Assault and battery. No. 3 4 The Result and the Punishment. Two discharged on request of complainant; 1 discharged by Circuit Judge upon mandamus from the Supreme Court. One discharged upon examination; 8 nolle pros'd. 2 One dismissed; 1 pending. 31 Thirty convicted, of whom 2 were fined $5 each and costs or 10 days in jail; 2 fined $5 and costs each or 20 days in jail; 3 dismissed on settlement: 4 dismissed on motion of prosecuting attorney; 1 fined $50 and costs or 90 days in jail; 1 appealed; 1 fined $20 and costs; 1 fined $1 and costs; 1 fined $10 and costs or 30 days in jail; 1 fined $30 and costs or 60 days in the Detroit House of Correction; 1 fined $2 and costs; 2 fined $1 and costs each or 10 days in jail; 1 fined $20 and costs or 60 days in the Detroit House of Correction; 1 fined $10 and costs; 1 fined $10 and costs or 40 days in jail; 1 fined 50 cents and costs or 5 days in jail; 1 fined $50 and costs or 60 days in jail; 1 fined $1 and costs; 1 fined $2 and costs or 10 days in jail; 1 fined $25 and costs or 60 days in jail; 1 fined $5 and costs or 30 days in jail; 1 fined $10 and costs or 10 days in jail. Assault with intent to kill and murder Assault with intent to do great bodily harm. 1 Pending. 1 Dismissed. 9 Common prostitute. Defrauding hotel keeper Disturbing religious meeting.. Drunk Three convicted, of whom two were fined $3 each and costs; 1 $10 and costs or 30 days in jail; 5 acquitted; 1 discharged. 25 Twenty-two convicted, of whom 4 were fined $2 each and costs; 3 fined $10 each and costs or 30 days in jail; 3 fined $10 each and costs or 20 days in jail; 2 fined $10 each and costs or 15 days in jail; 3 fined $10 each and costs; 1 sentenced 30 days in jail; 1 fined $5 and costs or 15 days in jail; 1 fined $20 and costs or 30 days in jail; 1 fined $20 and costs; 1 fined $2 and costs or 15 days in jail; 1 fined $5 and costs; 1 fined $20 and costs or 90 days in jail; 1 fined $5 and costs or 30 days in jail; I dismissed on motion of prosecuting attorney; 1 dismissed after testifying where he obtained liquor. Four convicted, each fined $10 and costs or 30 days in jail. Three convicted, fined $5 each and costs. Eleven convicted, of whom two were sentenced to 90 days in the Detroit House of Correction; 1 fined $100 and costs or 90 days in the Detroit House of Correction; 1 sentenced to 30 days in jail; 1 sentenced to 90 days in jail; 1 fined $10 and costs or 30 days in jail; 1 fined $25 and costs; 1 fined $25 and costs or 60 days in jail; 1 was acquitted on trial; 1 suit pending; 2 discharged on examination; 7 dismissed on motion of prosecuting attorney. Two convicted, one sentenced to four months in the Detroit House of Correction; 1 discharged on suspended sentence. Burglary 1 Discharged, defendant having settled with prosecutrix. 2 One convicted and sent to State Prison at Jackson for 10 years; 1 case pending in Circuit Court. Disturbing religious meeting (3 persons on trial). 3 Two convicted and fined each $10 and costs; 1 dis Drunkeness.. Larceny simple... charged by court. 20 Twenty convicted, of whom 5 were fined each $5 and costs; 1 fined $10 and costs; 7 fined $2 each and costs; 7 sent to jail each for 30 days. 2 One convicted and sent to State House of Correction and Reformatory at Ionia for 90 days; 1 convicted and sent to county jail for 30 days. ARENAC COUNTY. LAWRENCE MCHUGH, Prosecuting Attorney. Number of persons prosecuted, 21. Charged with. Assault and battery. Forgery.. Gambling... Larceny. Neglect to support wife and family. 