JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES; SECOND ANNUAL SESSION OF THE FOURTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE TERRITORY OF WISCONSIN; BEGUN and held at Madison, the seat of government, on Monday, the fourth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-three; being the day fixed by law for the annual meeting of the said assembly. On which day, at 12 o'clock, meridian, the House of Representatives was called to order by John Catlin, the chief clerk; and the roll being called, the following named members, who had presented certificates of their election and qualification, answered to their names, and severally took their seats, to wit: From the county of Brown, and the counties thereto attachedMessrs. Albert G. Ellis, David Agry and Mason C. Darling. From the counties of Milwaukee and Washington-Messrs. Andrew E. Elmore, Benjamin Hunkins, Thomas H. Olin, Jonathan Parsons, Jared Thompson, and George H. Walker. From the county of Racine-Messrs. John T. Trowbridge, Levi Grant and Ezra Birchard. From the counties of Rock and Walworth--Messrs. John M. Capron, William A. Bartlett, John Hopkins and James Tripp. From the counties of Dane, Dodge, Green, Jefferson and Sauk -Messrs. Robert Masters, Lyman Crossman and Isaac H. Palmer. From the county of Iowa-Messrs. Moses Meeker and George Messersmith. From the county of Grunt-Messrs. Alonzo Platt and Glendower M. Price. From the counties of Crawford and St. Croix--Mr. John H. Manahan. On motion of Mr. Ellis, 1 George II. Walker was appointed speaker pro tempore. William H. How was appointed messenger pro tempore. William Fowler was appointed fireman pro tempore. John W. Trowbridge was appointed sergeant-at-arms pro tem pore. A message from the council by their secretary: "Mr. Speaker: I am directed by the council to inform this house that the council have temporarily organized, and are now ready to proceed to business." On motion of Mr. Agry, Thomas L. Franks was appointed assistant clerk pro tempore. On motion of Mr. Ellis, Resolved, That the standing rules of the house of representatives of the last session be adopted for the government of this house at its present session until others are prepared and adopted. On motion of Mr. Crossman, Resolved, That the clerk be directed to inform the hon. the council that this house is now organized pro tempore, and ready to proceed to business. A message from the council by their secretary: "Mr. Speaker: I am directed to inform this house that the council have appointed Messrs. Baker and Rountree a committee on their part, to act in conjunction with a like committee to be appointed by this house, to inform his excellency the governor that the two houses of the legislative assembly of Wisconsin territory, have organized pro tempore, and are now ready to receive any communication he may have to make to them." Messrs. Capron and Hunkins were appointed on the part of the house to act in conjunction with the committee named in the foregoing message from the council. Mr. Capron, from the joint committee appointed to inform his excellency the governor of the organization of the two houses, &c., reported that the committee had performed the duty assigned them, and that his excellency informed them that he would deliver his message to the two houses, in person, at half-past 2 o'clock this afternoon. A message from the council by their secretary: "Mr. Speaker: The council have passed resolutions of the following title, in which the concurrence of this house is asked, to wit: 'Joint resolutions relative to the death of the hon. Lewis F. Linn, late United States senator from the state of Missouri." On motion of Mr. Meeker, Resolved, That Sheldon & Hyer be appointed to do the incidental printing for the house until otherwise directed. On motion of Mr. Agry, Ordered, that the sergeant-at-arms be directed to prepare seats in this hall for the reception of the council preparatory to the reception of the governor's message. On motion of Mr. Meeker, Ordered, that when this house adjourn, it adjourn until a quarter past 2 o'clock, P. M. And then the house adjourned. A QUARTER PAST 2 O'CLOCK, P. M. On motion of Mr. Crossman, Ordered, that the clerk be directed to acquaint the council that seats have been prepared in the representatives' hall for their accommodation, preparatory to the delivery of the message of his excellency the governor. The hon. the council appeared and took seats. On motion of Mr. White, Ordered, that a committee of one from each house be appointed to inform his excellency, that the two houses have assembled in convention in the representatives' hall, and are ready to receive his message. Messrs. White and Darling were appointed the said committee. His excellency the governor appeared in the representatives' hall, and addressed the two houses, as follows: Gentlemen of the Council, and House of Representatives: We have met for the purpose of determining whether any additional provisions of law are required by the inhabitants of this territory, to secure to them the enjoyment of either their civil or |