Charged with. Violation of fish law Violation of liquor law Wilful trespass 31 Twenty convicted; 1 case carried to Supreme Court and verdict set aside; 1 fined $1; 1 fined $10;3 fined $15; 8 fined $25; 3 fined $50; 1 sentenced to 60 days in jail; 1 sent to Detroit House of Correction for 60 days; 1 sent to Detroit House of Correction for 90 days; in 1 case the jury disagreed; 7 nolle pros.; 3 discharged. 6 Two convicted; all juvenile offenders; 2 held under suspended sentenced; 4 released. Four convicted of assault and battery; 2 paid $25 One convicted and sentenced to State Prison at All convicted; 3 fined $5; 1 suspended sentence. Five compromised by marriage; 3 settled. Six convicted and sentenced as follows: 2 sent to All guilty and sentenced as follows: 2 paid fine of Two paid fine of $5; 3 paid costs and discharged; 2 discontinued. Committed to jail, 9: 6 for 10 days, 2 for 20 days, 1 for 60 days. Committed to Detroit House of Correction, 20: 1, 1 year; 16. 90 days; 3 for 6 months. Nine paid fines as follows: 3 paid $11; 1 paid $50; 1, $25; 3, $5; 1, $3; 8 sent to State Industrial School at Adrian; 12 discharged; 18 State House of Correction, each 60 days; 4 sent to State Reform School at Lansing; Il discontinued. Charged with. Drunk Defrauding hotel keepers False pretenses Forgery. Keeping house of ill-fame Larceny under $25 Larceny over $25. 106 All convicted and sentenced as follows: 2 suspended sentence; 1, 3 months Detroit House of Correction; 1, 2 years, and 1, 3 years State Prison at Jackson. One discharged; 2 paid costs and discharged; 1 recognizance forfeited. Eight paid costs and discharged; 9 paid costs and discontinued; 34 discharged; 27 committed to jail as follows: 1, 60 days: 1, 45 days; 6, 30 days; 3, 35 days; 5, 10 days; 5, 20 days; 2, 12 days; 1, 8 days; 15 committed to Detroit House of Correction; 13 for 90 days: 2 for 60 days; 13 paid fines as follows: 8, $5, $13, $10, $10.40, $3, $4. 21 Twelve convicted and sentenced as follows: 3 sent to State Prison at Jackson for 5 years; 2 for 4 years; 2 sent to State House of Correction for 2 years; 3, 1 year each at State House of Correction; 2 nolle prossed; 3 discharged on examination; 1 certiorari to Supreme Court, remanded for sentence and sentenced for 5 years-supra; 4 for 1 year and 6 months at State Prison at Jackson. 3 Abated and cases discontinued. Paid costs and discharged. Three committed to jail as follows: 1, 65 days: 1, 20 days; 1, 10 days; 3 discharged; 7 suspended sentence; 1, 90 days Detroit House of Correction; 1 complaint quashed; 3 fined as follows: 1, costs; 1, $3; 1, $6. Guilty and sentenced to county jail for 90 days. Forty-two paid full tax and discharged; 1 convicted and fined $150; 4 guilty and fined $25. Two convicted: 1, 90 days in county jail; 1 appealed to Supreme Court. Assault with intent to commit rape 1 Assault and battery One convicted and sent to State Prison at Jackson for 1 year. 54 Thirty-six convicted, of whom 1 was sent to House of Correction at Ionia for 6 months; 1 sent to county jail 10 days; 1 fined $50 and costs; 2 fined $25 and costs; 3 fined $10 and costs; 11 fined $5 and costs; 1 fined $7 and costs; 2 fined $3 and costs; 11 fined $2 and costs; 10 fined $1 and costs; 5 discharged on payment of costs; 1 delivered to county agent; 10 discharged; 1 acquitted. Burglary 5 There convicted, of whom 2 were sent to State Prison at Jackson, 1 for 2 years and five months, 1 for 9 months; 1 sent to House of Correction at Ionia for 1 year and 6 months, 1 discharged; 1 acquitted. Drunk in a public place..... False pretenses Forgery The Result and the Punishment. Dismissed. One sent to Industrial Home until 21; 1 delivered to county agent, 1 discharged. Convicted, fined $5 and costs or 10 days in jail. One hundred and twenty-four convicted, of whom 48 were sent to House of Correction at Ionia, 4 for 6 months, 7 for 4 months, 37 for 3 months; 47 were sent to the county jail, 2 for 30 days, 19 for 20 days, 1 for 15 days, 17 for 10 days; 4 fined $15 or 20 days in jail; 1 fined $10 or 20 days in jail; 3 fined $10 or 15 days in jail; 2 fined $5 or 10 days in jail; 1 fined $10 and costs; 6 fined $5 and costs; 3 fined $3 and costs; 5 fined $2 and costs; 4 fined $1 and costs; 1 discharged on payment of $20; 7 sentence suspended; 14 discharged. 133 One hundred and twenty-nine convicted, of whom 47 were sent to county jail, 6 for 30 days, 8 for 20 days, 9 for 15 days, 8 for 10 days; 1 fined $20 or 30 days in jail; 1 fined $10 or 20 days in jail; 2 fined $10 or 15 days in jail; 2 fined $10 or 12 days in jail; 1 fined $10 or 10 days in jail; 2 fined $5 or 12 days in jail; 2 fined $5 or 15 days in jail; 3 fined $5 or 10 days in jail; 2 fined $3 or 10 days in jail; 43 fined $5 and costs; 6 fined $3 and costs; 14 fined $2 and costs; 12 fined $1 and costs; 3 fined costs; 1 fined $10 and costs; 3 sentence suspended; 4 discharged. Incest Keeping house of ill-fame.. Keeping gaming house Larceny.. Larceny from dwelling house. Larceny from person.. Larceny from store.... 31 2 Pending. Fifteen convicted, of whom 3 were sent to State Prison at Jackson, 1 for 4 years and 6 months, 1 for 3 years, 1 for 2 years; 5 were sent to House of Correction at Ionia, 1 for 2 years, 4 for 3 months each; 1 sent to county jail for 30 days; 1 fined $8 and costs or 15 days in jail (sent to jail); 1 fined $10 and costs; 1 fined $2 and costs; 6 were delivered to county agent (of whom 2 were sent to Reform School at Lansing until 17); 2 discharged on payment of costs; I delivered to U. S. authorities; 7 dismissed, and 2 acquitted. 10 Six convicted, of whom 2 were sent to State Prison at Jackson, 1 for 5 years, 1 for 2 years; 3 were sent to House of Correction at Ionia, 1 for 1 year, 2 for 6 months, 1 sent to county jail for 3 months; 1 delivered to U. S. authorities; 1 pending; 2 dismissed. 5 Two convicted, of whom 1 was sent to State Prison at Jackson for 3 years; 1 to House of Correction at Ionia for 1 year and 6 months; 2 dismissed; 1 acquitted. 11 Eight convicted, of whom 1 was sent to State Prison at Jackson for 1 year; 5 were sent to House of Correction at Ionia, 3 for 2 years; 1 for 1 year and 6 months; 1 for 6 months; 1 sent to county jail for 4 months; 1 fined $10 or 15 days in jail; 2 discharged, 1 acquitted. Violating liquor law.. 34 Twenty-eight convicted of whom 2 were fined $100 and costs; 4 were fined $60 and costs; 6 were fined $50 and costs; 1 fined $15 and costs; 3 fined $40 and costs; 1 fined $10 and costs; 3 fined $5 and costs; 1 fined $30; 4 fined $5; 1 sent to county jail for 15 days; 2 appealed to Supreme Court; 3 pending; 3 discharged. |