Repeal and substitution. Appointment of sub-collectors. "Building lines." (3) The said sum of six hundred and fifty dollars each shall be paid to the sub-collectors for the year beginning 1st May, 1911, and the additional amount required for that purpose over the amount included in the estimate may be borrowed from any bank or other fund available, and shall be included in the estimates for the year 1912-13, and collected along therewith. 4. Section 281 is hereby repealed, and the following substituted : 281. The Collector for the City of Halifax shall appoint a sufficient number of sub-collectors or bailiffs -not less than four-for whose fidelity and acts he shall be responsible to the City of Halifax. He shall also have the power to suspend any such sub-collectors; but all such appointments or suspensions shall be subject to the approval of the City Council. The sub-collectors shall be required to furnish a bond to the Collector from an approved guarantee company for the due performance of their duty. Ratification of 5. (1) The building lines purporting to be established by the Council under section 547 by resolution dated March 9th, 1911, adopting a report of the City Engineer presented at a meeting on that date, in respect to Quinpool Road, that is to say: On the north and east sides of Quinpool Road, between Elm Street and Chebucto Road, a build ing line distant thirty (30) feet northwardly and eastwardly from the north and east lines of the said Quinpool Road; and On the south side of Quinpool Road between Elm Street and the west boundary of Sir Charles Tupper's property "Armdale,'' a building line distant thirty (30) feet south from the southern line of Quinpool Road, are hereby ratified and declared to be legally established under the said section, notwithstanding that such road had been opened as a street and accepted by the City, and buildings erected thereon before the coming into force of the Charter. (2) After the passing of this Act, no person shall build or place any building or structure or any portion thereof on any property fronting on the said sides of the said road between the building lines so established and the line of the said road. Board of 6. Every account contracted by the City Health Balc Board shall, before being paid, be sent to the Council counts to be for approval. approved by Council. Instalment 7. Chapter 65, section 10, sub-section (1) of the payments. Acts of 1906 is amended by striking out the word "five" in the second line thereof and substituting the word "ten' therefor, but this amendment shall not apply to any sidewalk constructed before 1st January, 1910. 8. Section 9 of Chapter 47 of the Acts of 1910, and Chapter 48 of the Acts of 1910, are hereby repealed, and the following sections substituted therefor, and for section 817 of the City Charter: Repeal and substitution. Limit of 817. (1) The amount so specified by the Board amount. shall not exceed the sum of one hundred and forty thousand dollars in any one year, unless a detailed and itemized estimate, showing the amount so specified and required for the various services, is submitted to the City Council before the 6th day of December for approval. (2) If the Council does not, before the 11th day of December, signify to the Board, in writing, any objection to such estimates, they shall be deemed to be approved by the Council, and shall be included by the Council in the estimates of the amount to be rated and collected for the ensuing year. (3) If the Council disapproves of the said estimates, or any item thereof, and communicates its objection to the Board, in writing, specifying the objection, before the 18th day of December, such estimates shall, unless the Board assert an appeal from such objection as hereinafter provided, be deemed to be varied as specified in such objection, and the amount as so varied shall be rated and collected as aforesaid. (4) Upon the receipt of any such objection, the Board may, on or before the 23rd day of December, appeal therefrom to the Governor-in-Council, who may hear such appeal, and may dispose of the matter of such objection, or may otherwise vary or amend such estimates as is deemed fit, provided that any such appeal shall be determined by the Governor-inCouncil on or before the 28th day of December. The Governor-in-Council shall notify the mayor of the time and place of hearing any such appeal, and the Council may attend and be heard thereat. The determination of the Governor-in-Council shall be forthwith communicated to the Mayor, and the amount of the estimates of the Board, as determined by the Governor-in-Council, shall be rated and collected as aforesaid. (5) In any such estimate the Board shall state the amount estimated to be received from the Provincial Treasury, and all sources other than the City of Halifax, and shall specify the total amount intended to be expended by the Board during the ensuing year, and the Board shall not expend in the year a greater sum than the total amount so specified, and any or all moneys received by the Board in excess of such total amount, and all other sums not expended by the Board, shall be deemed an unexpended balance within section 316, and paid to the trustees of the Reserve and Sinking Funds, to be invested and dealt with as part of such funds. The trustees of the sinking fund shall annually furnish to the School Board a statement of the amount of such balance and the accumulation thereof available for the redemption of the bonds issued on School Board account. (6) If the Board fails to pay to the said trustees the amount of any such unexpended balances, the trustees shall forthwith notify the treasurer of such failure and of the amount of the balance not paid, and the treasurer shall, notwithstanding the provisions of section 818, retain the amount so unpaid out of the next instalment of moneys payable to the Board under the provisions of that section and pay the same to the trustees for the purpose of the said fund. (7) This section shall apply and have effect in respect to any such unexpended balance in the hands. of the Board on the first day of May, 1911. 9. Chapter 68 of the Acts of 1907, section 3, sub- Amendment. section (3), is hereby amended by striking out the word "two" in the last line thereof, and substituting the word "one'' in the place thereof. tion of Miss Warren. 10. The City shall pay Miss Josephine Warren Superannuaof the Citizens' Free Library the sum of two hundred Josephine and fifty ($250.00) dollars yearly during her life. For the civic year beginning first May, 1911, the amount required may be borrowed from any bank or other fund available and the amount so borrowed, with interest, shall be included in the estimates for 1912-13 and rated and collected along therewith. substitution. 11. Sub-section (2) of section 41, Chapter 69, Acts Repeal and of 1907, is repealed and the following substituted: tion of S. R. (2) If the Council at any time exercises the said Superannua power to superannuate Stephen R. Phalen, the amount Phalen. requisite to pay such superannuation for the unexpired portion of the civic year may be borrowed from any bank or other fund available, and together with the interest thereon included in the estimates for the next ensuing civic year, and rated and collected along therewith. Grand Parade. 12. The Council may expend a sum not exceeding Band on one hundred dollars yearly in defraying the transportation expenses of the band of the Royal Canadian Regiment furnishing music on the Grand Parade, and the amount so expended may be included in the yearly estimates for the current civic year; the amount voted for such purpose may be borrowed from any bank or other fund available, and together with the interest thereon included in the estimates for 1912-13. An Act to enable a Plebiscite to be taken in the City of Halifax on the question of a Board Plebiscite authorized on Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:--- 1. A poll of the electors of the City of Halifax shall question, &c., be taken in manner as hereinafter provided to ascerBoard of Contain whether they are in favor: trol. (a) of the reduction of the number of aldermen from eighteen to twelve; and |