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Scene at Stockbridge, on receiving News of the Battle of Lexington
Birth and Death of Great Men-Ancestry of George-Loss of his Father
Sent to District School-Early History-Appointed.Surveyor-F
Goes to Barbadoes with a Sick Brother-Appointed Major over the Militia ---
Sent a Commissioner to the French-Account of his Perilous Journey.
Washington sent against the French-Hostilities of the latter----Fort Duquesne
Difficulties of the March-Dangerous Explcrations Message from the Half-
King-Night March-Attack on Jumonville-Feelings of Washington in his
First Battle---Final Results of it-Fort Necessity-Battle of the Great Mea-
dows-Washington Capitulates-Resigns in Disgust his Commission-Tart
Refusal to Join the Army under Governor Sharpe-Accepts Braddock's
Request to act as Volunteer Aid---Is taken Sick-Joins the Army-Battle of
Monongahela-Bravery of Washington-The Retreat-Death of Braddock-
Washington Reads the Funeral Service-Burial by Torch-light-Scenes
around Fort Du Quesne-Demoniacal Jubilee of the Indians-Washington at
Mount Vernon-Disgust with the Government-Apppointed Commander-in-
Chief of the Virginia Forces-Head-quarters at Winchester-Inroads of the
Indians-Terror of the Settlers-Sternness of Washington-False Rumors
Difficulty with Captain Dagworthy Goes to Boston to refer it to Governor
Shirley-Reception on the way-Falls in love with Miss Phillips of New
Fresh Hostilities of the Indians-Attempts to Supersede Washington-Anony.
mous Libels-Washington wishes to Resign---Prevented by his Friends-
Establishes a Line of Forts-Harassing Nature of his Duties-Attends a
Convention at Philadelphia-His Sickness and Retirement to Mount Vernon--
Progress of the War-Frederick the Great-Washington's first Acquaint-
ance with Mrs. Custis-Advance of the Army to Fort Du Quesne---Wash
ington required to cut a New Road-His Forebodings likely to prove true--
Capture of the Fort-Election of Washington to the House of Burgesses-
His Marriage-Life at Mount Vernon-Collision with a Poacher-Settles the
Soldiers' Claims---Expedition to the Western Wilderness to examine the
Wild Lands-Admirable Preparation for his Future Career.
Character of the Colonists-First Attempt to Tax the Provinces-Its Recep-
tion by the People-Taxation Discussed in the British Parliament-Speech
of Colonel Barre-Attitude of Virginia-Speech of Patrick Henry-South
Carolina and Gadsden-Attacks on Stamp-Master J. Ingersoll-First Con-
gress at New York-The Stamp Act Repealed - Excitement and Joy of the
Colonists-Washington's Views of it-Duties on Tea, Paper, etc. Tea
thrown overboard in Boston Harbor-Port Bill-Virginia Assembly and
Conduct of Washington-Fast Day-Fairfax Resolutions-Washington's
Letter to Mr. Bryan Fairfax-He is Elected a Delegate to the First General
Congress-Action of Congress-Prayer by Duchè-Washington's standing
in Congress-Lexington and Concord-Excitement of the People-Stock-
bridge-The Second Congress-Washington Chairman of every Committee-
Appointed Commander-in-Chief-Battle of Bunker Hill-Journey of Wash-
ington to Cambridge-Takes Command of the Army-Its Character-Ap-
pearance of the Encampment-Washington's first order-Organization of
the Army-Difficulties that beset him-Forced to act contrary to his
Washington Remonstrates against the Treatment of American Prisoners-
Sends Arnold to Quebec-Want of Powder in the Army-A new Army
raised-The National Flag first hoisted-Washington prevented from As-
saulting the Enemy's Works-His feelings under the delay-Thinks of the
Poor at Home" Boston Blockaded," a farce-Washington takes Possession
of Dorchester Heights-Howe resolves to storm them--Attempt abandoned,
and the Evacuation of Boston commenced-Sufferings of the Tories-Wash-
ington orders the Army to New York-Lee sent South-His Letter-Wash-
ington Visits Congress-His Views of a Declaration of Independence-Defeat
of the Northern Army-Attempt to spread Disaffection in Washington's
Guard-Congress discusses the Declaration of Independence-Excitement
in Philadelphia at the final vote-Its reception by the Army and People-
Operations around New York-Howe's Letter to George Washington, Esq.
The assembling of the British force-State of the two Armies.
The British land on Long Island-Sickness of Greene-The Battle-Defeat of
Sullivan and Stirling-Masterly Retreat to New York-Causes of Failure-
New York abandoned-Retreat of Washington to Harlæm Heights-Land-
ing of the British at Kip's Bay-Poltroonery of the Americans and rage of
Washington-His severe Order of the Day-Remarks on this Conduct of
Washington-Narrow Escape of Putnam with his Division-Skirmish be-
tween two Detachments and Death of Knowlton-Manœuvre of Howe and
Battle of Chatterton's Hill-Retreat of Washington-Fall of Fort Washing-
Retreat of Washington through the Jerseys-Disorganization of his Army-
Finally takes post beyond the Delaware, near Trenton-Unaccountable
apathy-Washington takes advantage of it-Reinforced-Reorganization of
the Army-Washington resolves to march on Trenton --Passage of the
river-The Attack-The Victory-March on Princeton-Astonishment of
Cornwallis-Death of Colonel Rahl-The effect of the Victory upon the
Country-Poverty of the Army-Robert Morris, the noble Financier-
etc., etc.
