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How elected by "Old Boys Ass'n.''

How elected by Board Governors.



two years, and on the expiration of the term of either of said members, his successor shall be elected by said Synod at the annual meeting of said Synod for a term of two years, one of said members retiring annually.

4. In the first election of the three members of the Governing Body elected by the Old Boys' Association of the Collegiate School of Kings College, Windsor, referred to in section 2 hereof, one of the three members elected by said Association shall be elected for the term of one year, the second of such three members for the term of two years, and the third of such three members for the term of three years; and on the expiration of the term of any of said members his successor shall be elected by said Association at the annual meeting of said Association for a term of three years, one of said members retiring annually.

5. In the first election of the four members of the Governing Body elected by the Board of Governors of Kings College, Windsor, referred to in section 2 hereof, one of the four members elected by said Board shall be elected for the term of one year, the second of such four members for the term of two years, the third of such four members for the term of three years, and the fourth of such four members for the term of four years; and on the expiration of the term of any of said members, his successor shall be elected by said Board at the annual meeting of said Board for a term of four years, one of said members retiring annually.

Vacancies, how 6. Any vacancy occurring, whether by death, resignation, incapacity or inability to serve, failure to appoint a member, removal from office or otherwise among the members of said Governing Body, may be filled by the Executive Committee of the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia, by the Executive Committee of the Old Boys' Association of the Collegiate School of Kings College, Windsor, or by the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors of Kings College, Windsor, respectively, from among the members of said Synod, Association or Board, as the case may be, and any member so elected shall hold office until the expiration of the term for which the member whose seat is vacated was elected.

7. Notwithstanding any vacancy existing or oc- Powers to con curring in said Governing Body, the remaining mem- vacancy. bers thereof shall have and enjoy all the powers, rights and privileges hereby conferred.

erning Body.

8. The said Governing Body shall have power to Powers of Gov adopt a common seal, to sue and be sued, to acquire, hold, occupy, enjoy, lease, mortgage, sell and convey all real and personal property, to borrow money on the credit of the Corporation, to give security therefor, to make and execute conveyances, agreements and contracts; to make and establish such statutes, ordinances, by-laws, rules and regulations for the conduct of meetings, and all matters within or under the jurisdiction of said Governing Body; the management of the property of the Governing Body, the appointment, duties and removal of masters, teachers, instructors, matrons, nurses, servants and agents; the instruction, discipline and government of students, the management and control of all matters and things respecting the Collegiate School which to them shall seem meet; and the enjoyment and exercise of all rights, powers, privileges and authorities hitherto had, held or exercised by the Board of Governors of Kings College, Windsor, in respect of said Collegiate School. Subject, nevertheless, to the approval of the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia for the time being.


9. No member of said Governing Body shall be Limited liabili liable in his person or estate for any debts or liability contracted on behalf of said Governing Body, unless he shall expressly agree to be answerable therefor.

10. So much of the existing law as is inconsistent Repeal. with this Act is hereby repealed.


An Act to Incorporate St. Paul's Branch Number 40, of the League of the Cross Total Abstinence Society, Seaside, in the County of Inverness.

[blocks in formation]

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

Incorporation. 1. The Reverend Colin Chisholm, P. P., of St. Peter's parish, Port Hood, Inverness County; Angus R. McDonald, J. Archibald McDonald, Daniel J. McMillan, Duncan J. Gillis, John J. McDonald and Ronald D. McDonald, all of Seaside, in the County of Inverness, and such other persons as are now or hereafter may become members of "St. Paul's Branch No. 40, of the League of the Cross," Seaside, are hereby created a body corporate by the name of "St. Paul's Branch, No. 10, of the League of the Cross," Seaside, and shall have perpetual succession, and a common seal, with the right to acquire, hold, transmit and convey real and personal property, and shall have and enjoy all the privileges, rights and immunities usually possessed and enjoyed by corporations.


2. The objects of this Society shall be

(a) to promote the glory of God and elevate the religious and social estate of our people by the formation of a sound public opinion on the temperance question and the cordial union of all Catholics, both clergy and laity, in a warfare against drunkenness and the drinking habits of society;

(b) the support and maintenance of a public library and reading rooms well supplied with newspapers, magazines and other literature, and

the procuring of instruction and lectures to be
given on subjects of general interest or import-
ance, and the otherwise aiding in the dissemin-
ation of useful knowledge and the cultivation of
high moral standards;

(c) the providing, by building, purchasing or leasing of a hall or halls, or of apartments suitable for concerts and other entertainments, and for the cultivation of music, art, science and literature;

(d) the establishment of a gymnasium in connection with such Society and the holding of any and all kinds of lawful games, including athletics of every sort;

(e) the doing of anything incidental to the foregoing.


3. The seven persons first named in section 1 of Board of this Act, shall constitute the Board of Trustees for the said corporation, and shall hold office from the date of the passing of this Act until the first regular meeting of the said corporation in the month of January, A.D. 1912, when their successors in office shall be elected. And thereafter such Board of Trustees shall be elected annually at the first regular meeting of the corporation in the month of January; provided, however, that the parish priest for the time being of St. Peter's parish, Port Hood, shall at all times be considered the senior trustee, ex officio.

4. The corporation shall have power to make by-By-laws. laws for the regulation of its meetings, the appointment of its officers, and generally as to all matters pertaining to the order and good government of the Society, or to adopt any such by-laws already made, and also to alter or amend the same, provided that such by-laws shall only be made, adopted, altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at a regular meeting of the Society.

5. Ten members of the Society shall form a quor- Quorum. um, and be competent to transact the business of the Society at any regular, special or annual meeting. In

Regular and special meet


Limited lity.

real estate.


the absence of the president or vice-president, the members present shall appoint one of their number chairman.

6. The regular meetings of the Society shall be held weekly at such time and place as the majority of the Society shall determine. Special meetings shall be called on the requisition to the president of five members, such requisition to state the business for which such meeting is to be convened, and no other business shall be taken up at any such special meeting. The annual meeting of the Trustees shall take place in the first week in the month of January in each year, at the regular place of meeting.

7. No member of the Society shall be liable for the debts of the Society unless he shall have rendered himself liable by becoming surety for the debts of the Society or corporation.

Power to hold' 8. The corporation may acquire, hold, lease, mortgage and sell real estate and personal property not exceeding in value five thousand dollars. The real estate and personal property of the corporation shall be held in the corporate name of the Society, but shall be managed by the Board of Trustees. The said board shall not have power to buy, sell or mortgage any real estate without first obtaining the consent of the Society at a regular weekly meeting, but they shall have power, subject to the discretion of the Society, to incur all expenses necessary for the preservation and keeping in repair of the property of the corporation.

how executed.

Documents, 9. When authorized by the Society the Board of Trustees may, on behalf of the Society, execute any and all necessary documents for the purchase, sale, mortgage or other disposal of any real or personal property of the Society.

Society may sue and be sued.

Certain proper

ty vested.

10. The said Society may enter into and execute contracts, and also sue and be sued in its corporate


11. Upon the passing of this Act the property of the said St. Paul's Branch No. 40, League of the Cross,

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