INDEX. ARTICLES ON BANKING AND FINANCIAL SUBJECTS. Ancient Systems of Weight as applied to Money, 1046. Application of the Principle of Reserve Liability to Banks, 1005. Audit of Accounts of Banks, 375. Auditing and Details of Bank Management, 166. Bank Officers' Provident Funds, 1007. Banking Law of Sweden, 19. Banking Profits in the second half of 1878, 103. Baron Lionel de Rothschild, 541. Caledonian Banking Company, 16. Circulation of Government Notes in Germany, 1023. Coal and Iron Trades, 458. Coin in France and Germany, 32. Constitution of Banks, 289. Convention of the American Bankers' Association, 837. Course of Foreign Exchanges for the Year 1878, 206. Decade in the History of Indian Banks, 926. Decade of progress in Australian Banking, 871. Eastern Banks, 371. Foreign Exchanges-When Gold moves, 1009. Government Banking Bill, The, 445, 753. Great Rise in the Prices of Commodities, 1042. Increase in the number of Banks and Branches during the Twenty Years, 1858-1878, 844. Insolvencies in England and Wales, and the Report of the Comptroller in Bankruptcy, 613. Limited Liability in Banks, 99, 161. Monetary Review, 68, 143, 273, 353, 426, 511, 597, 735, 821, 904, 987, 1072. Officials of the Imperial Bank of Germany, 34. Points to be considered in discussing Limitations of Liability for Banks, 921. Position of The Bankruptcy Bill, 533. Presentation of Bills through the Post in Germany, 934. Probable Revival in the Market-Values of Joint Stock Bank Shares, 760. Professor Soetbeer on the Influence of the Sale of Silver by Germany on the Progress of Banking in Great Britain and Ireland in 1878, 1, 85. Recovery of confidence in Bank Shares, 1044. Revival of Trade with the East, 538. Sir Stafford Northcote's Bill on Banking Companies, 369, 445, 753. |