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BERGER, Library, Railroads, Counties and DIETZ, Agriculture, Labor and Industry, Rail

Townships, Printing, Retrenchment and Re-
form, Bureau of Statistics,

BETTS, Centennial Affairs, Electric Railways,
Reform, Insurance,




BIDELSPACHER, Judiciary General, Counties
and Townships, Forestry, Public Roads, Ap-
propriations, Bureau of Statistics.

BLAIR, Federal Relations (Chairman), Manu-
factures, Compare Bills, Legislative Appor-
tionment, Bureau of Statistics, Geological Sur-
vey, Agriculture.

BLUETT, Judiciary General, Judiciary Special.
Corporations, Federal Relations, Appropria
tions, Geological Survey, Bureau of Statistics.

BLUMBERG, Congressional Apportionment, Pub
lic Health and Sanitation, Centennial Affairs.
Geological Survey, Printing, Judiciary Gen
eral, Ways and Means.

BOBACK, Congressional Apportionment, Consti-
tutional Reform, Geological Survey, Judiciary
General, Library.

BRENNEMAN, Judiciary General, Legislative
Apportionment, Appropriations, Public Healti
and Sanitation, Judicial Apportionment, Manu-

BREWSTER, Mines and Mining, Judiciary Spe-
cial, Fisheries, Iron and Coal, Corporations,
Centennial Affairs, Elections.

BROMLEY, Corporations, Judiciary Special,

Manufactures, Banks and Banking, Educa
tion, Centennial Affairs, Elections.

BROWN, Manufactures, Congressional Appor

tionment, Fisheries, Pensions and Gratuities,
Judicial Apportionment, Judiciary Local.

BROWNMILLER, Military, Agriculture, Mines
and Mining, Iron and Coal, Pensions and

BURCHINAL, Agriculture, Judicial Apportion-
ment, Game, Forestry, Insurance.

BURNS, Public Health and Sanitation, Electric Railways, Accounts, Railroads, Public Buildings, Municipal Corporations.

BUSH, Insurance, Corporations, Public Health and Sanitation, Military, Pensions and Gratuities, Education.

CHAPLIN, Municipal Corporations, Manufact-
ures (Chairman), Ways and Means, Counties
and Townships, Game, Fisheries.

CLUTTON, Corporations (Chairman), Education.
Public Roads, Appropriations, Ways


Means, Legislative Apportionment, Compare


COLDSMITH, Railroads, Mines and Mining
Military, Electric Railways, Manufactures,
Compare Bills. Appropriations.


Judiciary Special, Legislative Apportionment,
Statistics, Elections.
Retrenchment and Reform, Compare Bills.
CONNER, Law and Order, Electric Railways,
(Chairman), Appropriations, Mines and Min
ing, Counties and Townships, Ways and
Means, Congressional Apportionment.

COYNE, Municipal Corporations, Elections, Ju-
diciary Special, Compare Bills, Federal Rela-
tions, Electric Railways.

CRAIG. Municipal Corporations, Forestry, Manufactures, Accounts, Bureau of Statistics, Judiciary Special.

DE YOUNG, Judiciary Special, Printing, Public Health and Sanitation, Judicial Apportionment, Retrenchment and Reform.

DIEHM, Fisheries (Chairman), Insurance, Game. Agriculture, Congressional Apportionment, Appropriations, Legislative Apportionment.

roads, Mines and Mining, Public Roads. DILSHEIMER, Appropriations, Electric Railways, Labor and Industry, Law and Order, Municipal Corporations, Public Health and Sanitation.

DONAHOE, Judiciary Special, Municipal CorDRIGGS, Centennial Affairs, Compare Bills, porations, Public Buildings, Judicial Apportionment, Ways and Means, Public Roads. Corporations, Federal Relations, Geological Survey.

DRINKHOUSE, Appropriations, Public Health and Sanitation, Labor and Industry, Banks and Banking, Federal Relations, Congressional Apportionment.

JUNN, Public Health and Sanitation, Elections, Labor and Industry, Electric Railways, Education, Appropriations.

EACHES, Education, Forestry, Labor and Industry, Fisheries, Game, Congressional Apportionment.

CARLEY, Insurance, Puble Health and Sanitation, Game, Iron and Coal, Electric Railways, Compare Bills, Ways and Means, Military.

