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THE following list gives the titles of the volumes to which

the Roman numerals in this Index refer: :-














[Titles of Essays and Poems are printed in small capitals.]

Abandonment, no greatness with- | Abyss, replies to abyss, vII. 171; of

out, VII. 49, 181; the way of life,
11. 321.

Abdel Kader, and Daumas, vII. 271;

on nobility, vi. 176.

Able men, have respect for justice, 1.

165; ask only for ability, iv. 268.
Abolition, bigot in, 11. 51; the church
appears in, 111. 251; church hos-
tile to, x. 114; shadow of Clark-
son, 11. 61; conventions, 11. 135;
effect of, XI. 100; transcendental-
ists and, 1. 348, 349.
Abolitionist, every man an, xi. 250,
354; farmer the true, vII. 141;
love the arch-, x1. 281; made by
slavery, x1. 281.

Aboriginal man, not engaging, viii.

Aboriginal power, 11. 358; vi. 72.
Aboriginal races, incapable of im-
provement, XII. 26.

Aboriginal, the State not, 111. 199.
Absolute and relative, IV. 149.
Absolve you to yourself, 11. 50.
Abstemious, of criticism, vii. 180;

spirit's teachings are, iv. 139.
Abstemiousness, quiddling, vi. 154.
Abstinence, 1. 215, 251.'
Abstract truth, 11. 326, 331.
Abstraction, of scholars, vi. 156; viii.

Abstractionists, Nature furnishes,

III. 237; IV. 154, 155.
Absurdity, difference from me, the
measure of, iv. 24.
Abu Ali Seena, Iv. 95.

Abu Taleb, vi. 273; IX. 302.
Abul Khain, iv. 95.

Abury, temple at, v. 278, 281.
Abuses, block ways to employments,
I. 234.

being, 11. 121; iv. 86.

Accidents, not to be feared, vi. 232;
insurance office increases, 11. 85;
there are no, vii. 132; lovely, of
Nature, IH. 231; resisting, vi. 24.
Accomplishments, vi. 143; of the
scholar, x. 278.

Accuracy, essential to beauty, x. 147.
Achievement, power of, x. 277; not

computed by time, 11. 317.
Achilles, in every nation, vii. 255;
vulnerable, 11. 107.

Achromatic lens, needful to see real-
ity, x. 166.

Acorn, thousand forests in one, 11. 4.
Acquaintances, high, the great hap-
piness of life, vii. 306.
Acquainted, be not too much, 111.

Acre, cleave to thine, vi. 244; my,
IX. 143.
Acres, black, of the night, Ix. 342;

mystic fruit, IX. 145; sitfast, IX. 36.
Acrostic, a character like, 11. 58,

Action, Actions, honest and natural

agree, 11. 58; preëxist in the actor,
III. 97; not over-doing and busy-
ness, x. 267; not cowed by the
name of, 11. 163; dispose to greater
conclusions, III. 194; tends to di-
versity, Iv. 51; of infinite elastic-
ity, 11. 164; not rashly explained,
III. 108; in life, few, x11. 412; fu-
ture not to be decided beforehand,
XI. 169; what are called good, 11.
53; great do not let us go behind
them, 11. 250; heroic, are beauti-
ful, 1. 19; not indifferent, 11. 120,
317; independent, rare, x. 229;
their influence not measured by

miles, 111. 74; inscribe themselves,
IV. 261; integrate themselves, II.
102; intellectual quality, vi. 158;
we put our life in, II. 101; magne-
tism of, 11. 63; leave no mark in the
world, 1. 278; measured by depth
of sentiment, II. 155; IV. 268; me-
chanical, 11. 135; men of, IV. 267;
men wanted more than, 1. 278; and
misaction, x. 268; original, neces-
sary, x. 267; natural, 1. 19; every
+necessary action pleases, VI. 291;
Nelson on, viii. 308; are pearls to
discourse, 1. 95; need perspective,
11.5; picture-book of creed, vin.
23; a great pleasure, vII. 38; is
prayer, n. 77; reaction, 11. 96; re-
sounding, 111. 41; a resource, 1.
98; satellites to Nature, 1. 39; es-
sential to scholar, 1. 94; self-re-
warding, II. 102; we shrink from
actions of our own, xI. 521; is in
silent moments, 11. 161; right
speech not distinguished from,
VIII. 95; spontaneous, strong, 11.
138, 328; 111. 47, 68; steps in lad-
der, 11. 305; subject for sculpture,
vii. 130; should rest on substance,
III. 101; partiality, the tax on, IV.
..266; timely, 11. 228; and thought,
1. 272; IV. 266; vii. 38; transfig-
ured as thoughts, 1. 96; a trick of
the senses, 11. 163; not better than
verses or pictures, XII. 343; uncon-
scious, vII. 38; give vocabulary,
1. 97; give a return of wisdom, 1.
98; 11. 227.
Activity, amiable, x. 47; children
and thoughtless people like, x.
174; contagious, IV. 13; frivolous,
x. 267; too great, vii. 312; mis-
cellaneous, to be stopped off, vi.
73; makes room for itself, v. 31.
Actors, worst provincial excels ama-
teur, vi. 77.

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163; modern regard for, XII. 249;
necessary use of, 1. 305.
Adam, age, 1x. 339; hide ourselves
as, 111. 135; Milton's, XII. 274,
275; every man a new, 1. 76; x.
137; perfect, 1x. 223, 283.
Adamant, of Nature, 1. 169; passes
into smoke, vII. 145; x. 70; Eng-
land moves on a splinter of, v. 63;
wax to artist, 1 360; 1x, 69.
Adamantine, bandages, vi. 17; gov-
ernment, III. 267; limitations, IV.
137; necessity, vii. 55; syllable,
III. 247.

