sections which shall be known and read as follows: Section 930a. The common council of every city of the fourth class may provide at the city hall of such city, separate rooms

with separate outside entrances thereto, upon which shall be conspicuously marked the respective numbers of the wards for which the same are intended to be used and designate the same as polling places respectively for the respective wards of such city and all elections in and for each of the wards of such city for which polling places are so designated in the city hall shall be held at the places so designated. Section 930b. Polling places in a city hall as provided in the preceding section, may be designated by the common council no later than ten days before any election at which such rooms are to be used as such polling places.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and publication. Approved March 21, 1901.

No. 16, S.]

[Published March 22, 1901.


AN ACT to amend chapter 90, laws of 1899, relating to Wisconsin national guard.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:

Disposition of moneys received from United States. SECTION 1. Amend by adding after the word "guard" in the last line of section 1, the following: "or improvements for the Wisconsin state military reservation at Camp Douglas, Juneau county, Wisconsin," so that said section, when so amended, shall read as follows: Section 1. All moneys hereafter received by the state of Wisconsin from the United States in payment of the claim of the state of Wisconsin against the United States for quartermaster's stores and supplies, ordnance and ordnance stores and supplies, and for equipment of whatever character, furnished by the state of Wisconsin for the use of the Wisconsin volunteers in the service of the United States in the year 1898, during the Spanish-American war, shall be and are hereby set aside and constituted a special and separate fund to be used, at the discretion of the governor, only in the

re-equipment of the Wisconsin national guard or improvements for the Wisconsin state military reservation at Camp Douglas, Juneau county, Wisconsin.

How audited. SECTION 2. Disbursements from said fund shall only be made for the purposes designated in this act and payments shall be made only on vouchers audited by the quartermaster general and approved by the governor.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved March 21, 1901.

No. 124, A.]

[Published March 22, 1901.


AN ACT giving counties charged with the expense of maintaining inmates in the home for feeble-minded, remedies to recover the sums so charged, out of the estates of such inmates respectively, or from individuals.

The people of the state of Wisconsin represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows:


Same remedies for collection as in case of insane. Any county which is lawfully charged with the expense, or any part thereof, of maintaining an inmate in the Wisconsin home. for feeble-minded, shall have all remedies to collect the sums so charged, out of the estate of such inmate, or from individuals, which are conferred by law upon counties so to collect charges against them for the maintenance in state hospitals and county asylums for the insane, of patients whose maintenance therein is chargeable to such counties respectively.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 21, 1901.


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