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1. The Citizens Bank of Omro, capital $25,000.00, resolution filed October 9th, 1905; consolidated with the First National Bank of Omro.

2. Bank of Rib Lake, capital $10,000.00, resolution filed May 20th, 1905, consolidated with the First National Bank of Rib Lake.

No bank failures occurred during the year covered by this report.


The bank of Turtle Lake, Barron county, was permitted, under section 13, chapter 2 of the Banking Act, to reduce its capital stock from $15,000.00 to $10,000.00. On the other hand, thirteen banks have increased their capital stock in the aggregate amount of $187,900.00, to-wit:

[blocks in formation]

The summary of gain and loss in the capital stock is pre

sented in the following table, to-wit:

[blocks in formation]

Being a net gain of $358,400.00 in capitalization during


Five reports have been called for from state and savings banks during the calendar year just closed, as required by section 15, chapter 2 of the Banking Act. Table "A," which

follows, shows (1) The date of each report; (2) Number of banks on such date; (3) Aggregates of the several items of resources and liabilities on each date. The statements returned by the two savings banks doing business in this state are included in this table.

In the appendix to this report will be found a table exhibiting abstracts of reports of banks, annually, since 1895, the date of the creation of this department.

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The increase in the volume of business on November 9th, 1905, over that reported a year ago, viz., on November 10th, 1904, amounts to $9,169,058.98, as shown in Table "B" which follows, and which also exhibits the increase in the several principal items of resources and liabilities, to-wit:

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The remarkable increase of $8,357,984.51 in deposits in state and mutual savings banks from November 10th, 1904, to November 9th, 1905, coupled with an increase during the same period of $3,884,660.00 in deposits in the national banks operating in Wisconsin, as shown by the Abstract of Reports of the National Banking Associations furnished this department through the courtesy of the Comptroller of the Currency, is indicative certainly of a continuance of the great prosperity with which this state has been blessed for a number of years last past.

By the aid of the above mentioned Abstract of Reports of National Banking Associations, Table "C," which follows, has been compiled. It exhibits the aggregates of the principal items of resources and liabilities of the national, state and savings banks doing business in Wisconsin on November 9th, 1905, as compared with the same aggregates on November 10th, 1904, and shows the increase in the several items named,

Table C.

Compilation of Resources and Liabilities of National, State and Savings Banks, Located


in Wisconnin.

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Through the courtesy of the officers of the national banks located in Wisconsin, I am enabled to embody in this report statements of the condition of each national bank operating in this state at the close of business on November 9th, 1905. This feature of the report, inaugurated by my predecessor, the late E. I. Kidd, seems to meet with the approval of the banking fraternity.


On September 11th, 1905, the Stoughton State Bank, located at Stoughton, Dane county, placed its affairs "in the hands of the commissioner of banking," by resolution of its board of directors, under section 24, chapter 2 of the Banking Act. This temporary suspension was due to a quantity of slow and unbankable assets with which this bank was burdened at the time, and to other conditions resulting from the operation of the banking laws. It is a pleasure to report that after a thorough overhauling, in which the directors displayed commendable zeal and anxiety to meet the requirements of this departament, the bank was placed in a sound condition and was permitted to re-open for business on November 22nd, 1905. The statement of this bank, embodied in this report,

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