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extend the school tax for the said high school district covered by the certificate. Lawrence v. Traner, 136 Ill. 474; St. Louis, Rock Island and Chicago Railroad Co. v. People, 177 id. 78; Chicago and Northwestern Railway Co. v. People, 184 id. 240.

Second-The second objection urged against the tax is that it does not appear from the record that the high school district had legally decided to build a school house in the district, and it is said for that reason the tax for building purposes was illegal. The specific objection made is, that the record of the board of education does not show that the notices of the election at which the district voted to build a school house in the district were properly posted. It was shown by the record that the election was properly called and the clerk of the board was directed to give the statutory notice of the election. It also was shown by the record that the election was held and carried by a vote of 230 for and 5 against the erection of a high school building in the district. A copy of the notices of the election, which were posted in six of the most public places in the district, was introduced in evidence, and it was clearly established by parol that the notice introduced in evidence was a true copy of the notices that were posted in six public places in the township, and that a copy of such notices, duly certified by the clerk of the board to have been posted, was at one time on file in the clerk's office, but that it had been removed to be used in evidence in some of the cases which had been tried relative to the establishment of the school district and which finally reached this court, and had not been returned to the files in the clerk's office but had been lost. The evidence, we think, was therefore ample to establish the fact, if parol evidence can be introduced for that purpose, that due notice, by posting, was given of the election at which the district voted to build a school house.

It is said, however, that the fact that the notices of the election were duly posted can only be established by the record of the board. This we do not think is the law. (Chicago and Northwestern Railway Co. v. People, 193 Ill. 539.) There is no express statutory provision requiring the board of education to preserve record evidence of the posting of the notices of the election, (Southworth v. Board of Education, 238 Ill. 190,) and the fact that the notice and the certificate that it had been posted were on file in the clerk's office but had been removed from his office might be shown by parol. St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad Co. v. People, 225 Ill. 418; Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Co. v. People, 212 id. 551; Forsyth v. Vehmeyer, 176 id. 359; King v. Lamon, 193 id. 537; Felix v. Caldwell, 235 id. 159.

Finding no reversible error in this record the judgment of the county court will be affirmed.

Judgment affirmed.





when specific objection to admission of abstracts of title in
registration proceeding cannot be urged......
section 18 of the Torrens law, concerning admission of ab-
stracts of title or certified copies, is not invalid........ 447


when a trustee who fails to notify cestui que trust of sale
need only account for the price received, with interest,
and not for the present value of the land... 160


in a burnt records proceeding the burden is upon the de-
fendant to establish validity of his tax deeds..........
holder of tax sale certificates upon which the time for tak-
ing out deeds has expired is not entitled to reimburse-'
ment in a burnt records proceeding...
general rule where a party fails to assert his interest in
land-acquiescence by mere silence may operate as an




estoppel in equity...



when a party is estopped to assert title as against mort-
gagees who loaned money on apparent record title..... 46

when mother does not hold possession of land adversely to
son, who inherited the land from his father......
effect of dismissal of consolidated cause-how subsequent
orders should be entered-parties are out of court upon
dismissal of suit...





when officer may be compelled by mandamus to institute
quo warranto proceeding against railroad company..... 151
determination of right of petitioner to compel officer to in-
stitute a quo warranto proceeding is not res judicata of
the merits of the quo warranto suit.
in ejectment, if both parties claim title from a common
source, it is not necessary to prove title in such source. 183




[ocr errors]

Statute of Limitations has no application to a proceeding
for a new assessment under section 46 of article 9 of the
Cities and Villages act of 1872....


.. 209



all tax-payers are bound by decree in proceeding brought
by the complainants as tax-payers......
when court should allow leave to file information in nature
of quo warranto-court may grant leave to file informa-
tion without notice.....


when neither laches nor acquiescence of individuals will
bar the public in a quo warranto suit..
when an information in nature of quo warranto against
school directors is not barred...



mandamus will lie to compel the board of review to list
and assess omitted property-owners of alleged omitted
property are not necessary parties to the suit.......
fact that omitted property is owned by different persons
does not require separate petitions.



it is not essential that the petitioner be entitled to every
detail of the relief prayed for......



action in Illinois based upon a judgment in a foreign State
must be brought within five years.


a statute limiting time for bringing suit on foreign judg-
ment does not violate the Federal constitution......... 412
parties to a partition suit cannot attack the decree collat-
erally-when partition decree is res judicata of question
whether a trust exists in the land.


on petition to sell land to pay debts the administrator may
attack deed as never being delivered.


on petition to sell land to pay debts the county court may
determine conflicting titles...




when record of a criminal case may be amended to show
opening of branch of criminal court...

placita made by a judge of one branch of criminal court
is sufficient basis for amending the record.

when failure to re-publish notice after amending applica-
tion to register title is not fatal...






when amendment cannot be made, on application for judg-
ment of sale, to show that the village tax levy ordinance
filed with county clerk was a copy.......


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