EDMONDS, Judiciary General, Education, Banks and Banking, Appropriations, Elections, Municipal Corporations.

SHELMAN, Game, Fisheries, Congressional Ap

portionment, Federal Relations, Geological Survey.

EVANS, Bd Pica Agriculture, Public Roads,

and Means, Judiciary Local, Public

EVANS, J., Judiciary General, Judicial Apportionment, Game, Railroads, Compare Bills, Constitutional Reform.

Health and Sanitation, Education.

FIELDS, Congressional Apportionment, Iron and
Coal, Public Buildings, Geological Survey,
Centennial Affairs, Judiciary Local.

FLINCHBAUGH, Judiciary Special, Electric
Railways, Counties and Townships, Congres-
sional Apportionment, Bureau of Statistics,
Ways and Means.

FLYNN, Appropriations, Elections, Ways and
Means, Railroads, Insurance, Manufactures.
FOWLER, A. I., Centennial Affairs, Ways and
Means, Public Roads, Labor and Industry,
Mines and Mining, Constitutional Reform.

COWLER, D., Iron and Coal (Chairman), Labor
and Industry, Geological Survey, Judicial Ap-
portionment, Mines and Mining, Appropria-


FRATT, Municipal Corporations, Public Roads,
Retrenchment and Reform, Pensions and Gra-
tuities, Legislative Apportionment, Iron and


FRAZIER, Public Roads, Agriculture, Judi-
ciary Local, Military, Counties and Townships,
Constitutional Reform.

GALLAHER, Law and Order, Pensions and
Gratuities, Public Roads, Public Health and
Sanitation, Constitutional Reform.

GELDER, Public Roads, Appropriations, Agri-
culture, Counties and Townships,
Apportionment, Insurance, Pensions and Gra-
tuities (Chairman).

GIBBON, Municipal Corporations, Corporations,
Ways and Means, Retrenchment and Reform,
Accounts, Constitutional Reform.

GILCHRIST, Agriculture, Federal Relations,
Iron and Coal, Forestry, Retrenchment and
Reform, Game.

GLASGOW, Municipal Corporations, Compare
Bills, Centennial Affairs, Federal Relations,
Judiciary Special, Legislative Apportionment

GOEHRING, Judiciary General, Judiciary Spe
cial, Centennial Affairs, Judicial Apportion
ment (Chairman), Public Buildings, Federal

GOLDER, Municipal Corporations, Insurance Military, Railroads, Judiciary General (Chairman), Appropriations.

GORHAM, Counties and Townships, Game, Mine
and Mining, Library, Federal Relations, Iron
and Coal.

GOSS, Retrenchment and Reform (Chairman).
Municipal Corporations, Constitutional Reform
Education, Ways and Means, Legislative Ap

GREEBY, Electric Railways, Insurance, Judi-
ciary Local, Manufactures, Congressional Ap
portionment, Federal Relations.

GRIFFITH, Agriculture, Banks and Banking,
Insurance, Public Buildings, Printing, Public

GRIMES, Elections, Public Health and Sanita-
tion, Education, Pensions and Gratuities,

GUERIN, Banks and Banking, Corporations,
Library, Geological Survey, Iron and Coal.
GUNDY, Constitutional Reform, Insurance, LA
brary, Printing, Retrenchment and Reform,
Ways and Means.

HAAS, Municipal Corporations, Manufactures,
Electric Railways, Centennial Affairs, Con
gressional Apportionment, Legislative Appor-

HAINES, Agriculture (Chairman), Appropria-
tions, Manufactures, Public Health and Sani
tation, Game.

HALL, Judiciary Special, Bureau of Statistics,
Corporations, Legislative Apportionment,
Printing, Military.

HARER, Appropriations (Chairman), Ways and
Means, Railroads, Counties and Townships,
Mines and Mining, Municipal Corporations,
Legislative Apportionment.

HARTER, Railroads, Public Buildings, Pen
sions and Gratuities, Legislative Apportion-
ment, Judicial Apportionment.

HASLETT, Public Roads, Judiciary Local, Labor and Industry, Counties and Townships, Forestry, Constitutional Reform (Chairman), Elections.

HAWS, Insurance, Counties and Townships, Manufactures, Forestry, Appropriations, Library.

