1980 Winter Olympic Games: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Transportation and Commerce of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, Second Session, on H.R. 8906 ... March 3 and 4, 1976

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Page 3 - ... (a) Each recipient of assistance under this Act pursuant to grants or contracts entered into under other than competitive bidding procedures shall keep such records as the Secretary shall prescribe, including records which fully disclose the amount and disposition by such recipient of the proceeds of such assistance, the total cost of the project or undertaking...
Page 76 - The lands of the State, now owned or hereafter acquired, constituting the forest preserve as now fixed by law, shall be forever kept as wild forest lands. They shall not be leased, sold or exchanged, or be taken by any corporation, public or private, nor shall the timber thereon be sold, removed or destroyed.
Page 3 - ... of that portion of the cost of the project or undertaking supplied by other sources, and such other records as will facilitate an effective audit.
Page 19 - Mr. Chairman, that concludes my prepared statement I would be happy to answer any questions at this time.
Page 101 - That the Congress finds and declares it to be desirable that all American people of present and future generations be assured adequate outdoor recreation resources, and that it is desirable for all levels of government and private interests to take prompt and coordinated action to the extent practicable without diminishing or affecting their respective powers and functions to conserve, develop, and utilize such resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the American...
Page 35 - Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Legislature of the State...
Page 5 - Washington, DC DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: This is to advise you that the...
Page 5 - We respectfully request that this letter be included in the hearing record.
Page 88 - Winter sports in the United States dates back to the turn of the century when Lake Placid hosted the earliest of winter sports competitions in this country.
Page 25 - To teach that sport is play for fun and enjoyment and not to make money and. that with devotion to the task at hand, the reward will take care of itself — the philosophy of the amateur as contrasted to that of materialism.

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