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588205 PREFACE.

The authors of this book believe,—

1st. That the Word Method is the most natural and practicable, because words are representatives of objects, actions, etc., while letters, or sounds, convey no meaning to the pupil, and are devoid of interest.

2d. That words of ordinary length are as easily learned as short ones, provided they are familiar No teacher will doubt the state

to the pupil.

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ment that a pupil will learn the word mamma'" as easily as "says" or "eyes."

3d.-That frequent "Reviews" are essential to the rapid and thorough advancement of pupils. By this means the words imperfectly learned are again brought to their attention and thoroughly memorized. That these "Reviews" ought to take up the new words in a different order and arrangement, in order to test the ability of the pupil to recognize them in any situation. That as soon as the vocabulary is large enough they should be written in the form of a new story, as on pp. 36, 44, 52, 60, and 68 of this book.

Copyright, 1883. A. S. BARNES & CO.

4th.-That thorough and systematic drill in "Spelling" is absolutely necessary. That the " Reading Reviews" should be so constructed as to contain all the new words used in the lessons they were intended to review, and no others, so that they can be used for "Written or Dictation Spelling." That the pronunciation of the words in the "Spelling Reviews" should be indicated by the diacritical marks of Webster, so that they can be used for either Oral Spelling" or "Phonic Drill."

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5th. That the " 'Script" from which the pupil gets his first and most lasting impressions should be of large size and accurate form, and not of the nondescript character usually found in books of this class. That it should be free from superfluous line and flourish, and yet have grace and beauty. That it should be adapted for both copying and reading.


6th.-That the lessons should be largely conversa

tional in style," to cultivate flexibility of voice and to break up the dreary monotone so frequently heard among children.

7th.-That the lessons of a book of this grade should

more than seven


not average
new words."
That all such words should appear at the com-
mencement of lessons, and be familiar to the
pupil. That this method secures careful grada-
tion, and is in marked contrast to the old cus-
tom of having from fifteen to twenty-five.

8th.-That “Outline Drawings" of the objects first pre

sented to pupils should be made in the presence of the class, as it stimulates them to draw, and thus makes easy and profitable the copying of the "Script Exercises."

9th. That the school book of to-day must be beautifully and copiously illustrated. That there must be variety as well as excellence, both in drawing and engraving. That well-known and famous artists must be secured, such as Harper, Fredericks, Church, Lippincott, Eytinge, White, Beard, Weldon, Thulstrup, Cary, Moser, Weaver, Share, and such engravers as Karst, Wigand, French, Held, Davis, Bogert, Hellawell, etc.

10th.-That the exercises must be instructive and the

stories interesting and elevating, and that no artificial system ought to interfere with the free and natural use of words.

11th. That a book of this kind should be suited to the wants of graded and ungraded schools, there evidently being nothing in the one not readily adaptable to the other.

12th. That every book of this class should contain a collection of brief extracts from standard literature to be committed to memory.

13th.-That this book is constructed on the above principles.

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