RESOLUTION. ON COLORED SUFFRAGE. Resolved, That at the same time when the votes of the electors shall be taken for the adoption or rejection of this constitution, an additional section in the following words, viz: "All male citizens of the African blood, possessing the qualifications required by the first section of the article on "Suffrage and the elective franchise," shall have the right to vote for all officers, and be eligible to all offices that now are or hereafter may be elective by the people after the adoption of this constitution," shall be submitted to the electors of this state for adoption or rejection in the form following, to wit: A separate ballot may be given by every person having the right to vote for the adoption of this constitution to be deposited in a separate box. Upon the ballots given for the adoption of said separate amendment, shall be written or printed or partly written and partly printed the words "Equal suffrage to colored persons, Yes," and upon the ballots given against the adoption of said separate amendment, in like manner, the words, "Equal suffrage to colored persons, No," and on such ballots shall be written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, the words "Constitution suffrage," in such manner that such words shall appear on the outside of such ballot when folded. If, at the said election a majority of all the votes given for and against the said separate amendment shall contain the words "Equal suffrage to colored persons, Yes," then the said separate amendment after the adoption of this constitution shall be a separate section of article of this constitution, in full force and effect, anything contained in the constitution to the contrary notwithstanding. D. A. J. UPHAM, President. LA FAYETTE KELLOGG, Secretary. |