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" ... and every contractor, sub-contractor, architect, builder, or other person having charge of any mining, or of the construction, alteration, or repair, either in whole or in part, of any building or other improvement, as aforesaid, shall be held to... "
General Laws of the State of Idaho ... - Page 147
by Idaho - 1890
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Statutes of California and Digests of Measures

California - 1868 - 936 pages
...every contractor, sub- Agent of contractor, architect, builder, or other person having charge of owner any mining, or of the construction, alteration or...improvement, as aforesaid, shall be held to be the agent of the owner for the purposes of this Act. SEC. 2. The land upon which any building or other improve-...
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Treatise on the Mechanic's Lien Law, of California: (Passed March 30, 1868 ...

Patrick G. Buchan - 1868 - 150 pages
...miner, laborer, and other person performing labor upon or furnishing materials of any kind to be used in the construction, alteration, or repair, either in whole or in part, of any mining claim, building, wharf, bridge, ditch, flume, tunnel, fence, machinery, railroad, wagon road,...
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Treatise on the Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace and ...

Charles W. Langdon - 1870 - 858 pages
...miner, laborer and other person, performing labor upon or furnishing materials of any kind to be used in the construction, alteration or repair, either in whole or in part, of any mining claim, building, wharf, bridge, diteh, flume, tunnel, fence, machinery, railroad, wagon-road,...
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Parliamentary Papers, Volume 68

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1871 - 964 pages
...labourer, or other person performing labour upon, or furnishing materials, of any kind to be used in the construction, alteration, or repair, either in whole or in part, of any building, wharf, bridge, ditch, flume, railroad, waggon road, mining claim, aqueduct to create hydraulic power...
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The General Laws of the State of California, from 1850 to 1864, Inclusive ...

California, Theodore Henry Hittell - 1871 - 528 pages
...laborer, and other person performing labor upon, or furnishing materials of any kind to be used in the construction, alteration or repair, either in whole or in part, of any mining claim, building, wharf, bridge, ditch, flume, tunnel, fence, machinen,', railroad, wagon road,...
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The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California: Adopted March 11th ...

California - 1872 - 774 pages
...ractor, architect, builder, or other person, hrivinj? charge of any miniuT. or oí the canstruccion, alteration or repair either in whole or in part, of...or other improvement as aforesaid, shall be held to bo the agent of the owner for the purposes of this act." Construction of statute: 1 Ual. I8J; 2 Gal....
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Statutes of California and Digests of Measures

California - 1874 - 524 pages
...other improvement, or his agent; and every contractor, sub-contractor, architect, builder, or other person having charge of any mining, or of the construction,...improvement, as aforesaid, shall be held to be the agent or the owner, for the purposes of this Chapter. SEC. 2. Section eleven hundred and eighty-seven of...
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Statutes of the State of Nevada Passed at the ... Session of the Legislature

Nevada - 1875 - 352 pages
...persons having charge of any mining deemed, claim, or of the construction, alteration, or repairs, either in whole or in part, of any building or other improvement aa aforesaid, shall be held to be the agent of the owner ior the purpose of this Chapter. Liens to...
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The Codes and Statutes of the State of California, Volume 2

California, Theodore Henry Hittell - 1876 - 986 pages
...agent; and *». *\ every contractor, sub-contractor, architect, builder, or other person having fl/j charge of any mining, or of the construction, alteration,...building or other improvement, as aforesaid, shall he held to be the agent of the owner, for the purposes of this chapter. [Amendment, approved March...
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The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California: As Adopted in 1872 ...

California - 1876 - 888 pages
...the words in it-alien, the words "and every contractor, sub-contractor, architect, builder, or othor person, having charge of any mining, or of the construction, alteration or repair either in whole or in eart, of any building or other improvement as aforesaid, shall be held to e the agent of the owner...
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