Adamhood, 1x. 26, 166.
Adamitic capacity, Webster in his,

XI. 221.

Adams, John, courage, x11. 203; ele-
vation, vi. 161; fame, XII. 210;
old age, vII. 323; patriotism, x.
248; no backward-creeping crab,
XI. 537; visit to, VII. 332.
Adams, John Q., VI. 175; company
for kings, x. 392; courage, XI. 134;
eloquence, 11. 60; vii. 83; auda-
cious independence, xi. 521; on
literature, vIII, 123; reading, vIII.


Adams, Samuel, vII. 116. ̧ ̧.
Adaptation, none in man, III. 57;
the peculiarity of human nature,
IV. 161; vIII. 306; of Nature, vi.
39; we are victims of, vi. 139.
Addition, the world not to be ana-
lyzed by, 1.339.
ADIRONDACS, IX. 182–194.
Adjustments, Nature's, vi. 37.
Admetus, II. 31; vII. 176.
Admiration, strain to express, vIII.
86; x. 306; not forgiven, XII. 30.
Adrastia, law of, 111. 84.
Adsched of Meru, vii. 244.
Adultery, vi. II.


Advance, the history of Nature, vi.
35; XI. 525; XII, 60.
Advantage, has its tax, 11. 120; XI.
125, 186.

Actual, dwarfish, 1. 285; Goethe,
poet of, x11. 329, 331; ideal truer
than, XII. 330; the imposing, x1. | Advantages, each envies those he has


not, vi. 144; cannot afford to miss,
x: 69% de

Adventure, love of, vi. 68; x11. 200.
Adventurer, well received, vi. 211.
Adversity, the prosperity of the
great, VI. 233; VIIL 231.
Advertisement, most of life mere, шi.
73; VI1. 290.

Eolian Harp, 1x. 237-241; 256;
dumb, vII. 273; in Nature, 111.
172, 175; VIII. 287; 1x. 230, 322;
> 129; melancholy, x11. 406.

olus, steam his bag, 1. 13.
Eons, vi. 83; VII. 180; 1x. 115, 285.
Aerolites, Shakspeare's, iv. 208.
Eschylus, we are civil to, vr. 67; in
earnest, VII. 53; Eumenides, 111.
82; grandest of Greek tragedians,
VII. 198; counterpart in Scott's
Bride of Lammermoor, x1. 465;
quoted, 11. 106; x1. 239.
Æsop, Lincoln an, x1.333; his price,
X. 49; knew the realities of life,
vi. 261; vIII. 3; a man of the
world, v. 147.
Esop's Fables, III. 31; IV. 201; as-

sociate us, 1.123; VII. 14, 15.
Affections, beauty, 1. 99; benefits,

VII. II; exhilaration, II. 191; geo-
metric, VIII. 107; Heraclitus said
were colored mists, 11. 326; in-
creases intellect, I. 192; vIII. 228;
XII. 44, 61; jets, 11. 193; and
memory, XII: 99, 104; metamor-
phosis, 11. 193; tent of a night, 11.
188; pathetic region of, vi. 316;
sweetness of life, 11. 191; make
web of life, vn. 300; essential to
will, vi. 28; woman's crown, xi.

Affinities, in conversation, 11. 207;
essential to man of the world, u.
125; to great men, iv. 41; be-
tween man, and works, x11. 63;
neglect of, 11. 151; perception of,
makes the poet, 1. 54; cf persons,
11. 52; vi. 46; range, vi. 137; re-
ciprocity, vII. 14; of thoughts, XII

23; of virtue with itself in different
persons, 11. 195; women's, III. 151;
world enlarged by, vii. 302./
Affirmative, being is, 11. 121; class,
VI. 72; forces, VI. 57; good mind
chooses, vII. 307; XII. 61; inces-
sant, vit 309; love is, vii, 309;.
XII. 61; we love the, iv. 170; in
manners, etc., VII. 308; philoso
phy, x. 244; power, x. 234, 235;
: principle, 1. 45; sacred, x. 219.
Afraid, do what you are afraid to do,
11. 260; x. 406.
Afrasiyab, viii. 242.

Africa, civilization, x1. 141, 145. See

Negro, Slavery..

Africanization of U. S., XI. 298.
Afternoon men, 11. 229; saunterings,
1. 163.

Agamemnon, 11. 24.

Agaric, self-planting, 111. 23.
Agassiz, Louis, vIII. 213; IX. 193;
museum, VIII. 151; theories, viii.
7; XI. 391.

Age, old. See Old Age.
Age, the characteristics of different

ages, 1. 109, 281, 287; of the pre-
sent, the interest in familiar things,
1. 110, 271; VI. 3; VIII 208; of
fops, 1x. 207; of gold, 111. 87; IX.
273; of omnibus, x1. 538; walks
about in persons, 1. 264; VI. 39; of.
reason in a patty-pan, x. 364; re-
trospective, 1. 3; riddle of, vi. 4;
of analysis, x. 326; each, new, x,
254; XII. 387.

Ages, of belief, great, vi. 216; x. 206;


equivalence of, vIII. 213; instruct
the hours, 11. 4; ideas work in, XI.
160; not idle, 1. 311,
Agiochook, 1. 170; 1x. 77.
Agitation, blessed, xI. 533.
Agitators, 1. 285.

Agricultural Report, x11. 360.
Agriculture, praise of, 1. 366; attacks
on, 1. 252; aids civilization, vII. 22,
151 f; x1. 34; English, v. 95, 189;
check on nomadism, 11. 21 f

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