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" Each director, when appointed or elected. shall take an oath that he will, so far as the duty devolves on him, diligently and honestly administer the affairs of such association... "
Instructions of the Comptroller of the Currency Relative to the Organization ... - Page 35
by United States. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency - 1919 - 145 pages
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Laws of the State of Illinois: Passed by the ... General Assembly at Their ...

Illinois - 1923 - 714 pages
...such as the Auditor shall prescribe of fealty to the bank or association of. which he is director and that he will, so far as the duty devolves on him,...diligently and honestly administer the affairs of such bank or association and will not knowingly violate or willingly permit to be violated any of the provisions...
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Acts of the State of Ohio

Ohio - 1834 - 524 pages
...conviction. Oath of officers, etc. Sec. 9646-5. Each director, officer, and member of an appraisal committee when appointed or elected, shall take an oath that he will, so far as the duty devolves upon him, diligently and honestly administer the affairs of the association, and will not knowingly...
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Laws Enacted in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ...

Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc - 1860 - 996 pages
...and the half of one per centum on its capital stock over two hundred thousand dollars; each director shall take an oath that he will, so far as the duty devolves on him, Oath of director, diligently and honestly administer the affairs of the bank, and not knowingly violate...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of the City of ...

Joseph S. Bosworth, New York (State). Superior Court (New York) - 1861 - 740 pages
...each Banking Company, collectively, shall own at least one-tenth of its capital stock. Each director shall take an oath that he will, so far as the duty...diligently and honestly administer the affairs of the Company, and not knowingly violate, or willingly permit to be violated, any provisions of this...
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Laws Enacted in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ...

Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc - 1861 - 956 pages
...centum on its capital stock over two hundred thousand dollars ; each director shall Directors to take take an oath that he will, so far as the duty devolves on him, oath - diligently and honestly administer the affairs of the bank, and not knowingly violate, or willingly...
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The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, Volume 48

1863 - 512 pages
...dollars, and the half of one per centum of its capital if over two hundred thousand dollars. Each director shall take an oath that he will, so far as the duty devolves on him, ddigently and honestly administer the affairs of such association, and will not knowinglv violate,...
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The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, Volume 48

William B. Dana - 1863 - 510 pages
...dollars, and the half of one per centum of its capital if over two hundred thousand dollars. Each director shall take an oath that he will, so far as the duty devolves on him, ddigently and honestly administer the affairs of such association, and will not knowinglv violate,...
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The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, Volume 51

1864 - 496 pages
...his own right, at least ten shares of the capital stock of the association of which he is a director. Each director, when appointed or elected, shall take...will not knowingly violate, or willingly permit to he violated, any of the provisions of this act, and that he is the bonafide owner, in his own right,...
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A General Digest of the Law of Corporations: Presenting the American ...

Benjamin Vaughan Abbott, Austin Abbott - 1869 - 1028 pages
...own right, at least ten shares of the capital stock of the association of which he is. a director. Each director, when appointed or elected, shall take an oath that he will, so far аз the duty devolves on him, diligently and honestly administer the affairs of euch association,...
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Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the ..., Volume 10; Volume 77

United States. Supreme Court - 1871 - 728 pages his own right at least ten shares of the capital stock, and when appointed or elected shall make oath that he will, so far as the duty devolves on...diligently and honestly administer the affairs of the association, and will not knowingly violate, or willingly permit to be violated, any of the provisions...
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