HEFFERNAN, Railroads, Municipal Corpora-
tions, Mines and Mining, Ways and Means,
Public Building (Chairman), Appropriations.

HEFFRAN, Labor and Industry, Mines and
Mining, Municipal Corporations, Counties and
Townships, Geological Survey, Library.

HENDERSON, Mines and Mining, Geological
Survey, Judiciary Local, Banks and Banking,
Public Buildings, Public Roads.

HETRICK, Agriculture, Centennial Affairs, Ac-
counts, Game, Forestry, Library.

HEYBURN, Agriculture, Public Roads, Federal
Relations, Railroads, Counties and Townships,

HIMES, Education, Mines and Mining, Coun-
thes and Townships, Fisheries, Ways and
Means, Geological Survey.

HOLCOMBE, Agriculture, Education, Forestry,
Game, Mines and Mining, Military.

HOLLIS, Insurance, Forestry, Game, Congres
sional Apportionment, Judiciary Special, Elec-

HONTZ, Iron and Coal, Accounts, Military,
Constitutional Reform, Banks and Banking.

HOOVER, Bureau of Statistics, Retrenchment
and Reform, Pensions and Gratuities, Library,

HORNE, Education (Chairman), Law and Order,
Insurance, Fisheries, Forestry, Municipal Cor-

HOWELL, Centennial Affairs, Compare Bills,
Geological Survey, Judiciary Local, Electric

HUBER, Railroads, Compare Bills, Judicial
Apportionment, Military, Insurance, Pensions
and Gratuities.

IRVIN, Public Ronds, Forestry, Game, Fisher-
ies, Agriculture, Geological Survey, Elections.
JOHNSON, Accounts, Education, Retrenchment
and Reform, Federal Relations, Bureau of

JONES, C. B., Public Roads, Counties and
Townships, Fisheries, Elections, Forestry,
Pensions and Gratuities,

JONES, D. J., Geological Survey, Law and
Order, Judiciary Local, Iron and Coal, Muni-
cipal Corporations (Chairman), Electric Rail-


JONES, E. P., Forestry, Public Roads, Bureau of Statistics, Congressional Apportionment, Fisheries.

KEENE, Judicial Apportionment, Printing, Counties and Townships, Retrenchment and Reform, Judiciary Local.

KELLY, Game, Public Roads, Elections, Public Health and Sanitation, Law and Order, Pensions and Gratuities.

KENNEDY, Judiciary General, Education, Ways
and Means, Corporations, Compare Bills, Pen-
sions and Gratuities.

KOHLER, Judiciary Special, Judiciary General,
Mines and Mining, Labor and Industry, Publie
Buildings, Congressional Apportionment, Pen-
sions and Gratuities.

KORNS, Congressional Apportionment, Judicial
Apportionment, Labor and Industry, Library,
Municipal Corporations, Forestry.

KUNKLE, Judiciary General, Law and Order,
Compare Bills, Manufactures, Printing, Pen-
sions and Gratuities.

LABAR, Judicial Apportionment, Banks and
Banking, Fisheries, Railroads, Education.
LAFFERTY, Law and Order, Railroads, Manu-
factures, Ways and Means, Appropriations,
Printing (Chairman).

LAUVER, Public Health and Sanitation, Ac-
counts, Bureau of Statistics, Legislative Ap-
portionment, Forestry.

LITTLE, Railroads, Legislative Apportionment,
Geological Survey, Manufactures, Municipal
Corporations, Elections.

LONG, Printing, Education, Appropriations,
Labor and Industry, Game, Ways and Means.
LUCAS, Centennial Affairs, Compare Bills, Bu-
reau of Statistics, Banks and Banking, Legis-
lative Apportionment, Corporations.

LUDLOW, Judiciary General. Counties and Townships, Education, Law and Order, Banks and Banking, Printing.

LYNCH, Judiciary Special, Military, Geological | MOORE, Geological Survey, Counties and Town

Survey, Municipal Corporations, Elections.

MACK, Electric Railways, Elections, Public Health and Sanitation, Compare Bills, Counties and Townships.

MacKINNEY, Judiciary General, Law and Order,
Public Roads, Pensions and Gratuities, Con-
stitutional Reform.

