INDEX то JOINT RULES OF SENATE AND ASSEMBLY. A. RULE. PAGE. Adjutant-General to have same number of docu- Amendment not to introduce different subject- 10 156 Amendments made by either house, the other may Annual appropriation bill, to be reported by March fifteenth. 19 160 to be printed immediately after being reported, 19 Bill lost, when each house adheres to disagree- by disagreement, shall not be renewed in either cannot be introduced again in either house or resolution, amendments by either house Bills, to have final reading not less than two days to have final reading whenever ten or more are 156 when laid on the table, in order of third read- 156 shall not relate to more than one incorpora- 10 156 all original, to be printed when reported..... 12 157 supply and annual appropriations, when re- C. Clerks to communicate messages, unless specially 18 276967 159 158 156 18 158 17 159 to have same number of documents as mem- to send copy of journal to printer.. to note on each engrossed bill the date of its Committee of Conference, directions for their ac- chairman on part of house requesting confer- either house may request it, in case of differ- ence number of.. shall be appointed by either house, when re- must report in writing must not consider or report on any matters must report first to the house assenting to the what number to consist of.. reports of, to be read through in each house.. Difference between two houses, committee of con- either house may recede. 68 154 155 Different subject-matter not to be introduced in a 10 Documents, how many to be printed.......... when extra copies are ordered, notice to be 17 156 157 159 Documents-Continued. RULE. PAGE. when ordered by both houses, to be considered record of reception to be kept.. to be placed on desks of members...................... same as members. governor and elective State officers to have to deliver to trustees of State library.. E. Election of officers by joint action, how certified, Express matter, how regulated.. H. Houses to transmit papers to each other..... to give each other notice of rejection of bills shall appoint committee of conference in case I. Incorporation, not more than one to be included J. Joint committee on State library and cabinet of 154 154 Joint committees, what number to consist of.. etc.... Journal of each house, printing and distribution (12 Messages to be communicated by clerks, unless 12 Messages and documents, how many to be printed 15 8257 154 157 158 159 P. Papers to be transmitted by one house to the} RULE. PAGE. Printing of bills, messages, reports and journals, (18 157 17 159 or purchasing of books can only be done by of documents, when ordered by both houses of documents, extra copies may be ordered when ordered by one house to be communi- not to be done unless embraced in the con- ayes and noes to be called.. 13 157 Postage and express matter, relative to... Postmaster to keep record and report to clerks... 22 161 Q. Quorum necessary on vote to recede....... 155 R. Resolutions rejected, notice to be sent to other State library to have copies of bills, documents, Session laws to be printed and bound for State Journals and session laws. Joint committee on, to be appointed.. Supply bill to be reported by March fifteenth to be printed immediately after being reported, 19 T. Third reading of bills, time to be appointed for, to take place in their order.............. Unanimous consent, when necessary to be ob-20 156 156 161 |