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Table No. 62.-Continued.

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Total Amount
including Per-
sonal Service.

Paid County
Before Sale.



Amount Bid

$15,949 02

$2,315 32

$1,334 97

$782 88

$11,515 85

13,379 40

5,540 35

81 05

3,144 74

4,613 26

12,652 22

1,919 77

736 34

653 91

9,342 20

3,487 50

818 09

384 12

1,225 47

1,009 82

5,312 00

1,449 56

65 94

1,163 54

2,632 96

14,995 98

894 82

4,294 01

2,154 02

7,653 13

17,166 07

5,556 78

4,751 69

454 76

6,402 84

7,128 92

2,623 09

182 62

1,647 90

2,675 31

8,362 98

707 63

214 98

105 87

7,334 55

7,820 79

2,190 99

151 54

376 66

5,101 60

6,401 69

1,929 16

771 82

1,353 14

2,347 57

23,489 87

3,691 40

8,511 54

1,070 67

15,216 26

13,048 72

1,095 97

875 95

494 42

10,582 98

33,897 69

5,839 89

2,584 38

11,718 42

13,755 00

12,568 16

2,956 81

1,520 01

1,755 92

6,335 42

4,632 68

772 08

194 08

1,358 90

2,307 62

2,227 27

645 84

99 15

978 68

10,977 16

2,763 86

1,808 79

3,826 12

965 02

414 59

340 03

193 81

13,036 26

3,521 95

1,396 73

2,178 93

1,874 46

437 44

174 83

658 59

503 60 2,578 39

16 59 5,938 65

603 60

571 28

102 02

185 35

251 64

32 27

20,808 21

11,871 71

1,878 46

2,489 97

4,568 07

7,179 51

1,735 42

274 03

1,230 47

8,939 59

Table No. 63.-Showing the Amount of Delinquent State Tax of 1882 and Subsequent Years, returned to the Auditor General's Office; the Amount Discharged from the Books by Collections and Otherwise during the Fiscal Year; also, the Amount Undischarged June 30, 1890.


June 30 To Balance June 29, 1889.

Returns of State Tax of 1888..

Returns of State Tax of 1889 (Table No. 61 notes).

Cash, State Tax of 1882 and subsequent years refunded.
Error in credit of returns of State Tax..

Error in delinquent State Tax charged back.

By delinquent State Tax of 1882 and subsequent years collected in
counties-from County Treasurers' duplicates..

delinquent State Tax of 1882 and subsequent years charged back
(Table No. 60)..

Cash, State Tax of 1882 and subsequent years collected at Auditor
General's office.

Loss on delinquent State Tax of 1882 and subsequent years, under
Sec. 95, Tax Law.

Error in return of sales by County Treasurer.

Balance (amount undischarged) to new account..


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Table No. 64.-Showing the Amount Received from Interest, Collection Fees and Expense of Sales, on Account of Collections of State Tax of 1882 and Subsequent Years; also, Amount Refunded during Fiscal Year Closing June 30, 1890.

[blocks in formation]

Cash, interest, collection fees and expense of sales refunded..
Error in amount charged back, interest and expense of sales.

By Cash collections at Auditor General's office...
Collections in counties, from Treasurers' duplicates

Collections in counties in excess of amount previously charged

back, interest and expense of sales...

Expense of sales charged back to counties (Table No. 60)
Error in return of sales by County Treasurers.

Balance to new account..

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$313,423 09

$313,423 09

Table No. 65.-Showing Net Balance June 29, 1889, of the Old Tax Law Division of the County Accounts, the Charges and Credits by Classes since, and the Net Balance June 30, 1890.

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Table No. 66.-Showing the Net Balances June 29, 1889, of the New Tax Law Division of the County Accounts, the Charges and Credits by Classes since, and the Net Balances June 30, 1890.

[blocks in formation]

Error in returns of delinquent State tax..

$1,951,661 71

1,670 36

87,970 87

15,223 12



Error in State tax, etc., charged back...

Error in amount paid at School for the Deaf, returned to treasury
Balance to new accoumt..


1 10 94 58 224,625 92

$2,281,248 54

$2,281,248 54



Table No. 64.-Showing the Amount Received from Int
Account of Collections of State Tax of 1882 and Subsequent
Year Closing June 30, 1890.


June 30 To Balance June 29, 1889.

Cash, clerks in Auditor General's office (Table No. 30)..
Cash, postage

Cash, advertising lands (Table No. 44, note "a").

Cash, interest, collection fees and expense of sales refunded..
Error in amount charged back, interest and expense of sales...

By Cash collections at Auditor General's office...

Collections in counties, from Treasurers' duplicates

Collections in counties in excess of amount previously charge

back, interest and expense of sales....

Expense of sales charged back to counties (Table No. 60)

Error in return of sales by County Treasurers..

Balance to new account..

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