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" Whenever a vote is taken to go into liquidation it shall be the duty of the board of directors to cause notice of this fact to be certified, under the seal of the... "
Documents Accompanying the Journal of the House - Page 153
by Michigan. Legislature - 1891
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Journal: 1st-13th Congress . Repr. 14th Congress, 1st Session ..., Volume 1

United States. Congress. House - 1863 - 1180 pages
...shareholders owning twi>-tliinls of its stock. And whenever such vote shall be taken, it shall be the duty of the board of directors to cause notice of this fact to be certified, under the seal of-the association, by its president or cashier, to the Comptroller of the Currency, and publication...
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The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, Volume 51

1864 - 496 pages
...shareholders owning two thirds of its stock. And whenever such vote shall he taken, it shall he the duty of the board of directors to cause notice of this fact to he certified, under the seal of the association, by its president or cashier, to the Comptroller of...
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The Voter's Text Book: Comprising a Collection of the Most Important ...

James M. Hiatt - 1868 - 438 pages
...shareholders owning two-thirds of its stock. And whenever such vote shall be taken it shall be the duty of the board of directors to cause notice of this fact to be certified, under the seal of the association, by its president or cashier, to the Comptroller of the Currency, and publication thereof...
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An Analytical Digest of the Laws of the United States, Volume 2

Frederick Charles Brightly - 1869 - 682 pages
...holders owning two-thirds of its stock. And whenever such vote shall be taken, it shall 13 statbe the imals, and all things used in the removal or for the deposit or concealment thereo Proceeding! to the seal of the association, by its president or cashier, to the comptroller of the...
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A Treatise on the Law Relating to Banks and Banking: With an Appendix ...

John Torrey Morse (Jr.) - 1870 - 600 pages
...shareholders owning two-thirds of its stock. And whenever such vote shall be taken it shall be the duty of the board of directors to cause notice of this fact to be certified, under the seal of the association, by its president or cashier, to the comptroller of the currency, and publication thereof...
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Practical Information Concerning the Public Debt of the United States, with ...

William Adams Richardson - 1873 - 192 pages
...given, and not there even when contrary to the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United Stares. board of directors to cause notice of this fact to be certified, under the seal of the association, by its president or cashier, to the Comptroller of the Currency, and publication thereof...
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Practical Information Concerning the Public Debt of the United States: With ...

William Adams Richardson - 1873 - 208 pages
...mny withdraw Its bonds. Redemption account to be kept by Treasurer; notes to be redeemed and burned board of directors to cause notice of this fact to be certified, under the seal of the association, by its president or cashier, to the Comptroller of the Currency, and publication thereof...
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The Century of Independence: Embracing a Collection, from Official Sources ...

John Russell Hussey - 1876 - 562 pages
...shareholders owning two-thirds of its stock. And whenever such vote shall be taken it shall be the duty of the board of directors to cause notice of this fact to be certified, under the seal of the association, by its president or cashier, to the Comptroller of the Currency, and publication thereof...
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Gold and Debt: An American Hand-book of Finance, with Over Eighty Tables and ...

William Lyman Fawcett - 1876 - 300 pages
...two-thirds of its stock. (SEC. 5221.) Whenever a vote is taken to go into liquidation it shall be the duty of the board of directors to cause notice of this fact to be certified, under the seal of the association, by its president or cashier, to the Comptroller of the Currency, and publication thereof...
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Laws Enacted in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ...

Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc - 1876 - 288 pages
...nquioaowning at least two-thirds of its stock, and whenever such vote shall be taken it shall be the duty of the board of directors to cause notice of this fact to be certified under the seal ^ o tice to be given of the corporation to the auditor general, and publication ^ thereof made for...
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