MALIE, Municipal Corporations, Corporations,
Labor and Industry, Accounts, Federal Rela-


MANGAN, Labor and Industry (Chairman), Municipal Corporations, Iron and Coal, Corporations, Judicial Apportionment.

MARCUS, JOSEPH, Electric Railways, Legislative Apportionment, Judiciary General, Retrenchment and Reform, Constitutional Reform.

MARCUS, JOSEPH C., Banks and Banking,
Judiciary Special, Corporations, Municipal Cor-
porations, Library, Retrenchment and Reform.

MARSHALL, J. G., Law and Order, Banks and
Banking, Judiciary General, Education, Coun-

ties and Townships, Judiciary Local (Chair


MARSHALL, W. F., Mines and Mining, Public Roads, Compare Bills, Manufactures, Retrenchment and Reform.

MATHAY, Ways and Means, Banks and Bank-
ing, Municipal Corporations, Manufactures,
Corporations, Judiciary General.

MCBRIDE, Counties and Townships, Mines and
Mining, Education, Municipal Corporations,
Elections, Printing.

McCAIG, Appropriations, Law and Order, Manu-
factures, Municipal Corporations, Ways and

McCANN, Military, Public Health and Sanitation, Municipal Corporations, Pensions and Gratuities, Centennial Affairs.

MCCLURE, Judiciary Special, Public Roads, Library, Printing, Municipal Corporations, Elections.

MCCURDY, Counties and Townships (Chairman).
Education, Accounts, Compare Bills, Labor
and Industry, Fisheries.

MeDANIEL, Ways and Means, Manufactures,
Congressional Apportionment, Constitutional
Reform, Iron and Coal, Judiciary General.

MCDERMOTT, Mines and Mining, Labor and
Industry, Geological Survey, Compare Bills,

MCGOWAN, Accounts, Electric Railways, Judi-
ciary Local, Library, Centennial Affairs.

McKIM, Ways and Means, Elections, Education, Appropriations, Municipal Corporations, Judiciary General, Judicial Apportionment.

MOVICAR, Ways and Means, Public Health and Sanitation, Judiciary General, Judicial Apportionment, Constitutional Reform.

METCALF, Fublic Roads, Counties and Townships, Accounts, Electric Railways, Education.

MILLAR, Judiciary General, Insurance, Banks
and Banking, Appropriations, Library, Elec-

MILLER, Corporations, Insurance, Constitutional
Reform, Library, Federal Relations, Accounts.

MINEHART, Corporations Retrenchment and Re-
form, Fisheries, Forestry, Pensions and Gra-
tuities, Judicial Apportionment.

MOFFATT, Judiciary General, Education, Federal Relations, Library, Pensions and Gratuities, Retrenchment and Reform.

ships, Law and Order, Printing, Ways and


MORRISON, Banks and Banking, Electric Railways, Corporations, Legislative Apportionment, Constitutional Reform, Centennial Affairs.

MUNLEY, Judiciary Special, Congressional Ap-
portionment, Military, Public Health and
Sanitation, Iron and Coal.

MYERS, G. C., Public Roads, Game, Forestry.
Agriculture, Banks and Banking.

MYERS, P. M., Centennial Affairs, Iron and
Coal, Library, Public Buildings, Military.
NOLTE, Federal Relations, Geological Survey,
Library, Public Buildings, Judiciary Special,
Electric Railways.

O'BOYLE, Centennial Affairs, Constitutional Re-
form, Public Health and Sanitation, Judiciary
Local, Library.

OGLE, Judiciary Special, Railroads, Ways and Means, Iron and Coal, Compare Bills, Judicial Apportionment, Elections.

ORR, Labor and Industry. Manufactures, Fed

eral Relations, Game, Public Buildings, Constitutional Reform.

PARKINSON, Public Roads, Accounts, Mines and Mining, Fisheries, Agriculture, Congressional Apportionment.

PATTERSON, Public Health and Sanitation, Re-
trenchment and Reform, Military, Accounts,
Bureau of Statistics.

PEELOR, Corporations, Education, Judiciary
General, Printing, Forestry.

PERRY, Geological Survey (Chairman), Appro-
priations, Ways and Means, Law and Order,
Railroads, Manufactures, Judicial Apportion-

PITTS, Public Health and Sanitation, Judiciary Local, Manufactures, Insurance, Electric Railways.

