Poems and Translations;: With The Sophy, a Tragedy

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Jacob Tonson, 1719 - 236 pages

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Page 8 - O could I flow like thee, and make thy stream My great example, as it is my theme! Though deep, yet clear, though gentle, yet not dull, Strong without rage, without o'er-flowing full.
Page 6 - Who fears not to do ill, yet fears the name, And, free from conscience, is a slave to fame. Thus he the church at once protects and spoils ; But princes' swords are sharper than their styles : And thus to th' ages past he makes amends, Their charity destroys, their faith defends.
Page 5 - When he that patron chose, in whom are join'd Soldier and martyr, and his arms confin'd Within the azure circle, he did seem But to foretell, and...
Page 10 - ... avoid, with that his fate to meet; but fear prevails, and bids him trust his feet. So fast he flies, that his reviewing eye has lost the chasers, and his ear the cry ; exulting, till he finds their nobler sense...
Page 4 - C'nute; (tho' this of old no less contest did move than when for Homer's birth seven cities strove) (like him in birth, thou shouldst be like in fame, as thine his fate, if mine had been his flame) but whosoe'er it was, Nature design'd first a brave place, and then as brave a mind.
Page 2 - Preferv'd from ruin by the beft of kings. Under his proud furvey the city lies, And like a mift beneath a hill doth rife ; Whofe ftate and wealth, the bufinefs and the crowd, Seems at this diftance but a darker cloud : And is, to him who rightly things efteems, No other in...
Page 55 - Horace's wit and Virgil's state He did not steal, but emulate, And when he would like them appear, Their garb, but not their clothes, did wear ; He not from Rome alone, but Greece, Like Jason brought the golden fleece ; To him that language, though to none Of th' others, as his own was known.
Page 6 - And thus to th' ages past he makes amends, Their charity destroys, their faith defends. Then did Religion in a lazy cell, In empty, airy contemplations, dwell; And like the block, unmoved lay: but ours, As much too active, like the stork devours.
Page 11 - Thence to the coverts and the conscious groves, the scenes of his past triumphs and his loves, sadly surveying where he rang'd alone, prince of the soil, and all the herd his own, and like a bold knight-errant did proclaim combat to all, and bore away the dame, and taught the woods to echo to the stream his dreadful challenge, and his clashing beam ; yet faintly now declines the fatal strife, so much his love was dearer than his life.
Page 135 - Whose dignity as long as life endures. Something of youth I in old age approve, But more the marks of age in youth I love. Who this observes may in his body find Decrepit age, but never in his mind. The...

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