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Medical Library

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AMICK, W. R., Cincinnati, O.
BETTY, E. G., Cincinnati, O. A
BINKERD, A. D., Cincinnati, O.
BUXTON, W. E., Samsville, Ill.
COLLINS, S. H., Lawrenceburg, Ind.
DACOSTA, J. M., Philadelphia, Pa.
DANDRIDGE, N. P., Cincinnati, O.
DAVIS, JNO. L., Cincinnnati, O.
DAVIS, L. N., Farmland, Ind.
DAVIS, O. E., Cincinnati, O.
DAVIS, W. B., Cincinnati, O.
DAWSON, W. W., Cincinnati, O.
DEBECK, DAVID, Cincinnati, O.
DULLES, CHAS. W. Philadelphia, Pa.
EICHBERG, JOSEPH, Cincinnati, O.
ELLIS, A. N., Hamilton, O.
ENTRIKEN, F. W., Findlay, O.
FORCHHEIMER, F., Cincinnati, O.
FRENCH, JAMES M., Cincinnati, O.
FUNK, B. S., North Clarendon, Pa.
GRAHAM, JNO., Philadelphia, Pa.
GROESBECK, HERMAN J., Cincinnati, O.
HALL, B. P., Richwood, O.
HALL, RUFUS B., Chillicothe, O.
HIBBARD, F., Covington, Ky.
HILL, EDWIN W., Cleveland, O.
HOMANS, JOHN, Boston, Mass.
ILLOWY, H., Cincinnati, O.
JONES, WM. H., Jeffersonville, O.

KELLY, WM. H., Covington, Ky.
KNIGHT, J. C., Jonesboro, Ind.
LANGDON, F. W., Cincinnati, O.
LEFEVRE, E. F., Washington, D.C.
LLOYD, C. G., Cincinnati, O.
MCMECHAN, J. C., Cincinnati, O.
MINOR, T. C., Cincinnati, O.
NELSON, EDWIN M., St. Louis, Mo.
PALMER, C. D., Cincinnati, O.
PATTERSON, J. A., Zollarsville, Pa.
REAMY, THAD. A., Cincinnati, O.
REED, R. HARVEY, Mansfield, O.
RYAN, GEO. W., Cincinnati, O.
SATTLER, ROB'T H., Cincinnati, O.
SEELY, W. W., Cincinnati, O.
SEXTON, J. C., Rushville, Ind.
SPRAGUE, G., Chicago, Ill.
STEWART, T. H., Bradford, Pa.
TANGEMANN, C. W., Cincinnati, O.
THOMPSON, J. A., Cincinnati, O.
WALLINGFORD, J. T., Cincinnati, O.
WARNER, FRANK, Columbus, O.
WENNING, W. H., Cincinnati, O.
WHITTAKER, JAS. T., Cincinnati, O.
WILFERT, HERMAN, Cincinnati, O.
WOODWORTH, B. S., Fort Wayne, Ind.
ZENNER, PHILIP, Cincinnati, O.



ABDOMINAL aneurism, operation for, 582.
support during pregnancy, 451.
surgical treatment of, 632.
surgery, contributions to, 634.
surgery in Europe, 770

Abscess of the spleen cured by aspira ion, 610.
Absorbent and antiseptic dressing, 599.

diaper, 362.

Academy of Medicine, 1, 52, 69, 142, 189, 235,
258, 293, 341, 357, 407, 459, 502, 530, 591,
622, 649, 679, 718, 787.

Acid, benzoic, 338.

Acne rosacea, 660.

Aconitine for anesthetizing sensitive dentine, 276.
Aconite, 490.

Action of cocaine on the pupil, 276.

Association, Northwestern Ohio Medical, 702.
Asthenopia and tonsillar affections, connection
between, 656.

Aspiration, abscess of, the spleen cured by, 610.
Asthma, treatment of, 362.

Ataxic movements in disease of the spinal cord,

Atmospheric pressure, paraplegia from changes
in, 235.

Atonic dilatation of the stomach, 279.
Atrophy of the optic nerves after mumps, 398.
Atropine poisoning, 514.
Auscultatory phenomena in vascular injuries and
so-called traumatic aneurisms, 700.

Autoplasty by the transplantation of a partly de-
tached flap from another region, 542.

cocaine, locally applied to the conjunctiva, | Autopsy, 65.

Acute intestinal obstruction, 578.

nephritis, changes in the heart and vascular
system in, 242.

infectious fevers, 379.

Address of the retiring president of the Academy
of Medicine of Cincinnati, 383.

of welcome, 678.

Addison's disease, case of, 386.

Advantages of abdominal support during preg-

nancy, 451.

After treatment of breast amputations, 277.

of lithotomy where the bladder is sacculated,

Alarming constitutional symptoms produced by
the application of a belladonna plaster,

Albuminuria, false, 216.

