47,454 474 54 1889 64 1889 56,321 563 21 5,527 55 27 1890 66,122 1889 235,064 2,350 64 661 22 2,873 91 716 49 5,224 55 1889 87 208 46 1890 20,846 430 35 22,102 221 02 5,761 57 61 3,573 35 73 3,056 30 56 93 34 125 28 9,472 94 72 IRON-Continued: 4 Sampson July, 1889 4,512 $45 12 44 1890 2,797 $27.97 $73 09 7 Selden.. 1887 790 7.90 1888 1,302 20.92 13 02 7 Shafer " 111 66 $78 09 20 92 111 66 183 15 5. 04 693 60 67 28 444 28 884 51 46 07 209 53 279 82 692 71 558 94 235 73 21 64 601 57 17 78 81 04 97 62 4. 48 9,861 98 61 1,510 113 71 98 61 15 10 15.10 10,756 107 56 3,335 33 35 2,115 358 85 .162 06 21 15 196 79 19,679 196 79 17,538 175 38 4,982 49 82 305 17 305 17 7,997 79.97 4,058 40 58 6,383 63 83 104 41 104 41 23.259 232 59 18,528 185 28 29,883 298 83 790 85 790 85 7,415 74 15 31,619 316 19 53,077 530 77 53,913 539 13 3,230 05 3,230 05 86,318 863 18 98,078 118,090 980 78 1,180 90 151,828 4 York 1890 7 Youngstown. 1889 13.032 1,518 28 2,699 18 11,180 90 1,518 28 180 32 127 00 127 00 127 00 Total Iron 11,793,439 1,650 $59,072 65 $57,756 08 $116,828 78 $44,819 45 $72,009 28 Total Coal. 276,949 $996 67 Total Copper. 94,604 226 39,639 92 $290 87 31,050 14 $1,287 04 $200 71 $1,086 33 70,690 06 31,296 16 39,393 90 Total Iron.. 11,793,439 1,650 59,072 65 57,756 08 116,828 73 44,819 45 72,009 28 Aggregate to Table No. 45 12,164,992 1,876 $99,709 24 $89,096 59 $188,805 83 $76,316 32 $112,489 51 4 Mine 11 Mine Mine in Ontonagon county. 2 Mine in Keweenaw county. 3 Mine in Houghton county. in Eaton county. 12 Sumner, succeeded by Hancock. 13 Houghton, succeeded by Huron. a Belance. Table No. 51.-Freight, Sleeping and Palace Car Specific Taxes due; Amount collected during the Fiscal Year, and Corporations paying the same; also Amounts unpaid June 30, 1890. 1,003 35 560 1,082 45 107 246 26 37 Totals to Table No. 45. $110,921 36 $1,789 89 $96 88 $4,886 77 $90 87 $4,795 90 Prior to 1884, under Act of 1873, 2 per cent on gross earnings; for 1884 and subsequent years 2% per cent on gross earnings. a Estimated under Act 57, 1872, and Sec. 7, Act 152, 1883. |