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Register of assessment.

lars, and he may, unless the Town Council specifically declares to the contrary, fill the office and perform the duties of registrar of voters.

7. Such Town Assessor shall keep a complete register of all the real estate within the town, giving the description of each property sufficient to designate it and the street or locality in which it is situated, and the name of the owner or owners thereof, if the same can be ascertained.

Date of elections.


of voter, as to

payment of



An Act to Enable the Town of Glace Bay to Change the date of Election of Mayor and Councillors.

(Passed the 31st day of March, A. D., 1911.)


1. Date of Elections.


2. Qualification of voter, as to payment of taxes.

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. That the election of mayor and councillors for the Town of Glace Bay shall, beginning with the year 1912, be held on the first Tuesday of March of each year.

2. That in the election of mayor and councillors for the Town of Glace Bay, sub-section (h) of section 71 of Chapter 71 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1900, the Towns' Incorporation Act, as amended by the Acts of 1910, be repealed and the following substituted:-(b) Unless by law exempt from taxation has fully paid his rates and taxes of all kinds due up to and including the previous year, on or be fore the 31st day of January preceding the day of election.


An Act to Authorize the Town of Glace Bay to Borrow
Money by a Temporary Loan.

(Passed the 31st day of March, A. D., 1911.)


1. Power to borrow.


2. Money borrowed to be paid
off out of revenue.

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:



The Town of Glace Bay is hereby authorized Power to and empowered to borrow on the credit of the town by a temporary loan, a sum not exceeding thirty-five thousand dollars, for the purpose of paying off existing indebtedness of the town.

2. Any sum borrowed by the town under provisions of the next preceding section shall paid off out of the revenue of the town within year from the date of the passing of this Act.

the Money bor-
be paid off out of

rowed to be




An Act to Authorize the Town of Inverness to Borrow
Money to Extend its Water System.

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Whereas, at a meeting of the ratepayers of the Preamble. Town of Inverness, duly convened under the provisions of the Towns Incorporation Act, and held on the 28th day of February, 1911, it was resolved that the Town Council be authorized to apply to the present session of the Legislature for authority to borrow the sum of $3000.00 to extend the water system of

the said town;

Power to boriow.

Debentures. how issued.

Debentures to
Jorm a lien.

Money, how paid out.


Sinking fund.

Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. The Town Council for the Town of Inverness is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow on the credit of the town, as defined in the "Act for supplying the Town of Inverness with water,'' Chapter 93, Acts of 1905, and amendments, and for the purposes only of the water system and the supply of the town and extensions and improvements thereof, a sum or sums not exceeding in all the sum of three thousand dollars.

2. For the purpose of effecting loans under the authority of this Act, the said Town Council is empowered to make and issue, subject to the provisions of The Municipal Debentures Act, 1902, from time to time, as the Council may deem expedient, the town's debentures, each in the sum of one hundred dollars, or multiples thereof, bearing interest at such rate as the Council shall determine, not exceeding five per centum per annum; said debentures to be redeemable within such periods, not exceeding thirty years from the date thereof, as the Council may determine.

3. Such debentures shall form a lien upon and be a charge against the property liable to taxation within the town of Inverness and all the revenues of the town.

4. The moneys so borrowed under the provisions of this Act shall be paid into the hands of the Treasurer of the Town of Inverness, and shall be by him paid out for the purposes mentioned in section 1 of this Act, and for no other purpose.

5. The Town Council shall annually add to the amount to be rated and levied upon the real and personal property of the town for general purposes a sufficient sum to pay said interest and the expenses of collecting and disbursing the same, and shall also provide for the payment of the principal of said debentures as herein provided.

6. In order to provide a sinking fund for the payment of the debentures authorized to be issued under this Act, the Town Council shall annually add

to the general assessment to be levied upon the ratepayers of the said town, such sum as may be fixed by resolution of the Town Council, not, however, to be less than two per cent. of the amount borrowed under the provisions of this Act, and such sums shall be rated and collected in the same manner and with the same remedies, as other rates and taxes of the said town are rated and collected.

meeting of


7. Inasmuch as the ratepayers of the said town No further have, in manner by law provided, already authorized ratepayers the borrowing of the said sum hereby authorized, it shall not be necessary to convene any additional meeting of the said ratepayers as a condition precedent to the borrowing of said money, or any part thereof, or the issuing of said debentures or the doing of any matter or thing by this Act authorized.



An Act to Authorize the Town of Inverness to Borrow
Money for the Purpose of Erecting a Town Hall,
Court House, Fire Brigade Rooms and

[blocks in formation]

Whereas, by Chapter 112 of the Acts of 1907, the Preamble. Town of Inverness was authorized to borrow a sum not exceeding $4,000, for the purpose of erecting a town hall and fire house;

And Whereas, the said sum of $4,000.00 was so borrowed under the authority of the said Act;

And Whereas, the Town Council of said town deeming said sum of $4,000.00 insufficient for this purpose, did convene, under the authority of "The Towns'

Power to borrow.

Debentures to form a lien.

Money, how paid out.


Incorporation Act," a meeting of the ratepayers of the
said Town of Inverness on the 28th day of February,
A. D., 1911, for the purpose of securing from the
ratepayers, authority to borrow a further sum of
$6,000.00 to erect and equip said town hall, fire
brigade rooms, court
court house
house and lock-up house
for the use of the said town;

And Whereas, on the 28th day of February, A. D., 1911, at a meeting of the ratepayers of said Town of Inverness, held pursuant to notice duly given, said town was authorized to borrow the further sum of $6,000.00 for the purpose aforesaid;

Therefore be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. The Town of Inverness is authorized to borrow a sum not exceeding $6,000.00 on debentures bearing interest at a rate not exceeding 5 per centum per annum, redeemable in thirty years from the date thereof, for the purpose of securing an additional sum of $6,000.00, as aforesaid, in addition to the sum of $4,000.00 borrowed under Chapter 112 of the Acts of 1907, to enable the said town to build and equip a town hall, court house, fire brigade rooms and lock-up house.

2. Such debentures shall form a lien upon, and be a charge against, the property liable to taxation within the Town of Inverness and all, the revenues of the town.

3. The moneys borrowed under the provisions of this Act shall be paid into the hands of the Treasurer of the town of Inverness, and shall be by him paid out for the purchase of a site and the erection and equipping of a town hall and fire house, court house and lock-up house, and for the necessary repairs to the fire station, as the Town Council determines, and for no other purposes.

4. The Town Council shall annually add to the amount to be rated and levied upon the real and personal property of the town, for general purposes, a sufficient sum to pay said interest and the expense

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