The Bankers' Magazine, and Journal of the Money Market, Volume 39

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Richard Groombridge, 1879

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Page 391 - ... the art of directing the great sources of power in nature for the use and convenience of man...
Page 200 - No association shall make any loan or discount on the security of the shares of its own capital stock, nor be the purchaser or holder of any such shares, unless such security or purchase shall be necessary to prevent loss upon a debt previously contracted in good faith; and stock so purchased or acquired shall, within six months from the time of its purchase, be sold or disposed of at public or private sale; or, in default thereof, a receiver may be appointed to close up the business of the association,...
Page 555 - No notice of any trust, expressed, implied, or constructive, shall be entered on the register, or be receivable by the registrar, in the case of companies under this Act and registered in England or Ireland.
Page 197 - ... shall be held individually responsible, equally and ratably, and not one for another, for all contracts, debts, and engagements of such association to the extent of the amount of their stock therein at the par value thereof, in addition to the amount invested in such shares...
Page 455 - ... in every such report shall state whether, in his or their opinion, the balance-sheet referred to in the report is a full and fair balance-sheet properly drawn up, so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the company's affairs, as shown by the books of the company ; and such report shall be read before the company in general meeting.
Page 761 - Every auditor shall be supplied with a copy of the balance sheet, and it shall be his duty to examine the same, with the accounts and vouchers relating thereto.
Page 563 - That an humble address be presented to his Majesty, that he will be graciously pleased to give directions that a monument be erected in the Cathedral Church of ST.
Page 561 - Where a person takes a crossed cheque which bears on it the words " not negotiable," he shall not have and shall not be capable of giving a better title to the cheque than that which the person from whom he took it had.
Page 455 - D. in the first schedule hereto, or as near thereto as circumstances will admit, and a copy of such statement shall be put up in a conspicuous place in the registered office of the Company, and in every branch office or place where the business of the Company is carried on...
Page 454 - ... the general assets of the company are, in the event of the company being wound up, insufficient to satisfy the claims of both the noteholders and the general creditors, then the members, after satisfying the remaining demands of the noteholders, shall be liable to contribute towards payment of the debts of the general creditors, a sum equal to the amount received by the noteholders out of the general assets of the company.

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