It is my opinion that the Clarke School for the Deaf is a charitable institution within the meaning of chapter 402 of the Acts of 1903, and that a report should be made annually to the State Board of Charity. The Clarke School was incorporated for the purpose of benefiting a class of defectives who are most seriously handicapped in their struggle for existence and in their participation in the blessings of life. Such was the noble end of the founders of the school, and these purposes and aims have never been lost sight of by those having the care and education of this weaker portion of our society. To suggest that such an institution is not charitable would seem to cast a reflection on the school and all those interested in its achievements. That it is also an educational institution in no way lessens its charitable nature. There would seem to be no reason why many institutions may not be both charitable and educational, and the fact that this school, by reason of its educational features, submits a report to the State Board of Education is no reason in itself why it ought not to report likewise to the State Board of Charity. It might also be argued that the Legislature intended to give the State Board of Charity supervision over all institutions which exercise a control over the weaker elements of society, as a guard against the abuse of the confidence reposed in them by the contributing public, and as a protection to the unfortunates intrusted to their care, the latter being obviously handicapped in any effort to protect themselves. Very truly yours, THOMAS J. BOYNTON, Attorney-General. INDEX TO OPINIONS. PAGE Agricultural societies, bounties; interpretation of 12-mile restriction, keeping and plan of dairy barn. 8 58 Alimony, provision for, on annulment of marriage, 60 56 Automobiles and motor vehicles, regulation of operation in the town of 66 Boards of health, appointment of member as inspector of slaughtering, 31 Bond, certificate of renewal of, 92 Boston, Cape Cod & New York Canal Company, deposit with Treasurer 164 Boston Transit Commission, extension of term of office; constitutional 139 Building laws, application of, building containing two or more establish- Call fireman, appointment to permanent force without civil service exam- Charters, general municipal corporation act; constitutional law, 215 Cities and towns, bonds and notes, municipal debts, 141 Liability of, for injuries resulting from accidents in manual training 221 Sales of land acquired for a public domain; supervision of State 223 Citizens of the United States. employment of, by a city, discharge of 179 Civil service, appointment of call fireman to position of captain of per- 35 Certification of laborer or mechanic having had experience in the de- 200 Citizens of United States, employment of, by a city, discharge of 179 Department of Health, employees of State Board of Health, Sealers of weights and measures, election of, provided for by city 94 Tenure of office of, in certain towns, annual appointment, 11 Civil Service Commission, approval of appointments to planning board of Boston, 38 Civil war veteran, gratuities, re-enlistment as substitute, Naturalization fees, Cold-storage eggs, sales in storage, interstate shipments, stitutional law, Constitutional law, appropriation of public funds for relief of sufferers by Authority of cities and towns to harvest and sell ice, Authority to enact general municipal corporation act; power of city to amend charter, Authority to fix time for filing report by grade crossing commission, Authority to take water from interstate stream, damages to nonresidents, Boston Transit Commission, extension of term of, Guaranty by Commonwealth of bonds of a railroad corporation, Newspapers and periodicals, sole agents for the sale of, Publication of name of drugs or chemicals taken with suicidal intent, 81 124 139 156 9 23 132 62 20 Regulation of automobiles and motor vehicles in the town of Nan- 66 Regulation of compensation of employees of railroads, 162 Regulation of corporations, representation of minority stockholders on. boards of directors, 121 Regulation of price of gas, Boston Consolidated Gas Company, con tract, 152 Regulation of price of ice, great ponds, 145 Regulation of sale of tickets to places of amusement, 89 Taxation of industries, exemptions, Trading stamps, excise taxes, license fees, 74 96 Contract, reference to specifications as an aid in interpreting, 14 Rejection of bids, liability, 160 Co-operative banks, loans, reduction in rate of interest, 213 Corporations, certificate of increase of capital stock, filing fee, 111 Representation of minority stockholders on boards of directors, con stitutional law, 121 County commissioners, reimbursement of expenses, 181 Directors of the Port of Boston, interpretation of "entire time to the work of the directors," 186 District Police, inspector of factories and public buildings, transfer from 1 Divorce certificate presented by divorced person seeking marriage license, 105 Drugs or chemicals, publication of name of, when taken