Washington's Fame in Europe-Barbarity of the Hessians-Depredations of
the Troops-General Heath summons Fort Independence to surrender-
Washington issues a counter Proclamation to that of Howe-Illy received
in New Jersey-Five additional Major Generals and ten Brigadiers appoint-
ed-Inhuman treatment of American Prisoners by the British-Arnold and
Wooster drive Governor Tryon back to his ships-Meigs' Expedition to Sag
Harbor-The British Evacuate New Jersey-Arrival of Lafayette-His
Interview with Washington--The British land at Elk and march on Phila-
delphia-Washington advances to meet them-Skirmishing-Washington
re-crosses the Brandywine and takes position near Chad's Ford-Position
Battle of Brandywine-A new account of the loss of the British, found among
General Clinton's papers-Washington again offers Howe Battle-Defeat of
Wayne at Paoli--Philadelphia taken-Fortifications erected at Mud Bank
and Red Bank-Tenacity of Washington-Battle of Germantown-Cause
of the Defeat of the Americans.
Fall of Burgoyne-Sermon of Timothy Dwight-Letter from Washington to
Howe-Attack on Fort Mercer and Death of Count Donop-Gallant Defence
and Fall of Fort Mifflin-Fall of Fort Mercer-March of Howe against
Washington, and Address of the latter to his Troops-The Conway Cabal
and fate of the head Conspirators-Valley Forge-Sufferings of the Soldiers-
Washington at Prayer-Labors of Washington and Inefficiency of Congress-
The Half-Pay Establishment-Washington's Answer to the Complaint that
he did not make a Winter Campaign-News of the Alliance of France--
Celebration of it in Valley Forge-Baron Steuben and the Effects of his
Discipline on the Army-Howe resolves to Evacuate Philadelphia--Council
of War in American Camp on the best course to adopt.
Lafayette at Barren Hill-The Oath of Allegiance taken by the Officers--
Strange conduct of Lee-Evacuation of Philadelphia-Determination of
Washington-Battle of Monmouth and conduct of Lee-Arrival of the
French Fleet-Attack on New York planned-Failure of the Attempt against
Newport, and Displeasure of the French Commander-Massacre of Baylor's
Dragoons and American Troops at Egg Harbor-Destitute condition of the
Army, and Opinions of Washington as to the result of it-The Army in
Winter Quarters-Miserable condition of Congress-Sickness of Lafayette-
Washington consults with Congress on the Plan of the Summer Campaign-
Resolves to act solely against the Indians-Sullivan's Expedition-Taking
of Stony and Verplanck's Points-Governor Tryon's Foray--Successful At-
tack of Wayne on Stony Point-Lossing's Accusations refuted-Wretched
state of the Currency-Washington's Indignation against Speculators-
Count Vergennes' views of Washington-Suffering of the Troops in Winter
Quarters at Morristown-The Life Guard-Death of the Spanish Agent-
Washington partakes of the Communion in a Presbyterian Church-National
Bankruptcy threatened-Arrival of Lafayette with the news of a large
French Force having sailed Noble Conduct of the Ladies of Philadelphia,
and of Robert Morris, in Supplying the Soldiers with Clothing.
Fall of Charleston-Arrival of the French Fleet-Defeat of Gates -- Washington
visits Rochambeau-Treason of Arnold-Arrest of André - His Execution-
Cornwallis in the South-Project of an Attack on New York-Suffering of the
Troops-Mutiny in Wayne's Command-Mutiny of the New Jersey Troops,
and prompt action of Washington-Inefficiency of Congress, and jealousies
of the States--Arnold's Expedition into Virginia-Action between the Eng.
lish and French fleet-Lafayette sent South to coöperate with Steuben-
Operations in Virginia-Washington's Letter to the Manager of his Estate-
State of the Army-Letter to Paul Jones-Patriotism of Robert Morris-
Washington prepares to attack New York-Cornwallis retreats before La-
fayette to Yorktown-The allied Army marches rapidly South-Washing-
ton visits Mount Vernon-Arrival of the French Fleet in the Chesapeake-
Anxiety of Washington-Yorktown invested-Progress and Incidents of
the Siege-Capitulation of the Army-Excitement and joy of the Ameri-
can People-Effect of the News on the British Ministry.
Sickness and Death of young Custis-Departure of the French Fleet-Desti-
nation of the Troops-Circular Letter to the States-Lincoln Secretary of
War-Green around Charleston-Head-quarters at Newburgh-The Temple
-Case of Captain Huddy and Captain Asgill-Defeat of the English Minis-
try-Proposal to make Washington king-Settlement of the case of young
Asgill-Meeting of French and American Troops at King's Ferry-Desti-
tution of the Officers-Washington's views on the subject "Newburgh