REPORT. HON. CYRUS G. LUCE, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Military Forces of Michigan: SIR--In compliance with the laws of the State, I have the honor to submit herewith my report of the Quartermaster's Department from July 1, 1888, to June 30, 1890, inclusive, with inventories of the military properties of the State. STATE ENCAMPMENTS. The camp of instruction for 1889 was held at Goguac Lake, near Battle Creek. The camp was laid out and all arrangements completed by my predecessor, Gen. S. B. Daboll, but he having been appointed Judge of the 29th Circuit Court, resigned his commission as Quartermaster General August 8 (the opening day of camp) and, receiving the appointment and commission, I assumed the duties on that day. Until the past few years it has been customary to hold a camp of instruction in alternate years, but during your administration a camp has been held each year, which I think is unprecedented since the organization of the State troops. Early in 1890 the advisability of holding a camp was discussed, but the limited funds available rendered it very doubtful. After repeated negotiations with railroad managers and transportation lines, I succeeded in getting rates that enabled you to order the camp. Goguac Lake (same location as 1889) was selected and July 24 decided as its commencement. Without the low transportation and the liberality of the citizens of Battle Creek, through its efficient committee, the camp of 1890 could not have been held. The citizens and committee of Battle Creek did everything in their power toward the success of the camp, and to this committee I am much indebted for valuable assistance rendered. The several railroads and transportation lines extended every facility towards the prompt and expeditious moving of troops and stores. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. During the past year a modern ambulance and hospital tent were procured for this department. CLOTHING, TENTS, ETC. Five hundred great coats have been added, making a total of about fifteen hundred now on hand; also fifty wall tents and sufficient canteens and haversacks for the entire command. I would recommend an addition of five hundred great coats, two thousand campaign hats, and two thousand pairs of leggings, with which Michigan State troops would be equipped for any service they are liable to be called upon to perform. PERMANENT CAMP GROUNDS. It would seem to me to be the best policy for the State to purchase suitable grounds on the line of some railroad, but remote as possible from city or village, erecting suitable buildings where all camp equipage and heavy stores could be kept, thereby saving the heavy expense each year of freight and cartage, which in itself would in a very few years pay for the ground and improvements. I would recommend an increase of the militia of four companies, or two companies of infantry and one battery of artillery. To the Governor and Commander-in-chief, the Adjutant General's department, Inspector General, State Military Board and assistant quartermastergenerals for courtesies and assistance rendered me, I am under many obligations. Very respectfully, GEO. M. DEVLIN, RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. At close of last report (July 1, 1888) there was remaining on hand three thousand four hundred fifty-five dollars and twenty-seven cents ($3,455.27) and there has been received one hundred and forty thousand four hundred sixty-five dollars and fifty-six cents ($140,465.56) being a total of one hundred forty-three thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars and eightythree cents ($143,920.83). The following is a classification of expenditures from July 1, 1888 to July 1, 1890, vouchers for which are on file in the office of the Auditor General: Expenses of department headquarters, including offices of Adjutant General, Quartermaster General, Inspector General, and State Military Board. $10,494 55 Expenses at brigade, regimental, battalion, and company headquarters, elections and court martial.. 34,623 17 Clothing, camp and garrison equipage, miscellaneous supplies for troops, and repairs on same.. 5,292 94 43,392 55 66 66 1889 41,270 63 8,846 99 $143,920 83 The following is an abstract of classified expenditures from July 1, 1888, to July 1, 1890. EXPENSES AT DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS. Office of the Adjutant General, Quartermaster General, Inspector General, and State Military Board. "Quartermaster General's office. 2,733 34 66 Armorer 1,150 00 711 50 Per diem and mileage of State Military Board 799 88 |