Table No. 226.-Valuation of Taxable Property as Assessed; as Equalized by the Board of Supervisors Years, and to the close of each Year; the changes in the Amount Apportioned; the Rate of Taxation; the Apportioned. Totals. a For 1881 and previous years see Table No. 225. Table No. 227.—Summary of Amounts Charged against and Credited to the $6,866,634 38 $28,534,568 88 $21,247,783 25 $1,601,913 21 $58,250,899 72 $10,449,850 29 9,269 710 23,517 70 166,482 13 6,810 97 206,080 51 68,635 45 and by the State Board of Equalization; the Amount of State Tax Apportioned in 1882 and Subsequent Amount Realized at the close of each Year; and the Amount Realized More or Less than the State Tax Several Counties from 1841 to June 30, 1890 (See Tables Nos. 228 to 311 inclusive.) 849,070,941 85 $2,038,004 87 $61,558,797 01 $7,167,333 39 $10,475,758 48 $301,226 81 $126,650 52 47,132 68 91,706 62 523,392 52. 225,904 93) 25,879 38 120,938 16 386,284 34 1,554,342 92 95,353 43 93,647 96 2,211,052 78 309,132 09 29 57 156 65 82,551 65 $25,908 19 Totals. $532 74 Alcona. Allegan. 398 56 Antrim. Arenac. 540 58 Baraga. Barry. 563,061 90 4,678 74 129,355 36 805 12 29,323 85 874,813 32 23,355 41 919,748 47 66,663 00 21,579 74 749,643 31' 18,725 99 803,107 65 12,421 76 34,738 35 1,101,342 00, 23,005 67 1,132,334 22 36.878 35 8,067 89 668,050 30 27,951 35 4,136 77 173 51 62 03 5,843 76 4,945 22 158,489 68 853 95 38,734 06 240,754 37 13,826 19 359,764 85 4,861 80 105,184 29 322,398 27 18,594 09 486,464 24 35,595 31 145,471 88 235,742 25 16,015 84 376,977 21 21,328 10 105,219 12 666,262 34 23,958 66 793,619 88 46,364 14 103,398 88 84,748 49 3,296 68 115,531 36 5,936 47 27,486 19 54 67 960 02 6,058 26 102 53 2,457 98 177,659 63 10,089 83 267,207 01 6,423 80 79,837 18 659,096 96 129,586 34 1,021,271 23 21,087 60 749,320 12 22,005 64 69,866 43 181.772 96 6,156 17 25,803 65 11,564 93 176,867 18 19,667 90 41,124 62 206 02 1,078,540 06 147,077 20 31,465 18 199 04 261,973 34 12,742 62 68,635 45 3,472 91 66 Benzie. Berrien. 81 34 Calhoun. Cass. 243 44 Charlevoix. Cheboygan. 379 58 Delta. Eaton. Emmet. Genesee. Gladwin. Table No. 227.-Continued. Amount Charged Against Counties. Amounts State Tax, General (No. 2.) (No. 3.) Interest Aggregate Cr. Balance Brought Forward. (No. 5.) (No. 6.) $3,612 41 $17,621 39 $36 68 $22,107 69 $2,136 35 85,011 97 88,978 86 8,975 17 267,111 39 65,029 33 179,487 80 313,045 81 12,340 42 515,151 31 251,485 65 818,175 12 90,069 46 21,984 94 973,135 48 20,294 47 132,478 16 629,954 61 22,601 71 813,492 72 164,343 03 142,654 07 223,408 74 9,638 94 422,896 24 38,792 67 546,143 92 276,398 71 29,200 52 992,168 72 131,798 19 571,424 15 162,905 81 18,799 22 792,871 09 76,567 72 69,325 75 387,781 95 15,296 06 474.616 54 277,261 17 32,315 94 14,461 49 980 08 59,720 70 289 45 98,462 95 351,855 88 13,207 30 464,778 60 305,067 54 2,174 78 32 37 24 80 2,231 95 170 51 1,083,468 48 157,183 40 40,231 38 1,481,794 22 17,809 24 