The Quarterly Register of Current History, Volume 2

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Evening News Association, 1893
The purpose of the Quarterly register is the bringing together ... of such matters appearing in the daily newspapers as may be valuable for permanent preservation.

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Page 183 - Republican protection as a fraud — a robbery of the great majority of the American people for the benefit of the few. We declare it to be a fundamental principle of the Democratic party that the Federal government has no constitutional power to impose and collect tariff duties except for the purposes of revenue only, and we demand that the collection of such taxes shall be limited to the necessities of the government when honestly and economically administered.
Page 80 - All land now held by railroads and other corporations in excess of their actual needs, and all lands now owned by aliens, should be reclaimed by the government and held for actual settlers only.
Page 184 - New York North Carolina. . . . North Dakota. . .. Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina . . . South Dakota Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alaska Arizona Dist.
Page 282 - ... worth of commodities consumed in their production; the existing currency supply is wholly inadequate to make this exchange; the results are falling prices, the formation of combines and rings, the impoverishment of the producing class. We pledge ourselves that, if given power, we will labor to correct these evils by wise and reasonable legislation, in accordance with the terms of our platform.
Page 3 - Pacific Ocean," as used in the treaty of 1825 between Great Britain and Russia, and what rights, if any, in the Behring Sea were held and exclusively exercised by Russia after said treaty ? 4.
Page 3 - March 1867, pass unimpaired to the United States under that Treaty? 5. Has the United States any right, and if so, what right of protection or property in the fur-seals frequenting the islands of the United States in Behring Sea when such seals are found outside the ordinary three-mile limit?
Page 170 - Bulgaria was constituted an autonomous and tributary principality under the suzerainty of the Porte...
Page 282 - ... campaign every issue but one. They propose to drown the outcries of a plundered people with the uproar of a sham battle over the tariff so that capitalists, corporations, national banks, rings, trusts, watered stock, the demonetization of silver, and the oppressions of the usurers may all be lost sight of. They propose to sacrifice our homes, lives, and children on the altar of mammon; to destroy the multitude in order to secure corruption funds from the millionaires.
Page 80 - We believe that the money of the country should be kept as much as possible in the hands of the people, and hence...
Page 128 - ... hundred a season, upon the basis of the difference between this number and such larger catch as in the opinion of the Arbitrators might have been taken without an undue diminution of the seal-herds.

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