YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1898, AND WM. B. BURFORD, CONTRACTOR FOR STATE PRINTING AND BINDING. 1900. THE STATE OF INDIANA, Received by the Governor, examined and referred to the Auditor of State for verification of the financial statement. The within report, so far as the same relates to moneys drawn from the State Treasury, has been examined and found correct. W. H. HART, Auditor of State. September 17, 1900. Returned by the Auditor of State, with the above certificate, and transmitted to Secretary of State for publication, upon the order of the Board of Commissioners of Public Printing and Binding. CHAS. E. WILSON, Filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Indiana, September 17, 1900. UNION B. HUNT, Received the within report and delivered to the printer this 19th day of September, 1900. THOS. J. CARTER, Clerk Printing Bureau. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. 1898. W. T. GOTT, M. D, President..... .Crawfordsville. Examiner in Obstetrics, and in Homeopathic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, and Theory and Practice of Medicine. W. A. SPURGEON, M. D., Vice-President......... Muncie. Examiner in Anatomy and Physiology, and in Physio-Medical Materia Medica and Therapeutics, and Theory and Practice of Medicine. W. F. CURRYER, M. D., Secretary ...... Indianapolis. Examiner in Gynecology, and in Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, and Theory and Practice of Medicine. JAMES M. DINNEN, M. D., Treasurer............. Examiner in Chemistry and Surgery. Fort Wayne. J. C. WEBSTER, M. D...... Lafayette. Examiner in Regular Materia Medica and Therapeutics, and Theory and Practice of Medicine. D9725 (3) |