1 Defendant escaped. Fourteen convicted, of whom 1 was fined $15 and costs or 21 days in jail; 2 fined $3 and costs or 10 days in jail; 1 fined $3 and committed to jail for 6 days; 1 fined $3 and costs or 6 days in jail; 1 fined $2 and costs or 6 days in jail; 1 fined $2 and costs or 7 days in jail; 1 fined $2 and costs or 3 days in jail; 1 fined $1; 2 fined $1 and costs or 2 days in jail; 2 fined $1 and costs or 1 day in jail; 1 fined $1 and committed to jail for 8 days; 1 discharged. Convicted and fined $50 or 30 days in jail. Two convicted of whom 1 was fined $15 and costs or 20 days in jail; 1 fined costs or 15 days in jail; 1 discharged. Convicted and fined $20 or 30 days in jail. Two convicted of whom one was fined $75; 1 fined $50; 1 acquitted; 2 discharged. BARRY COUNTY. CHRISTOPHER H, VAN ARMAN, Prosecuting Attorney. Charged with. Abandoning child Abortion... Assault and battery... Number of persons prosecuted, 150. No. 2 1 22 The Result and the Punishment. One convicted, sent to State Prison for 6 months; 1 released after 6 months confinement in county jail. Case continued over two terms. Nineteen convicted, of whom one was fined $30; 1 fined $10 or 30 days in jail; 1 fined $5 or 40 days in jail; 2 fined $5 and costs; 3 fined $5 or 30 days in jail; 1 fined $3 or 15 days in jail; 3 fined $3 and costs; 1 fined $2 and costs; 2 fined costs in the case; 1 sent to Reform School; 1 sent to jail for 30 days; 1 sent to jail for 90 days; 3 acquitted; 1 fined $5 or 10 days in jail. Two convicted, of whom 1 was sent to the Detroit House of Correction for 90 days; 1 was sent to the State House of Correction for 90 days; 1 discharged. Charged with. Concealing stolen property Disorderly Disturbing religious meeting. Drunkenness.. Forgery BARRY COUNTY.-Continued. No. 2 19 The Result and the Punishment. One convicted, sentence suspended; 1 case continued over the term. Seventeen convicted, of whom 2 were fined $10 and costs; 1 fined $5 and costs; 1 fined $2.50 or 10 days in jail; 2 fined $1 or 10 days in jail; 1 fined $3 or 10 days in jail, and in default of payment of fine went to jail; 4 sent to Detroit House of Correction for 90 days; 1 sent to jail for 30 days; 2 sent to the Detroit House of Correction for 60 days; 1 sent to Girls' Reform School until 21 years of age; 1 sent to Girls' Reform School until 17 years of age; 1 gave bonds to keep the peace for 90 days; 2 were discharged. 7 Six convicted; of whom 1 was fined $5; 2 fined $5.50 each, being costs of suit; 3 fined $5.50 each and costs; in one case the jury disagreed. 1 Four convicted; 1 fined $2 and costs; 1 fined $9, and in default of payment went to jail for 30 days; 1 admitted to bail to procure witnesses, bond estreated, and bondsman released by Board of Supervisors upon payment of all costs of suit; 1 arrested for the purpose of finding out where he got his liquor and having given the desired information he was released." Convicted and sentenced to the State Prison for 6 months. Defendant discharged. Convicted and sent to the Reform School at Lansing until 17 years of age. One convicted and fined $15; 1 discharged. Twelve convicted; 1 fined $5 and costs; 2 fined $10 and costs; 1 fined $25 and costs or 60 days in jail; 1 being a minor was returned to his parents; 2 sent to Reform School until 17 years of age; 1 sent to Detroit House of Correction for 2 years; 1 sent to State House of Correction for 2 years; 3 sent to State Prison for 2 years; 2 cases discontinued; 3 cases continued over the term; 1 acquitted; 5 discharged; in 1 case jury disagreed. Convicted and sent to the State Prison for 6 months. One convicted and fined $5 and costs; 1 discharged. 1 Convicted and fined $5 and costs. 1 Defendant discharged. |