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Province, and such charter, when published in the Royal Gazette, shall have the same force and effect as if it were an Act of the Legislature of Nova Scotia.

Repeal and substitution.

Speed of motor vehicles.

Warning on approaching bridge, &c.

Consent of owner.


An Act to Amend Chapter 44 of the Acts of 1907,
entitled "An Act in Relation to the Regis-
tration and Identification of Motor Vehicles,
and the use of the Public Highways by
such Vehicles."

[blocks in formation]

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. Sub-section (1) of section 3 of Chapter 44 of the Acts of 1907 is repealed and the following substituted therefor:

3. (1) No person shall operate a motor vehicle on a public highway at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and proper, having regard to the traffic and use of the highway, or so as to endanger the life or limb of any person, or the safety of any property, or in any event, in cities and incorporated towns at a greater rate than one mile in five minutes, and elsewhere than in cities and incorporated towns at a greater rate than one mile in three minutes.

2. Sub-section 2 of said section 3 is amended by adding thereto the following words: "and shall in all such cases give warning of its approach.'

3. Said section 3 is further amended by adding thereto the following sub-section:

(6) No person shall operate a motor vehicle on any public highway without the knowledge and consent of the owner thereof.


An Act to Amend Chapter 8, Acts of 1908, "The Coal
Mines Regulation Act.''

[blocks in formation]

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. Section 46 of Chapter 8 of the Acts of 1908 is Lighting amended by inserting the following general rule after stations. rule 6 of said section:

(6A.) In every mine in which closed safety lamps are required under the provisions of this Act, there shall be provided at or in the mine such lighting station or stations as the extent and nature of the workings require.

2. General rule 7 of said section 46 is amended as Regulation as to lights. follows:

(a) by striking out the words "without due authority'' in line 14 of said rule, and

(b) by inserting after the word "unlocked" in said line, the words "except at a lighting station,'' and

(c) by striking out the words "unless he is appointed for the purpose'' in line 16 of said. rule, and inserting in lieu thereof the words except at a lighting station.'

mine examiner.

3. Rule 7A added to said section 46 by Chapter Lamps used by 50 of the Acts of 1909 is repealed and the following substituted therefor:

7A. Every mine examiner shall, at all times, while in the discharge of his duties as mine examiner, use a locked safety lamp, and shall observe such

Proviso until regulation approved.

Security of travelling road, &c.

Permits to stationary engineers.

provisions as to being accompanied by an employee of the company, and such other precautions as to safety as the Commissioner, on the recommendation of the inspector and the deputy inspectors, may from time to time, by regulations approved by the Governor-in-Council, prescribe. The application of such regulations may be made general or may be limited to such mine or mines as conditions require.

4. Said rule 7A as set out in Chapter 5 of the Acts of 1909 shall continue in force until the regulations mentioned in the next preceding section have been approved by the Governor-in-Council.

5. Rule 16 of said section 46 is amended by inserting the words "and of reasonable height, having regard to the nature of the workings'' after the word secure'' in line two of said rule.

6. Section 96 of Chapter 8 of the Acts of 1908, "The Coal Mines Regulation Act,'' is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor:

96. On the recommendation of any member of the Board of Examiners appointed under the provisions of this Chapter relating to stationary engineers, the inspector may grant special permits to engineers to take charge of a steam plant and engineers to take charge of stationary engines for limited periods, which permits shall for the time therein specified be in all respects equivalent to certificates of service or competency for the purposes mentioned in such permits. No such special permit shall be valid after the holding of the regular examination of candidates for engineers' certificates next following the granting of such special permit.


An Act to Amend Chapter 8, Acts of 1908, "The
Coal Mines Regulation Act."'

[blocks in formation]

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

Act amended.

1. Section 2 of Chapter 8, Acts of 1908, "The Application of Coal Mines Regulation Act,'' is amended by adding thereto the following words: "whether such minerals are held under lease from the Crown or are the property of the owner of the soil.''


An Act to Amend the Nova Scotia Elections Act.

[blocks in formation]

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assem

bly, as follows:

1. Section 34 of Chapter 6 of the Acts of 1909, Polling hours. "The Nova Scotia Elections Act," is amended by strik

ing out the word "eight'' in the second line of said sec

tion and substituting therefor the word "nine.''

2. Section 53 of said Chapter 6 is amended by Marking ballot. inserting the words "black lead'' immediately before the word "pencil'' in the seventh line of said section.

Sections added.

Charge of impersonation.

Detention of

person charged.

Warrant for arrest of per


3. Said Chapter 6 is further amended by adding immediately after section 96 thereof the following sections:

(96A.) If a person is charged at a polling station with having committed the offence of personation, the presiding officer at such polling station may, and, if requested so to do on behalf of a candidate, shall, take the information on oath of the person making the charge; and such information may be made in the form given in the schedule hereto.

(96B.) If the person against whom it is proposed to lay the information has not left the polling station, the presiding officer may, either of his own motion or at the request of anyone proposing forthwith to lay such information, detain or direct the detention of such person until a written information can be drawn.

(96C.) Upon receiving the information, the presidson charged. ing officer may, on the polling day, but not afterwards, issue his warrant in the form in the schedule hereto, for the arrest of the person charged, in order that he may be brought before the justices or stipendiary magistrate therein named, to answer to the said information and to be further dealt with according to law. Such warrant shall be sufficient authority for any peace officer to detain such person until he is brought before such justices or stipendiary magis

in information.

Poll clerk to have power of constable in certain cases.


(96D.) If the correct name of the person charged is unknown to the informant, it shall be sufficient, in the information and other proceedings to describe the person charged as a person whose name is to the informant unknown, but who is detained under the order of the presiding officer; or the person may be described in such other manner as will suitably identify him; and, when the name of the person so charged is ascertained, it shall be stated in any subsequent warrant or proceeding.

(96E.) Every poll clerk shall have the authority of a constable for the purpose of carrying out the pro

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