Table No. 213.-Abstract of the Several Classes of State Bonded Indebtedness-Amount of each Class Discharged; Amount of each, Outstanding; and Amount at which the Outstanding Bonds are Payable. 124 20 1838 118 1838 248 Loan to University July, 1858. Jan. and July. 6 100,000 00 100,000 00 73 1843 60 1842 73 1843 15 1844 87 1845 12 1846 173 1848 77 1853 (July 1, '89 Issued July 1, '40 Delinquent Tax Bonds.. Oct. 17, 42 31,000 00 120,400 00 76,090 67 227,490 67 227,420 67 70 00 70.00 6 1858 a "Of this amount, $2,619,450.72 only have been received by the State."-Auditor General's Report, 1847, p. 29.-$1,387,000.00 on full-paid Bonds, and the balance on the remaining $8,813,000.00 of the bonds. b Adjustable at $10,992.83.-Vide Sec. 332, C. L. c The amount of Adjusted Bonds issued to this date, to which will be added the amount at which the $19,000.60 outstanding part-paid Bonds of the $5,000,000.00 Loan $10,992.83-are adjustable, which will increase the amount of this loan to $1.921,601.99. The principal of the part-paid Five-Million-Loan Bonds, which entered into and formed part of the amount of the adjusted bonds is 1. To which has been added unpaid interest upon the part-paid Bonds. Giving for principal of the adjusted Bonds.. d Paid from Canal Tolls;-payment guaranteed by State. 1 See State Treasurer's Report for 1843, Statement "D." $955,960 25 8,085 00 152 50 17,461 25 1886 June 30, 1888. 66 1889. 46 1890.. Footings... $1,979,152 00 $357,256 57 $279,566 40 $3,069 17 $228,763 70 $1,666,225 26 $80,666 04 Surplus of Interest: To War-Loan Sinking Fund (A. G. Report for 1874, p. 14) Two-Million-Loan Sinking Fund From Specific Tax Fund. Less amount transferred out (see note "n"). Totals to Sinking Funds.. $784,398 85 228,763 70 $1,666,225 26 305,395 27 1,360,829 99 $2,373,992 54 Premium on Bonds Purchased. Amount of Bonds Purchased. Amounts Fisca Transferred. Year. $45,000 00 71,000 00 1863 5,000 00 230,000 005 1864 270,000 00 1865 252,000 00 1866 1867 25,000 00 9,000 00 1868 16,000 00 6,000 00 Transactions in, from Opening to June 30, 1890. Disbursements from Sinking Fund. From U. S. Total Total Dis- Paid Two- $97,704 80 $116,000 00 180,203 49 235,000 00 241,509 81 270,000 00 182,447 41 252,000 00 245,735 12 350,801 41 300,000 00 $250,000 00 221,189 56 177,490 09 301,765 56 108,000 00 306,243 71 27,000 00 322,457 45 112,000 00 209,453 42 502,000 00 370,000 00 185,844 28 132,000 00 264,050 08 580,231 74 222,763 31 55,040 11 388,888 20 324,001 14 344,433 71 233,768 74 304,875 09 200 00 $3,000 00 3,561 88 446,476 80 § 213,000 00 590,000 00 415 00 | 3,415 00 66,000 00 2,000 00 229.000 00 74,085 00 8.085 00 2,152 50 2,152 50 17,466 25 1889 229,000 00 208,000 00 q 208,000 00 1890 $300,000 00 84,894,699 14 $4,856,237 89 $1,762,000 00 $54,189 75 $2,166,000 00 $874,048 14 a Temporary-Loan Bonds due. b War-Loan Bonds, due Jan. 1, 1886. e War-Bounty-Loan, due May 1, 1890. 4 Two-Million-Loan Bonds. * Renewal-Loan Bonds, due July 1, 1878. To War-Loan Sinking Fund. To General Fund, under J. R. No. 17, 1875. h Act No. 22, 1864. 1 86.978.04, less $16,205.00-Vide Ledger Sept. 30, 172. Interest. k United States Bonds purchased. 1 Premium and commission on U. S. Bonds purchased. m See Table No. 3, A. G. Report for 1877. n To General Fund, $16,875.00; to Primary School Interest Fund, $305,395.27. See Table No. 3, A. G. Report for 1881. o Premium. p To General Fund. q War-Bounty Bonds, matured May 1, 1890. Table No. 215.-Two-Million-Loan,1-Act No. 122, Laws of 1861, .. Footings.. 1 Proceeds "to be applied solely to the payment of the indebiedness 2 Interest on coupons attached to bonds when issued. Interest coupons canceled.. Interest matured on bonds. Coupons canceled in excess of interest matured.. e Includes $510.00 coupons past due. of the State Five-Million-Loan, falling due January 1, 1863." $1,737,500 00 a of the installment due January 1, 1868. Le $1,737,500 00 1,567,502 50 d $169,997 50 1, 1873. 1, 1878 " 1, 1883. |