POSEY, Appropriations, Municipal Corporations, Corporations, Judiciary Local, Electric Railways, Judicial Apportionment.

POST, Federal Relations, Ways and Means, Judiciary Local, Legislative Apportionment, Law and Order, Agriculture.

PRICE, Banks and Banking, Ways and Means, Judiciary Special, Municipal Corporations, Accounts, Labor and Industry.

RAYMOND, Agriculture, Electric Railways, Fisheries, Geological Survey, Legislative Apportionment, Labor and Industry.

RHODES, Judiciary Special, Law and Order, Game, Elections, Mines and Mining. RICHARDS, Mines and Mining, Accounts, Insurance, Labor and Industry, Bureau of Statistics, Public Buildings.

RINN, Ways and Means, Manufactures, Elections, Appropriations, Iron and Coal, Military, Municipal Corporations.

RIPPMAN, Education, Judiciary Special, Fish-
eries, Manufactures, Public Health and Sani-
tation, Public Roads.

SAMPLE, Agriculture, Compare Bills, Federal
Relations, Judicial Apportionment, Printing,
Public Buildings.

SARIG, Appropriations, Agriculture, Education,
Public Roads, Electric Railways, Corporations.
SAUTTER, Corporations, Federal Relations, Leg-
islative Apportionment, Pensions and Gratui-
ties, Retrenchment and Reform.

SCHAEFFER, Appropriations, Insurance, Labor, and Industry, Bureau of Statistics (Chairman), Railroads, Public Buildings.

SCHILLING, Fisheries, Appropriations, Compare | STONER, Judiciary General, Municipal Corpora

Bills, Law and Order, Municipal Corporations.

SCHLEITER, Insurance, Bureau of Statistics, Pensions and Gratuities, Public Buildings, Banks and Banking. Elections.

SCHOENER, Insurance, Agriculture, Judiciary Special, Printing, Municipal Corporations. SCHWARTZ, Banks and Banking, Constitutional Reform, Railroads, Printing, Library, Public Buildings,

SHAMBACH, Accounts, Corporations, Fisheries, Forestry, Counties and Townships, Ways and Means.

SHERIDAN, Manufactures, Legislative Apportionment, Law and Order, Printing, Public Buildings.

SMITH, G. A., Judiciary Local, Labor and Industry, Judicial Apportionment, Library, Military.

SMITH, H. J., Manufacturers, Elections, Judiciary Special, Judicial Apportionment, Mines and Mining, Public Roads, Library (Chairman).

tions, Public Buildings, Pensions and Gratuities, Congressional Apportionment, Electric Railways.

STORB, Banks and Banking, Electric Railways, Iron and coal, Judicial Apportionment, Printing.

STORER, Military, Mines and Mining, Banks and Banking, Congressional Apportionment, Centennial Affairs, Public Health and Sanitation.

THOMAS, L. D., Legislative Apportionment, (Chairman), Education, Manufacturers, Public Roads, Corporations, Library, Bureau of Statistics, Elections.

THOMAS, M. G., Education, Constitutional Reform, Elections, Public Health and Sanitation, Military, Agriculture.

THOMPSON, Ways and Means, Manufactures, Geological Survey, Iron and Coal, Constitutional Reform.

VAN ALEN, Judiciary Special, Ways and Means, Military (Chairman), Geological Survey, Electric Railways.

SMITH, HOWARD, Judiciary Local, Elections, VICKERMAN, Elections (Chairman), Law and

Ways and Means, Public Buildings, Public Health and Sanitation, Banks and Banking, Centennial Affairs (Chairman).

SMITH, J. W., Ways and Means, Railroads, Insurance, Appropriations, Library, Retrenchment and Reform.

SOFFEL, Appropriations, Public Health and Sanitation, Manufactures, Elections, Electric Railways, Compare Bills.

SOWERS, Electric Railways, Judiciary General, Railroads, Municipal Corporations, Elections, Judiciary Special (Chairman), Law and Order.

SPANGLER, Appropriations, Banks and Banking, Education, Judiciary General, Manufactures, Municipal Corporations.

SPEISER, Judiciary Special, Constitutional Reform, Insurance, Public Health and Sanitation, Electric Railways.

