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HON. CYRUS G. LUCE, Governor:

Lansing, Michigan, June 30, 1890.

SIR-I herewith respectfully submit the following as my report for the

fiscal year closing June 30:

The receipts to the State Treasury from all sources during

the year were..

And the disbursements for all purposes..

Receipts exceed disbursements by..

Which deducted from the balance June 29, 1889..

* $3,377,238 62

3,342,168 03

$35,070 59 1,116,189 19

Gives for the balance in the Treasury June 30, 1890..

$1,151,259 78

$3,377,238 62

If from the receipts as stated above..-

The amounts covered by credits to contractors

And the amount of refunding and reimburse-
for building Swamp Land State Roads_-_ $12,244 43
ments during the year.--


€239,749 34

The receipts from various sources, which form
Be deducted, there is left for net cash receipts..
While the portion of the receipts gathered
no part of the revenue of the State, amount to $348,390 11
into the State Treasury during the year for
purposes of revenue is..

251,993 77

$3,125,244 85

See Appendix, page 4. (See Table No. 6, page 10. ee Table No. 23, page 22.

€2,776,854 74

3,125,244 85

The gross disbursements, as before stated, amount to... $3,342,168 03 But from this amount should be deducted the

warrants drawn upon the Swamp Land Fund and paid in swamp land...

And the refundings and reimbursements.

To obtain the net cash disbursements, which


The disbursements for non-revenue were..
And the revenue disbursements were..

a $12,244 43
b239,749 34

251,993 77

[blocks in formation]


The bonded State indebtedness, June 30, 1889, was as follows:

Past due bonds, interest stopped, not yet presented for payment....

Unmatured bonds, interest-bearing..

Total bonded debt June 29, 1889.

$10.992 83

229,000 00

$239,992 83

During the war bounty bonds were paid to the amount of

208,000 00

Leaving the bonded debt, all past due and non-inter-
est bearing.

Consisting of war bounty bonds, due May 1,

$31,992 83

[blocks in formation]

The interest paid during the year was all upon the warbounty bonds and amounted to.


$16,590 00

During the year the Board of Fund Commissioners turned into the State Treasury the sum of $229,000, as principle on United States 44% bonds sold by them. The war bounty bonds were due May 1, 1890-the amount being $229,000. Only $208,000 however were presented for payment prior to June 30.


Under Sec. 7, Act 127, Laws of 1879, the State Oil Inspector paid into State treasury, in February, $10,455.53.

1 See Statement "E," Table No. 1.

a See Table No. 23, page 22.

b See Table No. 6, page 10.

c See Table No. 26, page 23.

d Before going to press with this Report the remaining $21,000 of these bonds were presented to the State Treasurer and paid.

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