689 94 29 88k 3,906 74) 9,878 67 4,267 90 5 982 85 1 36 532 74 $241,053 55 $28,624 80 $323,557 08 $30,530 40 $74,468 64 $698,234 47 $183 79 $241,586 29 Interest on Error referred to in note "f.” h Uncollected Taxes of 1881. 1 State Tax returned. Local Tax, Interest and Collection Fee. Local Tax and Interest before and after sale. 1 Local Tax, Interest and Collection Fee refunded at A. G. O. m Under Sec. 2, Act 141, 1887. a Paid Institution for the D&. D. Table No. 229.-Amounts Charged and Credited in Account with Alger 1890+ 29 25 4,816 54 1,130 55 179 80 12.39 7,233 69 13,402 22 Totals.... $84 30 $17,008 39 $2,549 98 $715 18 $51 38 $24,754 48 $207 52 $45,371 18 * See Auditor General's Report for 1889, p. 328. + Under New Tax Law unless preceded by t. a Local Tax, Interest and Collection Fee. b Local Tax and Interest, before and after sale. c Under Sec. 2, Act 141, 1887. (b 4,180 42 9,216 94 d 1,853 41 15,250 77 1,848 55 $5,081 73 $12,829 90 $83,999 58 $2.75 $303 20 $52,217 16 $84 30 $6,930 28 d State Tax returned to Auditor General's Office. e Local Tax, Interest and Collection Fee refunded at A. G. O. f Interest on State Tax collected by Town Treasurer. & Erroneous Credit for redemption of Sold State Bid delinquent local. Table No. 230.-Amounts Charged and Credited in Account with Allegan + 211 78 e 12.94 (p 104 94 1889*... 23,139 24 428 68 21 59) 34 81 249 12 1890+.. 17,641 59 28,899 27 437 52 13 74 † 33 54) 71,259 32 1 46.80 r5.22736 24.581 76 53,584 00 Totals.. $288,88388 $317,01339 $287, 1791 $17,950 92 $42,509 85 $42,048 84 $44,318 14 $1,240,542 93 * See Auditor General's Report for 1889, p. 330. Under New Tax Law unless perceded by †. a Under Sec. 124, Act 169, 1869. b Paid D., D. and B. Asylum. c Twice charged; under Sec. 124; also under Secs. 108-9, Tax Law. d Taxes, etc., on Part-paid Lands collected at Land Office. |