Order, Appropriations, Pensions and Gratuities, Printing, Education.

WALKER, Retrenchment and Reform, Agriculture, Counties and Townships, Education, Game.

WEAMER, Public Roads, Appropriations, Corporations, Ways and Means, Accounts, Banks and Banking.

WELLS, Public Roads, Judiciary General, Appropriations, Forestry, Ways and Means, Fisheries, Accounts (Chairman).

WETTACH, Appropriations, Public Health and Sanitation, Corporations, Elections, Iron and Coal.

WHEELER, Military, Manufactures, Fisheries, Ways and Means, Public Roads, Legisative Apportionment, Game.

SPROWLS, Appropriations, Banks and Banking, WHITEHOUSE, Judiciary General, Centennial

Public Health and Sanitation, Railroads (Chairman), Labor and Industry, Education, Electric Railways.

STARK, Forestry (Chairman), Appropriations, Agriculture, Public Roads, Fisheries, Education, Insurance.

STAUDENMEIER, Ways and Means, Public Roads, Judiciary Local, Retrenchment and Reform, Printing, Bureau of Statistics, Electric Railways.

STAVITSKI, Corporations, Public Roads, Iron and Coal, Federal Relations, Counties and Townships, Banks and Banking.

STEEDLE, Law and order, Ways and Means, Public Health and Sanitation (Chairman), Public Buildings, Retrenchment and Reform. STERLING, Judiciary General, Education, Insurance (Chairman), Municipal Corporations, Banks and Banking, Retrenchment and Reform, Bureau of Statistics.

STEVENS, A. F., Banks and Banking, Electric Railways, Military, Appropriations, Geological Survey.

STEVENS, A. J., Game, Military, Agriculture,

Accounts, Bureau of Statistics, Elections. STOFFLET, Judiciary General, Constitutional Reform, Retrenchment and Reform, Accounts, Centennial Affairs.

Affairs, Electric Railways, Military, Municipal Corporations.

WHITEMAN, Game, Judiciary General, Approriations, Education, Military, Railroads,

Mines and Mining (Chairman).

WILLIAMS, G. W., Public Roads, (Chairman), Appropriations, Ways and Means, Forestry, Agriculture, Railroads, Retrenchment and Re


WILLIAMS, J. M., Counties and Townships, Banks and Banking, Elections, Federal Relations, Bureau of Statistics.

WONER, Law and Order, Education, Appro

riations, Printing, Geological Survey, Ways and Means (Chairman).

WOOD, N., Agriculture, Game, Public Roads, Forestry, Centennial Affairs.

WOOD, W. P., Game, Education, Ways and Means, Agriculture, Law and Order, Appropriations, Congressional Apportionment (Chairman).

WRIGHT, Banks and Banking, Education, Public Roads, Forestry, Elections, Fisheries.

ZOOK, Appropriations. Elections. Law and Order, Game, Public Roads, Legislative Apportionment, Constitutional Reform.

[blocks in formation]


Absent Voter's Ballot Law declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court at No. 325, January Term 1924, affirming decision of lower court as reported in Bare's Case, 39 Lancaster 13. This cancels Chapter 24, Sections 1-15, page 466, of Digest of Election Laws of Pennsylvania in this manual.

Richard H. Lansburgh, of Swarthmore, Delaware County, became Secretary of Labor and Industry, October 16, 1924, vice Royal Meeker, resigned.

J. Henry Scattergood, of Philadelphia, was appointed Public Service Commissioner, October 2, 1924, vice Samuel M. Clement, Jr., resigned.

The following Court changes in Philadelphia and Berks County are to be noted:

Municipal Court of Philadelphia:

Benjamin H. Renshaw, vice McNichol, deceased.
Commission expires first Monday of January, 1926.

Common Pleas Court of Philadelphia, No. 5:
Frank Smith, vice Staake, resigned.
Commission expires first Monday of January, 1926.
Common Pleas Court, District No. 23, Berks County:

Paul N. Schaeffer, President Judge, vice Endlich, resigned.
Edgar S. Richardson, vice Bertolet, resigned.

Commissions expire first Monday of January, 1926.

he following are the Senate members of the Farm Labor Commission:

Horace W. Schantz, Charles Wesley Sones, and Frederick W. Culbertson.

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