and one as Clerk to the Committee on Railroads, and the remaining three to serve under the direction of the Clerk of the Assembly, upon the remaining Committees of the Assembly; three General Messengers, one of whom shall act as Superintendent of the Wrapping Department, and twenty Pages who shall be appointed by the Clerk for the whole session, and who shall not be under fourteen years of age and shall also serve under the direction of the Clerk of the Assembly as Messengers to Committees. The Speaker may appoint a Clerk and one Messenger, the Clerk of the Assembly may appoint an Assistant Clerk, a Journal Clerk and eight Deputy Clerks, one of whom shall act as one of the Assistant Engrossing Clerks, and also as Clerk to the Committee on Engrossed Bills, a Librarian and Assistant Librarian, and three Messengers, one of whom shall act as Bank Messenger. SEC. 3. The following compensation shall be paid for the annual session of the Legislature: To the Clerks of each House three thousand five hundred dollars, to the Assistant Clerks and Journal Clerks each two thousand dollars, to the Deputy Clerks each fifteen hundred dollars except to the Deputy Clerk designated to act as Clerk to the Senate Committee on engrossed bills who shall receive nine hundred dollars, to the Clerk of the President of the Senate six dollars per day, to the Speaker's Clerk six dollars per day, to the Sergeant at-Arms, the Librarians and Assistant Librarians, the Postmasters, the Assistant Postmasters and the principal Door-keepers of the Senate and Assembly to each of them six dollars per day, to the Assistant Door-keepers, the Janitors and Assistant Janitors, the Superintendent of Documents of the Senate and Assembly each five dollars per day, to the Stenographers fifteen hundred dollars each. The duties of the Stenographers shall be to be present at every session of the body for which they are respectively appointed, and to take stenographic notes of the debates in such respective bodies and in the Committee of the Whole thereof, and to furnish a copy of the same written out in long hand to any member of the body for which he is appointed stenographer as aforesaid. To the Clerks of the Committees of Ways and Means and Judiciary of the Assembly, and the Finance and Judiciary of the Senate seven dollars per day each, and to the Clerks of the Committees of Affairs of Cities of the Senate and Assembly six dollars per day each, and to the Clerks of the other Committees of each House, each five dollars per day; to the Post-office Messengers, three dollars per day, to the Bank Messengers of the Clerks of the Senate and Assembly, each six dollars per day; to the other Messengers, each three dollars per day, to the Pages, each two dollars per day. And the employees of the Senate and Assembly, whether appointed or elected, shall each be paid the same per diem compensation, respectively for each day of any extra session of the Legislature which may be held, as their respective compensation or per diem allowance as established by this section would give per day for every day of the regular session of the Legislature of the same year. And the officers and employees of the Senate who may be designated to attend upon the Senate when sitting as a court for the trial of impeachments, or upon the trial of judicial or other officers on the recommendation of the Governor, shall be paid the same per diem allowance as for attendance at an extra session of the Legislature, as herein provided. And the Clerks of the Senate and Assembly shall annually without extra compensation revise, mail and send to the members of the Legislature previous to the organization thereof the Clerk's Manual, and also within thirty days after the organization of the Legislature prepare a statistical list of the members and officers with their boarding-houses. And the Post-office Messengers shall carry the mails for the Senate and Assembly, and under the direction of the Postmasters assist in the duties of the Post-office, and the Postmasters and Assistant Postmasters shall perform all the labors in the Mail and Express Departments of their respective Houses. And there shall be paid annually to the Clerk of the Senate five hundred dollars, and to the Clerk of the Assembly seven hundred and fifty dollars, for indexing the journals, bills and documents of the Senate and Assembly; and hereafter the indices of the journals, bills and documents of the two Houses of the Legislature shall be made by the Clerks of the respective Houses instead of by the Secretary of the State, as heretofore provided by law. And there shall be paid annually to the Clerk of the Senate five hundred dollars, and to the Clerk of the Assembly seven hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, for extra clerical services and engrossing, and no extra allowance shall be made to the officers and employees above named on any pretense whatever. The compensation and per diem allowance in this section provided for shall be paid on the warrant of the Comptroller upon the certificate of the Speaker for the officers and employees of the Assembly, and the President of the Senate for the officers and employees of the Senate. All appointments made under this act shall be entered on the Journal of the House wherein they are so made; such entry shall specify the date of the appointment, and the length of time the same is to be continued. The pay of officers who receive by the provisions of this act a per diem compensation shall commence at the date of their appointment. No fee or per diem compensation shall be allowed to any officer of either branch of the Legislature for or on account of his attendance upon the opening of the next succeeding session of said body, except to the Clerk, Journal Clerk, Speaker's Clerk, Sergeant-at-Arms, Postmaster, Librarian and principal Door-keeper of the Senate and Assembly, and an Assistant Door-keeper and four Pages in the Senate, and three Assistant Door-keepers, two Messengers and six Pages in the Assembly, the presiding officers of the respective Houses shall designate which Assistant Door-keeper and Pages of the Senate and which Assistant Door-keepers, Pages