tion of the Brandon Bank, and an account of various proceedings in that state in reference to the state of the currency. Proceedings of the New Orleans banks at various periods, respecting a resumption of specie payments. A copy of this work should be in every library and bank for future reference. The number of copies for sale is only 300. The price is $5, half bound. QUINN'S TRADE OF BANKING. The Trade of Banking in England, embracing the substance of the evidence taken before the secret committee of the house of commons, in 1832, on the question of renewing the charter of the Bank of England, digested and arranged under appropriate heads. Together with a summary of the law applicable to the Bank of England, to private banks of issue, and joint stock banking companies. To which is added an Appendix. By MICHAEL J. QUINN, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law. London, 1833. This work, the English edition of which fills a volume of upwards of 400 pages small octavo, and costs in London fifteen shillings sterling, is republished entire in the second volume of the Financial Register, thus presenting to the American reader at a comparatively small cost, a work of great value, as containing a condensation of what in the minutes of evidence to which it refers, occupies a very large and expensive quarto volume. ALSO, THE FREE TRADE ADVOCATE, AND JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY.. Published as a periodical in 1829, and edited by ALSO, THE SECOND VOLUME OF THE EXAMINER, (THE FIRST BEING OUT OF PRINT:) Published as a periodical between August 1834 and August 1835, and Edited by CONDY RAGUET, Esq. MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY; PRESIDENT OF THE CHAMBER "It is the interest of every country that the standard of its money, once set- "Men in their bargains contract, not for denominations or sounds, but for the Second Edition. PHILADELPHIA: GRIGG & ELLIOT, BOOKSELLERS, No. 9 NORTH FOURTH STREET. 1840. Entered, according to act of congress, in the year 1839, BY CONDY RAGUET, In the office of the clerk of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. T. K. & P. G. COLLINS, PRINters, ΤΟ CLEMENT C. BIDDLE, Esq. AS A MARK OF RESPECT, DUE TO AN ENLIGHTENED POLITICAL ECONOMIST, AND AS A TESTIMONIAL OF A FRIENDSHIP, COMMENCED IN CHILDHOOD, CONTINUED WITHOUT INTERRUPTION FOR MORE THAN FORTY YEARS, AND STRENGTHENED BY A HARMONY OF OPINION ON MOST OF THE POLITICAL SUBJECTS THAT HAVE OF LATE DIVIDED THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, AND ESPECIALLY ON THOSE OF CURRENCY AND BANKING, THIS WORK IS, WITH SENTIMENTS OF THE MOST AFFECTIONATE REGARD, DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. |