with suicidal intent, constitutional law, 62 Drunkenness, publication of name of person arrested for; constitutional law, 20 Education, Board of, supervisory powers, textile schools supported or aided by Commonwealth, Employees, fines imposed for damage caused by their negligence or misconduct, 222 In manufacturing or mercantile establishments; twenty-four hours' rest in every seven days, 21 Expenses for travel, etc., necessarily incurred by persons in the service of the Commonwealth, allowance of, Fines imposed upon employees for damage caused by their negligence or Fire Prevention Commissioner, appointees subject to civil service rules, Framingham Normal School, erection and furnishing of dormitory; laundry, 183 Gas, regulation of price of, contract, Boston Consolidated Gas Company; constitutional law, 152 Glass bottles or jars used in the distribution of milk or cream; use for 65 81 Great ponds, authority of Harbor and Land Commissioners to limit public right to take ice, Health, Department of, employees of State Board of Health, civil service, Health, State Board of, right to refuse approval of appointment by local board of health of one of its own members as inspector of slaughtering, Highways, discretion of Massachusetts Highway Commission as to mate- Hospitals, State, salaries of appointees of trustees, subject to approval of 48 Hours of labor, chauffeurs employed as drivers of police patrol, 8-hour law, 42 Drivers or hostlers in Boston police department, police officers, 8-hour 172 Employees in manufacturing or mercantile establishments; twentyfour hours' rest in every seven days, 21 Employment of citizens or residents of Massachusetts on public works outside the State; 8-hour law, 25 Materials and supplies used in public works, 8-hour law, 182 Minors, employed as bookkeepers, stenographers, clerks and clerical 3 Minors, liability of employers and parents, notice, 137 Hunters' certificates of registration, books of; retention by city and town clerks, 36 Ice, cutting of, on great ponds; jurisdiction of Harbor and Land Commissioners, 52 Harvesting and selling of, by cities and towns; constitutional law, Regulation of price of, taken from great ponds; constitutional law, "Illegitimate," use of term in record of the birth of a child, . Imprisonment, term of, expiring on Sunday, prisoner to be discharged when, . Insane hospital, State, duty of trustees as to mail of inmates, Inspector of buildings, eligibility of person above fifty years of age for appointment as, Revocation of certificates issued by, Transfer from State Board of Labor and Industries to District Police, Inspector of masonry construction, actual experience as journeyman mason, 198 Inspector of slaughtering, appointment by local board of health of one of 46 Investments in mortgage bonds; "funded indebtedness,' 'contin- Insurance policies, internal revenue tax thereon, rebates, PAGE 31 90 29 205 188 9 Labor, construction outside the Commonwealth of materials to be used in public works, 85 Legislature, members of, eligibility for appointment to office, 119 83 License, special, engineer's or fireman's, termination of; continuous employment, 6 Status during pendency of appeal on conviction of licensee for violation of its terms, 41 Trading stamps, fees; constitutional law, 96 Loan agencies, expenses of loans, interest, 226 Lowell, sealer of weights and measures of, civil service rules, 94 Mail of inmates of State insane hospital, duty of trustees, 101 Manual training schools, liability of cities and towns for injuries resulting from accidents, Massachusetts Highway Commission, discretion as to materials to be used in construction of highways, Metropolitan Park Commission, authority to release land abutting on Milk or cream, use of glass bottles or jars used in the distribution thereof, use for other purposes, Minors, hours of employment of, as bookkeepers, stenographers, clerks and clerical assistants, Liability of employers and parents as to hours of labor, notice, Naturalization fees, portion that may be retained by clerks of courts, Newspapers and periodicals, sole agents for sale of; constitutional law, Notaries public, all members of the bar to be made such; constitutional law, Officers appointed by trustees of State hospitals, salaries, approval by Parole, violation of, duration of sentence of prisoner, Stockholders in corporation; application for permit, Pharmacy, Board of Registration in, duty to pass upon each application for permit to do drug business, Planning board of Boston, approval by Civil Service Commission of appointments to, Plumbers, interference with freedom of contract; constitutional law, Police officers, special, chauffeurs employed as drivers of police patrol, hours of labor, 132 Poultry associations, aid from poultry premium bounty fund, 210 Public documents, disposition of, by cities and towns, Public institution, authority of trustees to lay water pipes in streets, 220 Public records, use of the term "illegitimate" in record of the birth of a child, . 10 ཝཎྜས་མི་ སླེཋ 109 53 27 42 103 93 |