and Messengers of the Assembly may attend upon the organization of the next Legislature, and no other officers of either branch of the Legislature shall be allowed to attend upon such organization. Such designation shall be made before the close of the session, and be entered upon the journals of the respective Houses. Said officers named in this section who shall serve at the opening of the next session of the Legislature aforesaid, shall receive the same rate of compensation during each day's service, as they were entitled by law to receive for like services at the preceding session of the Legislature. SEC. 4. The President of the Senate may designate three Officers of the Senate, and the Speaker of the Assembly may designate three Officers of the Assembly, to remain after the adjournment of the Legislature to perform duty under the direction of the Clerk of each House respectively, for a period not exceeding ten days. The Officers so designated shall receive the same per diem compensation respectively as they were entitled to receive in their respective offices for the session, the same to be paid by the Comptroller on the certificate of the Clerk of the House for which they were respectively appointed. SEC. 5. No additional officers or employees shall be elected or appointed by the Senate or Assembly, except that either House, by a majority vote thereof, may employ a Stenographer, for a Committee of Investigation or other committee whenever necessary. The President and Clerk of the Senate are hereby authorized on the part of the Senate, and the Speaker and Clerk of the Assembly are hereby authorized, on the part of the Assembly, to detail any of the officers or employees in their respective Houses to perform such duties in addition to those ordinarily performed as they may deem advisable to promote the business of either House. SEC. 6. Whenever any standing committee of either House shall be charged with the duty of making an inquiry or investigation, such committee shall have power to appoint a sub-committee to consist of not less than three of its own members to make such inquiry or investigation, and to take testimony in relation thereto; and such committee or subcommittee shall have all the power and authority that is now conferred by law upon any committee, which, by the terms of its appointment, is authorized to send for persons and papers; and the chairman of any committee or sub-commit tee shall have all the power and authority that is now conferred by law upon the chairman of any committee, which, by the terms of its appointment, is authorized to send for persons and papers, and the chairman of such committee and of such sub-committee shall be authorized to administer oaths to all witnesses coming before such committee or subcommittee for examination. Every witness attending as such before any such committee or sub-committee, shall be entitled to the same fees as are allowed witnesses in civil suits in courts of record. Such fees need not be prepaid, but the Comptroller shall draw his warrant for the payment of the amount thereof, when the same shall have been certified to by the chairman of such committee, and duly proved by affidavit or otherwise, to the satisfaction of the said Comptroller. Whenever, by resolution of either House, a committee shall be directed to conduct an investigation, or take testimony in any other place than in the city of Albany, the Comptroller shall draw his warrant for the payment of the actual and necessary expenses incurred thereby by such committee or sub-committee having in charge such investigation, inquiry or taking testimony, together with the actual and necessary expenses of such officers and employees as shall be authorized to accompany them; but no such expense shall be paid until a bill of the items thereof, in detail, shall be rendered to the Comptroller, and the correctness thereof shall be certified by the chairman of such committee, and duly approved by the President of the Senate, in a case of a committee of the Senate, and by the Speaker of the Assembly in the case of a committee of the Assembly, and duly proved by affidavit or otherwise, to the satisfaction of the Comp troller. SEC. 7. Chapters twelve and four hundred and eighty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and chapter one hundred and twelve of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and all other provisons of law in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. SEC. 8. This act shall take effect on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and eighty. COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS. Each member is entitled by the Constitution to receive an annual salary of one thousand five hundred dollars, and one dollar for every ten miles he shall travel, in going to and returning from the Capitol, once in each session, on the most usual route. (Article III, § 6.) Chapter 9 of the Laws of 1875 provides that each member shall receive ten dollars per day from the commencement of the session, but the aggregate payment to each member shall not exceed twelve hundred dollars during the session, and the balance to be paid on the final adjournment of the Legislature. There is no compensation provided for extra sessions, the salary fixed by the Constitution being an annual salary, except as follows, by section 6 of Article III of the Constitution: Senators, when the Senate alone is convened in extraordinary session, or when serving as members of the court for the trial of impeachments, and such members of Assembly, not exceeding nine in number, as shall be appointed managers of an impeachment, shall receive an additional allowance of ten dollars a day. The mileage may be drawn for both ways, on the first day of the session, or any subsequent day, according to the pleasure of the member. Per diem compensation can be drawn as it becomes due. The member or officer desiring to draw, either mileage or per diem, applies to the Clerk, or the deputy having charge of the pay accounts. The Speaker certifies to the number of days' attendance or miles of travel. To this certificate is attached the receipt of the member for |