STATE TREASURERS FROM 1836 TO 1893. HENRY HOWARD, February 19, 1836, to April 30, 1839. REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN. HON. EDWIN B. WINANS, Governor: TREASURY DEPARTMENT, DEAR SIR-As required by law, I herewith present a report of the financial transactions of this department from July 1, 1890, to June 30, 1891, inclusive, showing the receipts and disbursements to and from the different funds as provided by law. As given in the last report the balance on hand June 30, 1890, was.. The receipts have been.. The payments have been.. Balance in Treasury June 30, 1891.. -$1,151,259 78 3,181,308 81 $4,332,568 59 3,107,924 27 $1,224,644 32 of the Auditor General, as appears by his letter. Which corresponds with the amount charged to this office on the books All of which is respectfully submitted. FREDERICK BRAASTAD, State Treasurer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, } TO THE HON. FREDERICK BRAASTAD, State Treasurer, Lansing, Mich.: I hereby certify that the cash balance charged to the State Treasurer as being in his hands at the close of business June 30, 1891, was one million two hundred and twenty-four thousand six hundred and forty-four dollars and thirty-two cents ($1,224,644.32) as appears from the books of this office. GEO. W. STONE, Auditor General. The following statement from the General and Auxiliary Ledgers gives the condition of the several Trust Funds, Sinking Fund, Bond Account, etc.: The outstanding bonds of this State now are: Past-due part-paid Five Million Loan Bonds, $19,000, adjustable at $558.57 per $1,000 (not bearing interest). $10,992 83 $10,992 83 TRUST FUND DEBT. The Trust Fund Debt, composed of balances upon which the State, as trustee, pays interest for educational purposes now is: |