Senate, rules and orders of... Sergeant-at-arms to place journals on file.. to preserve order and decorum.. to decide questions of order. decisions may be appealed from.. 83 63 may assign reasons for his decision.. 141 118 118 116 118 118 may appoint a substitute not more than two to be addressed by the presenter of a paper or to call members to order for violating rules... to appoint committees to appoint clerks and messengers of commit- tees to designate reporters for admission. 118 to leave chair in committee of the whole and RULE. PAGE Stationery, clerk not to issue to reporters ap- T. Two-thirds and three-fifths bills, duty of committee on....... ........... V. Voting, rule in reference to... member, asking to be excused from, may state 144 W. Ways and means, duties of committee on.......... 16 123 Y Yeas and nays, to be taken on the call of ten memhers.. to be entered on the journal.. ............. JOINT RULES OF THE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY, ADOPTED 1876. RULE 1. Papers to be transmitted. RULE 2. Bills rejected. RULE 3. Messages delivered by the clerks. RULE 4. Amendments. RULE 5. In case of difference, committees to be ap pointed. RULE 6. Matters of difference, how settled. KULE 7. Bills, when deemed lost. RULE 8. Joint committee. RULE 9. Final reading of bills. RULE 10. No bill shall create more than one incorpora tion. RULE 11. Election of officers to be certified and reported by presiding officer. RULE 12. Usual number of bills and documents to be printed. RULE 13. Printing or purchase of books. RULE 14. Documents ordered by both houses. RULE 15. Distribution of documents. RULE 16. Superintendent of documents to receive print ed matter. RULE 17. Distribution of the bills and documents when printed. RULE 18. Joint committee on State library. |