Alcohol and disease, 355.

Alumni associations, 263, 306.

Amaurosis, hereditary, 655.
Amenorrhoea, treatment of, 419.

American Medical Association, 427.

Ophthalmological Society, 339.
Public Health Association, 110.
Surgical Association, 425, 532.
Witch hazel 515.

Anæsthetic inhalations and their safe employ-

ment, 119.

Anæsthetics, 171.

Aneurism, 436.

specimens, 464.

Ankle, dislocation of the, 354.

An hour at Rush, 105, 233.

Annual address, 716.

Antipyresis, 643.

discussion on, 649.

Appendix vermiformis 397.
Arbutin, 423.

Argentine Republic, 247.

Arsenic in the treatment of lymphoma, 578.

in leuchæmia and pseudo-leuch emia, 115.

Artificial cheese, 338.

Assimilation in infants, 538.

BACTERIAL poisons, 575.

Basal pathology of chorea, 623.

Belladonna in incontinence of urine, 641.
Belladonna, 313.

Bell's aralysis and unilateral epilepsy of syphil-
itic origin, 308.

Benzoic acid, 338.

Berlin letter, 318.

[blocks in formation]

Physiological and pathological chemistry,

Charles, 672.

Effects and therapeutic uses of hydrastis,

Bartholow, 339.

Poisons, Micro-Chemistry of, 612.

What to do in cases of, Murrell, 671.

Practical Medicine, Elements of, 158.

Principles and Practice of Gynecology, Emmet,


Pulmonary Phthisis, curability and treatment

of, 736.

Respiratory organs, 251.

cience and art of surgery, Erichsen, 671.
Sclerosis of the spinal cord, Althaus, 670.
Specific Treatment and Basic Pathology of
Diphtheria, Typhoid and Allied Diseases,
Ziegler, 67.

Surgical diagnosis, elements of, 250.
System of Human Anatomy, Allen, 36.

Ten Laws of Health and Protection against
Epidemic Diseases, Black, 641.

Text-Book of Hygiene, Rohe, 68.

The Physician Himself, Cathell, 490.

Therapeutics and Diseases of Children, Ed-

wards, 582.

and materia medica, 252.

of the respiratory organs, James, 251.
Treatise on abdominal palpation as applied to
obstetrics, Pinard, 669.

on the hemorrhoidal disease, Bodenhamer,

Urinary and male sexual organs, diseases of,

Year book of treatment for 1884, 400.

Boracic acid as a preventive of mammary abscess,

Borax, physiological action of, 404.

Boroglyceride, troubles by, 124.

Boston Society for Medical Observation, 162.
Bowel exploration, 221, 703.

Brain and the Nerves Dowse, 127.

thermal center in, 264.

Breast amputations, after treatment of, 277.

Bright's disease, treatment of, 692.

Bromides, administration of, 363.

Bromide of ammonium in rheumatism, 148.
Bromidrosis and hyperidrosis, 113.
Burial regulations in France, 690.

| Burns and treatment, 78.

Butler County Medical Society, 76.

localization, 159.
localization, 360.

Chair of chemistry in the Jefferson Medical

College, 626.

Changes in the pancreas in chronic diseases, 274.
in the heart and vascular system in acutę
nephritis, 242.

Charitable relief to be found in the city of Cocaine in chordee, 453.

London, 521.

Charge of the medical brigade, 549.

Cheap notoriety 106.

Cheyne-Stokes respiration, 31.

Chicago, sanitary condition of, 561.

Medical Society, 721.

Chloride of zinc, specific qualities of, 566

of lime in gonorrhoea and gleet, 262.

Chloral hydrate for chordee, 476.

Chloral hydrate, 453-

Cholera, the, 559 628.

prevention of, 421.

in England, 727.

microbe, 727.

treatment, 212.

inoculation against, 543.

treatment of, 452.

use of water in collapse of, 604.

vaccination, 473.

Chordee, treatment of, 453, 476.

Chorea, basal, pathology of, 623.

treated with hydrobromic acid, 377.

Chronic pulmonary affections, 610.

articular disease, 186.

nasal catarrh, diagnosis and treatment of,

naso-pharyngeal catarrh, 675.

parenchymatous nephritis, discussion on
some peculiar cases of, 253-

synovitis of the knee-joint, 42.

Chrysarobine, clinical use of, 531.

staining, prevention of, 704.

Cicatricial contraction of both lower lids and ex-

tensive burn of the face, 20.

[blocks in formation]

Concentrated foods, 470

Consanguineous marriages, 348.

Constitutional symptoms produced by the appli-
cation of a belladonna plaster, 407.

Constipation, cure of, 471.

treatment of, 418.

observations on the blood of the insane, 394. Diagnostic dreams, 708.

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