LAWS OF WISCONSIN, WITH AN APPENDIX THE TEXT OF THE AMENDMENT TO SECTION 7, OF ARTICLE 7, INDEX OF SESSION LAWS SINCE 1878. Published by Authority. MADISON, WIS.: LAWS OF WISCONSIN, 1897. No. 4, A.] [Published Feb. 12, 1897. CHAPTER 1. AN ACT to provide for the revision of the statutes relating to the incorporation of villages. The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: point persons SECTION 1. The governor shall appoint two Governor aucompetent persons who, together with the at- thorized to aps torney general, shall collect and revise the gen- to revise the eral laws of the state, relating to the incorpora- to incorporation of villages. tion of villages. by SECTION 2. The revisers appointed in pursu- To be comance of section 1, of this act, shall enter upon March 1, 1897. their work as soon as practicable, and shall complete and report said revision to this legislature on or before March 1, 1897. not to exceed SECTION 3. The revisers before mentioned Compensation shall receive such compensation for their ser- $300. vices as the governor shall deem just and reasonable, not to exceed three hundred dollars, to be paid out of the state treasury out of any money not otherwise appropriated. be filled. SECTION 4. In case any of the revisers be- Vacancies to come incapacitated by reason of sickness or other cause, to perform their duties under this act, the governor is hereby authorized to fill the vacancy so occurring. SECTION 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved Feb. 11, 1897. German American Bank of Oshkosh authorized to re No. 11 S.] [Published Feb. 18, 1897. CHAPTER 2. AN ACT to authorize the German American Bank, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, to reduce its capital stock from two hundred thousand dollars, to one hundred thousand dollars. The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The German American Bank, located in the city of Oshkosh, state of Wisconduce its capi- sin, is hereby authorized to reduce its capital tal stock. stock from two hundred thousand dollars, to one hundred thousand dollars. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved Feb. 18, 1897. |