Studies of Water Storage for Flood Prevention and Power Development in New York State Under Public Ownership and ControlJ.B. Lyon, state printers, 1908 - 252 pages |
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acres Adirondack average borings bridge buildings Caneadea cent channel clay computed concrete Conklingville Consulting Engineer creek Croton cubic yards depletion drainage area drought dryest Edward elevation estimated feet per second flash boards flood flow line forest Fort Edward Freeman Gage height Genesee Falls GENESEE RIVER Hadley Hoosic horse power Hudson river increase Indian Lake isohyetal July June land low water maps mass curve maximum Mechanicville mill million cubic feet months Northville penstock Pierson PLATE Pond Portage Portage reservoir Portageville power development power-house present probably proposed dam Rafter rainfall Raquette river records Rochester SACANDAGA RESERVOIR SACANDAGA RIVER Sample sand Schroon Schroon River Sept spillway square miles storage reservoir stream surface total cost Total number tributaries tunnel turbine upper Hudson upstream valley village water power WATER SUPPLY COMMISSION Water Supply Paper watershed yield York
Popular passages
Page 92 - The lands of the State, now owned or hereafter acquired, constituting the forest preserve as now fixed by law, shall be forever kept as wild forest lands. Tlioy shall not be leased, sold or exchanged, or be taken by any corporation, public or private, nor shall the timber thereon be sold, removed or destroyed.
Page 140 - Both banks are high and not subject to overflow. The bed of the stream is composed of sand. There is but one channel at all stages. Discharge measurements are made from the upstream side of a single-span highway bridge.
Page 133 - There is but one channel at all stages. Discharge measurements are made from the down-stream side of the bridge, which has a single span of 395 feet.
Page 112 - There are 62 water-wheels in the adjoining mill. These are nearly all of modern types which have been tested at the Holyoke flume. A record is kept of the daily run of each in hours, as well as of the working head, which is usually 18 feet.
Page 26 - ... denser and the demand for their use increases. We have only to look across our northern border to the Dominion of Canada to see how our mistakes in allowing private interests to acquire natural resources have been avoided by the statesmanship of the Dominion government.
Page 188 - In the final analysis, it now appears that the greatest good to the State at large and to the city of Rochester in particular, from storage reservoir construction, will be found in power development rather than in flood control, for the two purposes are to some extent antagonistic. The full reservoir is best for power. The empty reservoir is best for holding back a flood, but both purposes can be combined to some extent and to do this has been one object of the present study.
Page 135 - This station is located on the steel highway bridge over the east branch of the Sacandaga river in the southern part of the village of Wells, about 2} miles above the junction of the East and West branches.