0 Maryland, Laws, statutes, etc, Corles SUPPLEMENT TO THE The Marniand code C Code of Public General Laws Legalized 1900 ch. 43, OF MARYLAND, CONTAINING THE PUBLIC GENERAL LAWS Passed at the Sessions of the General Assembly of 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1898, CODIFIED IN ARTICLES AND SECTIONS TO CORRESPOND WITH THE CODE, WITH UNDER THE PROPER ARTICLES AND SECTIONS. BY JOHN PRENTISS POE Of the Baltimore Bar. S BALTIMORE: PRESS OF KING BROTHERS Entered according to the Act of Congress in the year 1898, BY JOHN PRENTISS POE, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. JUL 2 6 1935 26/35' PREFACE. As indicated in the title page, this volume contains a codification of the Public General Laws of Maryland passed at the sessions of the General Assembly from 1890 to 1898, inclusive. The Public Local Laws enacted at those same sessions, whether passed as applicable merely to one or more counties or to the city of Baltimore, or in the shape of amendments to specified sections of the Public General Laws, withdrawing such sections from operation in one or more of the counties or in the city of Baltimore, are not included. The new charter of Baltimore city, which embraces the whole body of the local statute law of the State applicable to the city, with the exception of a few acts passed at the session of 1898, after its adoption, supplies in itself a full compilation of the These acts are as follows, viz: Chapter 10. Redivision of city into twenty-four wards. accepting. Chapter 151. St. Martha's Episcopal House-Authorizing annual appropriation of $500 for management of. Chapter 198. Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes-Payable on Sunday, to be paid on Monday succeeding. Saturday-Half-holiday throughout the year in banking business. Computation of interest to include secular day on which payment of money shall be made. Chapter 210. Issue of $1,875,000-To extinguish mortgages and loans of Western Maryland Railroad Company. Chapter 256. Judges of the Orphans' Court-Hours and per diem of. Chapter 327. Mortgage Debt-Entry of decree in personam to pay deficiency of, when proceeds of sale are insufficient. Chapter 361. Issue of $6,000,000 registered bonds $1,750,000 thereof to pay for new court house and record office. Chapter 362. Hospital for Consumptives of Maryland - Authorizing annual appropriation, not exceeding $4,000, for. Chapter 373. Sale of securities of sinking fund for redemption of City Hall six per cent., Jones' Falls six, five, three and sixty-five hundredths three and a half, and three per cent. loans, and funding six per cent. loan. Chapter 412. Insane Convicts-Removal of, from jail to Bayview Asylum. Chapter 429. Station-House Justices-Selection of. Chapter 444. Issue of $4,500,000 city stock for streets, sewers and school buildings. Chapter 458. Hours of labor of city mechanics and laborers-Eight hours per day, legal-to whom this law not applicable. Chapter 474. Police-Duties of, regulated. Chapter 491. Horseshoeing-Regulations to prevent unlawful-board of exami ners for horseshoers, duties of. Chapter 494. Police-Appropriation of fund for retirement of. Chapter 502. Mechanics' Liens-No lien hereafter allowed in Baltimore city for material men. Chapter 505. Stevedores to take out license and give bond to State in penalty of $1,000-[The Criminal Court has decided this act to be unconstitutional quoad the bond.] |