INDEX OF MANUAL. A. Adjournment, form of resolution for.. Adjournment, not to exceed two days, except by consent of both houses. Admission to the floor of the house Arrest, members of legislature, when exempt from.. officers of either house, when exempt from.. Assembly Library, rules of... list of members of ...... .... ........ officers and employees of... Assistant sergeant-at-arms, pay of Assistant clerk, pay of.. PAGE 57 74 39 74 75 31, 37 7, 15 16 23 24 24 B. Bills, amendments to in, committee of the whole....... form of report on a petition with a.. . . . . . . . form of favorable report on, referred to a committee, 58 form of report on a, referred with power to report complete.... having been concurred in by both houses, clerk to having passed through committee of the whole, to be how taken up in general orders.. introduction of.. motions to rise and report progress on, in committee motions to strike out enacting clause, when not in notice of suspension of rules for the purpose of passage of, how hastened proceedings, when passed in one house and amended process of passing.. second reading of. .... to be reported correct by committee on engrossed bills, previous to third reading... Bills- Continued. PAGE. when sent to office of secretary of State.. when may be considered out of order in committee when ordered to a third reading. 43, 46 when referred to a standing committee, with power to report complete... 43, 44 when to go upon general order. 41 Books of assembly... 87 C. Caucus for nomination of speaker, clerk, etc., when and 18 Certificate of election need not be presented unless claim Chairman of committees may administer oaths... may send for persons and papers... 66, 69 may issue commission for examination of witnesses.. 67 to present bills to governor for signature form of subpoena used by.... .... service of subpoena.. witnesses examined by, to take oath. to be examined privately. Committee of the whole, bills having passed through, to forms and proceedings in motion to rise and report progress on bills in, always motion to strike out enacting clause of bill in, when .... proceeding in report of, after consideration of bills in... when bills in, may be considered out of their order, 43, 48 Committees, appointment of, to wait upon governor and 42 PAGE. Comptroller, form of warrant of, for payment of witnesses 73 Contempt, attempting by bribe or menace to influence a member in giving his vote.. arrest of member or officer in violation of privilege, a disorderly conduct, tending to interrupt proceedings, a each house has power to punish breach of privileges, as a..... ...... 70, 76 how punished.. refusing to attend to be examined as a witness Contested seat, preliminary proceedings relative to.... expenses of contestant not allowed in certain cases.. 66 D. Debate, members not to be questioned for words spoken in, in any other place... 75 motion in committee of the whole to rise and report 52 Deputy clerks, how appointed.. 23 number.of salary of.. Door-keepers and assistants, pay of. election of number of assistants, and how selected. duties of... 34 record of, by whom kept.... Drawing for seats.. Duties of officers... Documents, printed, are in charge of superintendent of.. distribution of... Doors of each house to be kept open, except, etc.. Duties of clerk until speaker is elected. 35 74 22 17 .30, 37 E. Enacting clause, motion to strike out, when not in order, 54 Extra compensation..... F. Filing of oath of members, clerk to attend to... Files, calling papers from.. 28 18 60 60, 61 of either house, papers cannot be permanently withdrawn from.. G. General orders, days set apart for the consideration of... 41 when bill to go on...... PAGE. Governor, annual message of. 19 committee to be appointed to give notice to, of or- 19 I. Impeachment, power of assembly relative to....... Investigating committees, power of.. Legislative committees, power of, in taking testimony, 66, 68 Legislature, when to assemble... Librarian and assistant, compensation of... duties of.... Library, hours of.. 17, 78 24 32 M. Members of assembly, compensation of.. how drawn.. breach of privileges of, may be punished... list of... Newspapers may be ordered through clerk..... 0. Oath of office, by whom administered. of members, clerk to attend to filling of.... 31 Organization... ......... members absent at, may be sworn by speaker... Pages, number and pay of.. P. PAGE. 23 23 17 18 Papers cannot be permanently withdrawn from files of Post-office arrangements.. 23, 27 30, 31 Powers of legislative committee in taking testimony, 66, 68 Printed documents in custody of superintendent of. Punishment of members, each house has the power of, for cause. on bill referred with power to report complete. Secretary of State, when clerk to send resolutions to dereliction of duty of officers to be reported to. members absent at organization may be sworn by.... |