Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:- tion. 1. In this Act, unless the context otherwise re- Interpretaquires, "street railway" or "railway" means a railroad, railway or tramway, including poles, wires or other appliances and equipment connected therewith of the class operated by motive power other than steam and usually constructed in, under or above the public streets, ways and places. "Location" as applied to a street railway, means the grant to a street railway company of the right to construct, maintain and operate a street railway in a public way or place. “The Board" means the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities Commission. 'Public way authority. means any way laid out by public Council" means the Council of any city, town or municipality. Act of Incorporation' includes Acts passed in amendment thereof. 2. All street railway or tramway companies shall Application be subject to the provisions of this Act and all such of Act. Board may order extension. Notice of hearing on petition. Rules and board. companies shall continue to exercise and enjoy the powers and privileges granted and be subject to the liabilities imposed by their respective charters or Acts of Incorporation, except as modified and controlled by the provisions of this Act. 3. The Board, upon the petition of the Council or of fifty qualified voters of a city, town or municipality in which the tracks of the street railway company are laid, or of the directors of a street railway company, after notice and a hearing as hereinafter provided, may order the extension of the tracks of said Company and grant a location for the same and prescribe how and the time within which said tracks shall be laid and the kinds of rails, poles, wires and other appli ances which shall be used in addition to the provisions of the law governing such company as the public interest may in their judgment require. The work required to be performed under any such order shall be done in accordance with any ordinance or regulation in force in the city or town or municipality, and to the satisfaction of the authority or official or person specified in the charter or Act of Incorporation of the street railway company concerned. 4. Before making any order upon any petition presented to it under the provisions of Section 3, the Board shall give fourteen days' notice of the time and place for a hearing on such petition in one or more newspapers, if any, published in said city, town or municipality; and if after a hearing they are of opinion that public necessity and convenience so require, they shall order such extension or any portion thereof. 5. The Board may from time to time on the appliregulations of cation of a Council or the Directors of a street railway company or of its own motion make such rules, regulations or orders as to the manner and extent of use of tracks and the number, frequency and routes of cars to be run over said tracks in any city, town or municipality as the interest of public travel may require, and, subject thereto, the directors of a street railway company may, from time to time, establish regulations for the use of its road and cars subject to the approval, revision or alteration of the Board. require cars and ventil 6. The Board shall require street railway com- Board may panies to ventilate and heat their cars when in use to be heated for the transportation of passengers, at such times, ated. by such means and to such extent as the Board determines, and a company shall forfeit twenty-five dollars for each trip run by any of its cars not so ventilated or heated unless in case of accident to the heating process or apparatus, or other unavoidable accident. platforms to men. 7. On and after the first day of December in the Enclosure of year nineteen hundred and eleven, all street cars protect motorin use for the transportation of passengers in the months of November, December, January, February and March in each year, shall have their platforms all enclosed in such manner as to protect the motorman, conductors or other employees who operate such cars, from exposure to wind and weather in such manner as the Board shall approve. failure to en preceding 8. A street railway company which fails or ne- Penalty for glects to comply with the provisions of the preceding force next section shall be liable to a penalty of not more than section. twenty-five dollars for each day during which such neglect continues. accommoda sen ers. ! 9. Every street railway company shall furnish Reasonable reasonable accommodation for the conveyance of tion for paspassengers, and for every wilful neglect to provide such accommodation shall forfeit not less than five nor more than twenty dollars; and its directors may establish the rates of fare for all passengers conveyed in its cars, subject, however, to the limitations set out in its Act of Incorporation. order addi modations. 10. If in the opinion of the Board, additional Board may accommodations for the travelling public are re- tional accomquired upon any street railway, it may, after due notice to the company, and a hearing as provided in section 3, make an order requiring such additional accommodations to be provided as it determines are just, and may alter, renew or revoke the order. A street railway company which neglects to comply with such order, shall forfeit to the use of the city or town or municipality for which such additional accommodations are ordered, or if they are to be provid Special service and special rates. Board to report continued violations to AttorneyGeneral. Appeal to Jurisdiction of Penalties re coverable by civil action. Repeal of charter provisions. ed for more than one city, town, or municipality, to the use equally of such cities, towns or municipalities, fifty dollars for each day thereafter during which such neglect continues. 11. Street railway companies may provide cars for special service and may make special rates therefor; and may make special rates for working men and working women on week days between the hours of six and eight o'clock in the morning, twelve o'clock noon and one o'clock and five and seven in the evening and for children attending school. 12. If in the judgment of the Board a street railway company has violated any law relative to such company, and after notice in writing from the Board continues such violations, the Board shall forthwith present the facts to the Attorney-General for his action. 13. Any street railway or any person aggrieved by any decision or order of the Board may appeal therefrom to the Governor-in-Council in the same manner as provided in Chapter 1, Acts of 1909, relating to the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities. 14. The Supreme Court, or a judge thereof, shall have jurisdiction at the suit or action of a city, town or municipality in which the street railway is located, or at the suit or action of the Attorney-General on the relation of a ratepayer, to compel the observance of and to restrain the violation of any of the provisions of this Act and of all orders, rules and regulations made under the authority of this Act by the Board. 15. Any penalty imposed under this Act for violation of any of its provisions or for violation of any orders, rules or regulations made under the authority of this Act by the Board, shall be recoverable by civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction by the Attorney-General. 16. Any provisions contained in the Act of incorporation of any street railway, and the rules thereunder conferring upon any city, town or municipality |