907,657 41 96,014 53 22,265 24 1,051,702 25 13,275 04 57,539 23 254,818 90 8,274 01 328,089 84 144,832 18 1,270,107 54 593,482 34 62,087 36 2,391,990 43 30,087 71 76,593 60 153,563 92 13,786 73 354,318 66 40,099 94 39,492 42 235,979 98 7,513 54 283,328 99 136,438 26 380,713 50 229,789 25 21,031 91 748,579 87 27,184 54 25,384 70 53,837 09 2,053 00 82,133 86 28,770 40 1,231,351 46 153,100 59 38,937 94 1,576,937 08 5,503 23 542,372 16 49,472 81 22,891 65 772,210 92 6,562 69 10,252 30 16 83 10,269 13 56,296 03 214,156 34 6,956 78 296,018 79 646,344 32 64,487 44 22,625 30 840,593 47 910 64 120,160 93 1,257 36 118,320 00 218,908 09 7,972 14 354,972 13 147,542 73 6,450 78 21,892 86 909 64 31,062 05 9,873 67 233,663 55 591,654 65 21,244 54 866,700 03 251,719 61 80,099 56 181,370 70 6,545 91 275,279 84 117,027 84 120,633 20 519,027 20 19,939 65 665,634 49 425,120 67 88,266 46 122,488 10 4,080 35 220,439 16 25,306 42 100,072 32 905,959 81 35,889 63 1,181,488 87 780,579 83 46,206 27 280,591 54 8,658 11 335,976 96 154,237 35 545,031 33 211,043 14 50,957 43 1,331,200 15 9,899 41 239,851 42 434,233 63 18,226 00 720,298 41 348,558 14 18,059 70 129,669 32 1,716 52 150,504 78 33,420 10 225,576 24 341,374 25 19,713 05 677,339 41 51,082 11 121,699 77 384,229 30 13,488 55 524,043 53 313,056 07 1,188,033 44 86,443 43 81,564 03 1,363,787 01 10,344 59 104,028 36 310,366 82 11,806 11 428,726 76 269,315 49 27,511 87 175,993 31 5,886 20 210,394 57 71,767 91 76,410 12 450,699 79 16,794 24 578,442 55 412,743 22 64,866 15 324,376 13 11,170 63 407,077 37 197,004 38 14,447 79 52,777 65 862 74 68,193 43 16,784 78 29,818 49 94,688 09 2,742 60 129,921 84 41,814 10 346,338 93 356,214 55 63,396 04 1,445,622 25 98,966 10 26,387 54 857,124 68 9,916 31 393,527 88 162,825 12 27,146 84 138,044 55 6,211 90 208,228 80 27,932 63 782,713 89 1,281,505 87 116,922 61 3,127,072 40 715,613 95 189,273 52 523,361 00 19,114 80 735,956 71 453,380 74 48,657 88 189,392 61 432,524 96 314,131 45 503,827 98 311,769 36 780,191 25 59,794 90 5,344 94 58,614 08 37,195 65 22,090 25 244,442 15 90,352 88 1,399,015 24 114,508 02 1,104,572 72 50,483 48 943,356 24 10,096 99 283,577 32 473,752 38 19,168 21 755,459 38 514,060 60 308 59,481 20 469,949 95 227,368 20 20,806 58 1,308,729 16 60,647 18 43,623 19 777,605 93 1,617,163 66 85,503 60 3,055 40 4,289,105 94 658,223 65 109,226 81 5,354,562 25 15,841 10 55,766 29 229,044 48 7,043 61 292,109 96 138,477 81 4,816 54 529 38 42 68 1 77 01 n 17 41 9,345 93 1890. 8,935 40 Totals.... $183 79 $63,668 12 $46,913 15 $8,548 13 $15,401 64 $247,728 70 $74,388 44 $456,831 97 * See Auditor General's Report for 1889, p. 328. † Under New Tax Law unless preceded by †. a Under Sec. 124, Act 169, 1869. b Error in Taxes, etc., charged back. c State Bids. d Error in Charges for Taxes, etc., collected by County Treasurer. e Interest on Error referred to in note "d." f Error in Returns of Sales from 1870, and Interest from Nov. 15, 1870. |