The Law Magazine and Law Review: Or, Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence, Volume 8Butterworths, 1860 |
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Common terms and phrases
appears apply appointed ascun authority bailiff barons Barrister bench Benchers bill blasphemy cause character Christianity church cinque ports claim colonies common law comune constitution counsel court crime criminal Cynk Ports defendant doctrine doubt duty effect England English entitled evidence evil existence fact France franchise grant Inner Temple Inns of Court interest judge judgment judicial jurisprudence jury justice land legislation letres liberty Lincoln's Lincoln's Inn Lord Campbell Lord Mansfield magistrates matter ment Middle Temple nation nature negro Obst occasion offence opinion organ owner parish parliament parties persons plaintiff practice present principle prison proceedings profession protection punishment Queen's counsel question railway readers reason referred reform religion remarks respect rule says sessions slave slavery society Solicitor Somersett's statute surface Temple Church thing tiel tion trial trustees
Popular passages
Page 34 - Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.
Page 247 - God and religion, is that of blasphemy against the Almighty, by denying his being or providence ; or by contumelious reproaches of our saviour Christ.* Whither also may be referred all profane scoffing at the holy scripture, or exposing it to contempt and ridicule.
Page 64 - ... the king and parliament of Great Britain will not impose any duty, tax, or assessment whatever, payable in any of His Majesty's colonies, provinces and plantations in North America or the West Indies ; except only such duties as it may be expedient to impose for the regulation of commerce...
Page 65 - Act be repealed absolutely, totally, and immediately. That the reason for the repeal be assigned, because it was founded on an erroneous principle. At the same time let the sovereign authority of this country over the colonies be asserted in as strong terms as can be devised, and be made to extend to every point of legislation whatsoever. That we may bind their trade, confine their manufactures, and exercise every power whatsoever, except that of taking their money out of their pockets without their...
Page 386 - Something has been said of a right to a reasonable support for the surface ; but we cannot measure out degrees to which the right may extend ; and the only reasonable support is that which will protect the surface from subsidence, and keep it securely at its ancient and natural level.
Page 181 - Willich's Popular Tables for Ascertaining the Value of Lifehold, Leasehold, and Church Property, Renewal Fines, &c, ; the Public Funds ; Annual Average Price and Interest on Consols from 1731 to 1861 ; Chemical, Geographical, Astronomical, Trigonometrical Tables, &c. Post 8vo.
Page 43 - ... said he had known five cases so terminated out of six ; but the parties were firm to their purpose in obtaining a judgment, and lord Mansfield was at last compelled, after a delay of three terms, to pronounce a sentence, which, followed by a silent concurrence of the other judges, discharged this negro : thereby establishing, that the owners of slaves had no authority or control over them in England, nor was there any power of sending them back to the colonies.
Page 77 - The possession of a number of steady and faithful allies, in various quarters of the globe, will surely be admitted to add greatly to the strength of any nation ; while no alliance between independent states can be so close and intimate as the connection which unites the Colonies to the United Kingdom as parts of the great British Empire.
Page 397 - he has no right to load his own soil, so as to make it require the support of that of his neighbor, unless he has some grant to that effect.
Page 395 - It may be true that if my land adjoins that of another, and I have not by building increased the weight upon my soil, and my neighbour digs in his land so as to occasion mine to fall in, he may be liable to an action. But if I have laid an additional weight upon my land, it does not follow that he is to be deprived of the right of digging his own ground, because mine will then become incapable of supporting the artificial weight which I have laid upon it.