The twenty-third Article was adopted by the legislatures of the political years 1858 and 1859, and ratified by the people on the ninth day of May, 1859. The twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth Articles were adopted by the legislatures of the political years 1859 and 1860, and ratified by the people on the seventh day of May, 1860. The twenty-sixth Article was adopted by the legislatures of the political years 1862 and 1863, and ratified by the people on the sixth day of April, 1863. Armies, Standing, to be maintained only with consent of Legisla- Bail and Sureties, Excessive, not to be demanded, Bills and Resolves, to be laid before the Governor for revisal, 8 9 Bills, Money, to originate in the House of Representatives, Body Politic, how formed, and nature of, Bribery or Corruption in obtaining an Election, to disqualify for 16 3 • Office, • • • 29 Civil and Military Officers, duties of, to be prescribed by Legisla- ture, 11 Commander-in-Chief. See Governor. Commerce, Manufactures, Arts, &c., encouragement of, 26 Commission Officers, Tenure of, to be expressed in Commission, 24 Commissions, how made, signed, countersigned, and sealed, 29 Congress, Delegates to, how chosen and commissioned, 24 Council, and the manner of settling Elections by the Legislature, 22 66 Court, Superior, Judges of, prohibited from holding other Offices, . 33 8,21 10 66 of Record and Judicatories, the General Court may establish, 10 Districts, Councillor, how established and arranged, 12, 37, 38 Page 35, 36 12, 36, 41 24 Districts, Representative, how formed, Towns may unite in, Senatorial, how established and arranged, Divorce and Alimony, causes of, how determined, Duties of Civil and Military Officers, to be prescribed by Legisla- ture, E. Elections, by Legislature, Order and adjournment of, by the People, Plurality of votes to prevail in, . 11 Election Returns, by whom examined, &c., Enacting Style, established, . Encouragement of Literature, 23 37 6 13,38 30 26 Felony and Treason, conviction of, by Legislature, forbidden, when to assemble, and when to be dissolved, . 9, 18, 33 Governor to be sworn in presence of both Houses, the holding of other Offices by, prohibited, and Council may prorogue the Legislature, Habeas Corpus, benefit of, secured, 66 Η. not to be suspended more than twelve months, Page 27, 28 18 17 19 9 9,10 18 13,38 29 29 25 |