Statutes of California Passed at the ... Session of the LegislatureJ. Winchester, 1876 |
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Common terms and phrases
Act entitled Act shall take aforesaid amount appoint Approved March assessed Assessor Auditor awarded Board of Supervisors Board of Trustees bonds California cents certificate CHAP city and county City Clerk collected Commissioners Common Council contract corporation costs County Clerk County of San County Treasurer Court damages deemed duties election enact as follows entitled An Act expenses fees hereby authorized highways Humboldt County hundred and seventy-six hundred dollars improvements interest issued land levied manner March 23 March 31 Mayor and Common ment Monday Napa County notice ordinance owners paid passage payable payment person petition proceedings purposes receipt receive Recorder represented in Senate residence road district Road Fund Road Overseer road poll-tax Roadmaster salary San Francisco Santa Senate and Assembly Street Sutter County take effect Tax Collector thence thereof thousand dollars tion town volume of Amendments warrants
Popular passages
Page lviii - ... then it shall be the duty of the Legislature to submit such proposed amendment or amendments to the people, in such manner and at such time as the Legislature shall prescribe...
Page lviii - Any amendment or amendments to this constitution may be proposed in the senate and assembly ; and if the same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each of the two houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals with the yeas and nays taken thereon...
Page lv - The governor shall have power to grant reprieves, commutations and pardons, after conviction, for all offenses, except treason and cases of impeachment, upon such conditions and with such restrictions and limitations as he may think proper, subject to such regulations as may be provided by law relative to the manner of applying for pardons.
Page lviii - No such law shall take effect until it shall, at a general election, have been submitted to the people, and have received a majority of all the votes cast for and against it, at such election.
Page lvi - The Superior Court shall have original jurisdiction in all cases in equity, and in, all cases at law which involve the title or possession of real property, or the legality of any tax, impost, assessment, toll, or municipal fine, and in all other cases in which the demand, exclusive of interest, or the value of the property in controversy, amounts to three hundred dollars...
Page li - Every citizen may freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press.
Page li - The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall forever be allowed in this State; and no person shall be rendered incompetent to be a witness on account of his opinions on matters of religious belief...
Page lix - I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of according to the best of my ability.
Page liv - No person holding any lucrative office under the United States, or any other power, shall be eligible to any civil office of profit, under this State...
Page lvi - Each of the justices shall have power to issue writs of habeas corpus to any part of the State, upon petition by or on behalf of any person held in actual custody, and may make such writs returnable before himself or the Supreme Court, or before any District Court of Appeal, or before any judge thereof, or before any Superior Court in the State, or before any judge thereof.