Printed by S. Curtis, Camberwell Press: FOR MRS. COOKE, AND SOLD AT THE LITHOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION, 198, STRAND. 1819. Sm PREFACE. A Considerable mass of papers, consisting, principally, of extracts from Lavater and other writers, together with numerous drawings, by the late Mr. T. Cooke, were placed in the hands of the editor of this work, by the widow of his friend, for the purpose of selection and condensation, that the friends of that gentleman might be put in possession of the result of his labours in the science of Physiognomy. Those papers contain the opinions, and many of the reasonings, of Mr. Cooke; and b bear evident marks of his intention, at some future period, to have moulded them into a shape for publication. In the state, however, in which they were found by the editor, it was impossible to complete the design of the original compiler, without very considerable liberties being taken with them; and not a small portion of labour and application bestowed upon them. Mr. Cooke, like most other practical physionomists, wrote and spoke with all that boldness and confidence which a firm conviction of the truth of the science naturally inspires. But it must not, therefore, be inferred, that the editor has so completely identified himself with Mr. Cooke, as to have made all his friend's opinions his own; nor that he is prepared to support every part of his hypothesis, or even all his physiognomical doctrines. |