B.-RECORDER. Work performed in division B during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891. Cases approved and awaiting patent June 30, 1891 (approximating 1,323,360 acres) Patents transmitted... 8,271 117, 381 PORTERFIELD WARRANTS. Two warrants of 40 acres each have been patented during the past year. The original number of warrants issued under this act, and aggregating 6,133 acres, was subdivided into 153 warrants. There appears to be still outstanding and unsatisfied 34 warrants of this class, each calling for 40 acres. The following is a statement of the number of acres represented by military bounty-land warrants located in the several land States and Territories for the year ending June 30, 1891, or not heretofore reported, which warrants were issued under the acts of 1847, 1850, 1852, and 1855. The aggregate number of acres is computed at the rate of $1.25 per acre. It does not show the exact area of the lands located with the warrants: Condition of bounty-land business under acts of 1847, 1850, 1852, and 1855, showing the issues and locations from the commencement of operations under said acts to June 30, 1891. 250, 080 19, 920 270,000 SUMMARY. Act 1847. Act 1850. 88, 263 19. 133 Act 1852. Act 1855. 11, 991 262, 646 13, 212, 120 86, 202 184, 027 12,942, 120 12, 840, 640 34, 083, 070 11,744 249, 979 679, 680 32, 415, 510 2, 061 5, 106 247 12, 667 270,000 326, 400 14, 560 1,667, 560 Total C.-PUBLIC LANDS DIVISION. It devolves upon this division, as fast as the public surveys are made, to open tract books, noting therein in pencil the areas by the smallest legal subdivision established by the survey; to enter in ink for permanent record all the entries, filings, selections, grants, reservations, and restorations of public lands, as well as the cancellation of any entries by relinquishment or by the action of this office; to examine the greater portion of the entries made with regard to the regularity of the papers and the sufficiency of the proof submitted where proof is required; to see that errors are corrected, preparing and sending out the necessary correspondence for that purpose, and when they are brought to the proper condition for final action to approve the same or hold them for cancellation, as the case may be; to submit appeals to the appellate authority, communicate results to the proper officers and the parties interested, and give the necessary instructions; to transcribe into tract books for any new land office districts which may be established all the entries, filings, etc., upon lands included in such districts; and to correspond with individuals relative to their claims to public lands or in regard to the land laws, rules, and regulations. In addition, there is much business of a miscellaneous character not falling under any of the classes referred to, such as the work necessary for disposing of abandoned reservations under special acts of Congress and reports to the Secretary of the Interior in regard to Congressional action affecting public lands. The following statement shows the number of entries for which returns were received in this division during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Entrias, locations, selections, and filings, by classes, received for record during the year ending June 30, 1891. In addition to the above, filings of different kinds have been received to the number of 21,773 with an aggregate area of 2,612,760 acres. The following table shows the number of entries pending, by classes, at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 : Work performed in the division during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891. |